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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- DCSI Case Histories - B810401 | Сравнить
- Interviews - B810401-2 | Сравнить

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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
(Also issued as an HCO PL, same date and title.)
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
RemimeoDCSI Delivery Course Checksheet
Exec HatsAll AOs, St. Hills and Cl. IV Orgs qualified to deliver DCSIs
TechDianetic Clear Series 15


Registrar Hat


D of P Hat
  • HCOB 3 Apr 81C/S Series 112, Dianetic Clear Series 14, C/SING THE DCSI
C/S Hat
  • HCOB2 May 79R IDianetic Clear Series 4, DCSI Rev. 25 Mar 81
  • HCO

    Div 6The revision of the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive was extensively piloted on a variety of cases, from those with relatively little auditing and training to those who had done OT Levels through OT IIIX and were classed auditors.

    Chaplain Hat

    Several of these have been compiled and written up and will be of interest to auditors and C/Ses delivering DCSIs. The data and handlings contained in them in no way supplant tech references for auditing, C/Sing or handling of cases. To fully handle cases one needs to know HCOBs, tapes and Dianetics and Scientology books.

    Ethics Officers

    Studying these case histories will provide one with an understanding of why revisions in the DCSI were necessary. Furthermore, they serve to illustrate points of caution in the Intensive, but more importantly, they give an idea of the results that will be obtained through standard application of the materials.



    “A proper org board is a perpetual combination of flows which do not collide with one another and which do enter and do experience the desired change and which do leave as a product.”

    Case Data: No Grades, had done Purif and Survival Rundown. Had had a DCSI previously but was later found to be reading on a botched DCSI and so was put onto the DCSI pilot. Had attested to „natural Clear“ after his first DCSI.

    Org Series 1
    HCO PL 13 Sep 70, Iss II

    Results: This case points out very well the importance of doing a thorough FES and Folder Study before doing the DCSI (or any auditing, for that matter).

    Interviews play a vital part in the correct routing and smooth flow of pcs and students on org lines.

    The SCN C/S-1 step was omitted because the PC, it was thought, had a good grasp of auditing and its procedures. The Special Assessments did not reveal too much and the PC didn’t have much come up on the former release rehabs. On the Date/Locate of Clear, the PC couldn’t come up with the point he went Clear. The PC also originated confusions on the Time Track. At this point, it was realized the PC had MUs so the SCN C/S-l was done which went very smoothly. The D/L of Clear was then attempted again, but still to no definite resolution of the point when the PC went Clear.

    They are an integral part of the functioning system of an org.

    Finally, using the old reliable datum of „when all else fails, do what Ron says,“ a thorough FES and Folder Study was done. This Folder Study revealed that the PC had actually had his Clear state fully rehabilitated in his first DCSI many months earlier. Some later errors on the case after this successful DCSI resulted in the PC doubting his Clear state. This had all been missed because a proper FES and Folder Study hadn’t been done before the PC was started on this second DCSI.

    Depending upon how needed interviews are assigned and carried out, org lines and therefore org products can be slowed or impeded or bypassed or dis­rupted, or they can be speeded up and made to flow more smoothly, with real products as the result.

    The case immediately began to come right when it was indicated to him that the second DCSI was an unnecessary action and when the Eval and Inval were cleaned up on his Clear state. Then the point of resurgence from his first DCSI was rehabbed to a good result. Next, the errors made on the case after his first DCSI were cleaned up and the PC has been doing very well since.

    The right type of interview, standardly done at the right time (when needed) by the right org terminal on the right public (PC or student) will always serve to grease the org lines.

    • Number of Sessions: 6

    Mis-used or mis-assigned interviews can and will scramble the scene, and with a scrambled scene the products suffer.

  • Total Time - 2:29
  • An interview is defined as a face-to-face meeting between the interviewer and another person, where questions are asked of the person to obtain data needed to accomplish the purpose of the interview.

    Proper and full FESes and Folder Study are vital before doing a DCSI on any case, which this case history illustrates very plainly.

    “The purpose of the interview” is the key phrase here. If one doesn’t know the purpose of the type of interview his post calls for, it can all go sadly awry.


    That’s when you get a Reg taking up case problems with a PC or attempting some kind of case debug or promising him a specific result. Or the D of P getting into questions of finance in an attempt to sell a PC more auditing, or even doing some sort of auditing under the guise of a “D of P interview.” Or one or both of these posts attempting to, wear a “consultant” hat. You get a mix-up of functions, a mix-up of the lines, and you don’t get the needed or expected result.

    Case Data: PC felt he was Clear but hadn’t had a DCSI to verify this. Had received Life Repair and had done the Purif but not the SRD or a Drug Rundown or any Grades. Light drug history.

    This bulletin serves to lay out several of the main types of interviews used in an org and get them briefly defined as to purpose and function so the lines can and will flow smoothly.

    Results: This case appeared mysterious until the actual case state of the PC was established.


    The FES and Folder Study showed the PC’s Method 1 Word Clearing to be incomplete and some signs of out-Int as well as PTS sits with his family. Prior to starting the PC was sent to the MAA to handle the PTS situation. Later in the intensive further PTS handling was needed and this was done to a good result.

    REGISTRAR INTERVIEW: The Registrar interview is given to determine what service the person wants, to channel and intensify his wants, sign him up for service and re-sign him for further services and to assist him in the resolu­tion of any problems in signing up for the service.

    Preliminary case handling was done which consisted of an Int RD Correction List (PC had had End of Endless Int handling earlier), a C/S 53 and a WCCL on his Method 1 W/C, all of which went well. The Scn C/S-1 went smoothly with wins and cogs for the PC.

    The Registrar uses the Reg Interview to familiarize the person with the service, to give him explanatory literature on training or processing, to answer his questions (but NOT technical questions) about a service, and to assist him in the handling of the finance for the service, acting in a financial consultant capacity.

    Doing the Special Assessments uncovered a Whole Track incident that the PC was stuck in. Most of the reads on the Special Assessments went back to this incident, which the PC never seemed to be able to clearly itsa and despite several sessions of auditing addressed mainly to it, this incident was not resolving.

    Registrars sign people up for training and for processing. With the org pro­moting and delivering its services properly, a healthy majority of the sign-ups should be for training as we are in the business of making auditors, and therein lies our real expansion.

    At this point the folder was sent to the Snr C/S who did a full folder study and discovered that the PC was an overwhelmed case who was actually below the level of being able to answer subjective auditing questions and who easily dived into figure-figure and significances in session. This explained why this „incident“ continuously came up but never resolved.

    The Reg interview of the trainee or potential trainee is ordinarily a straight­forward uncomplicated procedure. It’s a matter of: What training, if any, has he had? With that determined, it’s a matter of signing him up for his next (or first) level of training and any prerequisites required for that level. It’s a very direct route up the Training Bridge, and the Reg’s job handling such sign-ups is com­paratively simple.

    The proper case gradient for this PC to have been on was Objective processing so with a proper non-invalidative R-factor the PC was routed off the DCSI and gotten onto the correct case action, the Survival Rundown.

    The Reg interview when signing up a PC for processing may entail more know-how and handling on the part of the Reg.

    • Number of Sessions: 12

    The Reg must be familiar with the tech the org delivers and with technical results and wins achieved. But a Reg must not assign auditing hours or C/S the case or promise that such and such a rundown will be done. That is the hat of the C/S. But a Reg does give interviews and he should be trained to find a person’s ruin. He establishes a comm line with the person and establishes himself as a ter­minal to help the person get onto the service he needs and wants as swiftly as pos­sible.

  • Total Time - 11:02
  • Signing the person up for the required number of hours or intensives per his Technical Estimate is a part of the Reg interview and registration cycle. (Tech Es­timate: the estimated number of hours or intensives that will be needed for the PC to make case progress and get stable results.) But determining the correct Tech Es­timate for the PC is not part of the Reg interview. That is only done by a qualified tech terminal. The Reg’s role here is to interview the person and initially sign him up and have him pay for the service on a conditional basis, pending his Technical Estimate and acceptance on HGC lines. He then routes the person for his Technical Estimate and, when that is made, the Reg now completes the cycle by signing the person up for the hours required by the Technical Estimate. (Ref. HCO PL 10 March 78 HGC PC APPLICATION FORM, HCO PL 30 Nov 71 Corrected and Reissued 2 Dec 71 BLIND REGISTRATION, and HCO PL 19 Aug 60 REGIS­TRAR LOST LINE)


    (The interview given the PC by the Technical Estimator is covered in its own section in this issue, along with listed references on the Tech Estimate Line.)

    Case Data: PC had attested to Dianetic Case Completion and a while after that had had an interview on the subject of Dianetic Clear because she had originated she might be Clear. After this interview she attested to natural Clear. This was before the release of the DCSI in 1979. PC had gone on to do the Purif and Objectives but had not had a DCSI and was eager to get one. PC had a very light drug history. Note: PC had been audited last lifetime and she had commented on this earlier.

    Should a PC who is mid-auditing (not yet a completion) need to purchase more hours, the sign-up is handled promptly in a routine Reg interview. Occasion­ally, however, such an interview might go like this:

    Results: As in Case History #1, this case is very interesting for the reason that it points out the liability of an inaccurate or poorly done FES and Folder Study.

    PC: “Ted brought me down here and I’m supposed to sign up for more hours to complete my auditing, but I don’t want to buy more auditing here. I don’t want any more auditing.”

    The steps of the intensive went very smoothly until the Date/Locate of Clear was attempted. On the D/L several dates and random dates came up which required a sort-out. The apparency by session end was that it had been sorted out successfully and the D/L completed.

    Reg: “Well, we’d better have you see the D of P so we can get data on this!”

    Because of the mistaken notion that a Floating TA had to be obtained on the D/L step (which isn’t correct — a Floating TA will often be seen to accompany full resurgence of Clear but it does not always occur), the folder was sent to the Snr C/S on the case who did a thorough and accurate FES and Folder Study. He discovered that the FES done earlier was incomplete and faulty as it did not cover the real errors on the case.

    That’s the totality of the Reg interview in that situation. The Reg promptly puts it on the proper lines so the necessary data can be obtained. He notifies the D of P who gets the folder to the C/S at once. The C/S, after going over the folder, can then determine what needs to be taken up in the D of P interview, or whether it would be handled by the PC’s regular auditor or requires sending the PC to the Qual Div for a review.

    The Snr C/S went back to the last time the PC was doing well in her auditing and spotted that no real case advance had been made by the PC and that she had mostly received patch-ups which didn’t accomplish much. Many cramming and corrective actions had been done to resolve troubles the PC had been having on post and she had been put onto incorrect case actions as well, all of which started the PC thinking there must be something wrong with her when the truth was she had been mis-programmed as a case and mishandled in cramming. Further, she had had a full resurgence of her Clear state in her earlier interview (before the DCSI was first released) and folder evidence showed her to be unmistakably Clear. The DCSI she received was an unnecessary action.

    The Reg might also encounter a PC needing more hours to complete a run­down who is willing to sign up and pay for the additional time but who is not VGIs on his auditing, or who originates he is having a rough time in his auditing and/or has bad indicators. The Reg would, of course, sign the PC up for the additional hours promptly.

    As always, when the correct bug is found on a case, any great mystery the case presented instantly dissolves and the case begins progressing. This case was no exception. The bypassed charge of the incorrect auditing and cramming actions was indicated to the PC and charge and inval were cleaned up. The PC had an immediate resurgence in auditing and in life. She once again felt great like she „used to feel. “

    But in either of the above or similar cases, the Reg would also write up a BI (Bad Indicator) report and route it directly to the Snr C/S in Qual, so he could look into it, with a copy to the HGC C/S. It’s not a matter of the Reg routing the PC to Qual, however, as the PC is still on Tech lines. (Ref. HCOB 26 Sep 74 HAND­LING FLUBBED PCs)

    Further sessions cleaned up charge on her post, ethics actions, cramming, etc. which went to an excellent result.

    Note that the Reg doesn’t interview the PC to get the data about the bad auditing or bad indicators; the Reg simply writes up a report to the Snr C/S with a copy to the HGC C/S as to what he heard and observed with this PC. These lines got all crossed up in earlier days when the D of P more often than not was also the Reg, and this got people confused. But any confusion must be taken out of it and the correct routing and correct interviewing put in.

    The PC is now moving up the Bridge, doing extremely well in auditing, on post and in life which is, of course, to be expected when Scientology is correctly applied.

    When an individual has completed an org service and has routed through Qual and Success as complete, a Reg interview is always given to re-sign him for his next service. This is ordinarily a smooth, routine cycle, as a standardly com­pleted student or PC will have good indicators at the prospect of getting onto his next action. But should the Reg encounter bad indicators or a resistance to getting further services, it is an indicator that something has been missed on the student or PC. That is a matter for Qual correction, not something that would be handled in a Reg interview. In such a case the Reg, maintaining good ARC, efficiently routes the person to Qual where the matter does get handled. (Ref. BPL 4 Dec 71, Issue I, RE-SIGN UP REFUSALS, HANDLING OF)

    • Number of sessions: 12

    The Reg is there to sign the person up, to re-sign him and to route him to the proper terminal for what he needs. There is no charge, ever, for a Registrar inter­view.

  • Total Time - 9:57
  • HGC PC TECHNICAL ESTIMATE INTERVIEW: The Technical Es­timate interview is done to obtain necessary data from the applicant so that an ac­curate estimate can be made of the number of hours or intensives the person will need to get stable results from his auditing.

    A common error in all three of the case histories described is lack of a proper and accurate FES and Folder Study which resulted in actions being done which did not parallel the case. All three cases came right almost instantly when the correct bug was addressed. Of course, time had to be spent tearing through folders to find the bug. Was it worth it? Ask the PCs!

    When a PC has been initially signed up for services and has been tested, he is routed to the Technical Estimator. (This could be the D of P or a technically qualified person deputized by the D of P for this purpose.) The Estimator, having reviewed the person’s test results, folder, and forms filled out by the Registrar, in­terviews the applicant, using the HGC PC Estimation Form (BTB 12 Feb 78R, Reiss. 6.7. 78). Such an interview covers what the applicant wants to accomplish, somatics or other problems he is trying to handle, length of time on earlier actions, and other information pertinent to the case.

    Proper Folder Study and accurate case estimation are vital to auditing success.

    When all the necessary data has been obtained, and when the Technical Es­timate for that individual has been made, the Estimator gives the person an R-Fac­tor regarding his estimate, handles any questions he may have, and sends the appli­cant back to the Registrar for final sign-up for the estimated number of intensives.


    That’s the essence of the Tech Estimate interview. It’s: “What do you want to accomplish with auditing?”, followed by lots of questions about the state of the case. Also asked would be the time it has taken him to do this or that action. For instance, the Estimator needs to know that it took the PC 25 hours to do Grade 0 and 1 in order to estimate how long it will take him to do Grade 2, 3 and 4. It can be done either metered or unmetered. (When done in the field by a Remote Reg or Tours personnel it is usually unmetered.) Though it follows the HGC PC Estima­tion Form it is never done rotely.

    Case Data: This PC had a very heavy drug history — hashish, pot, cocaine and LSD, all taken many times. The PC had done the Purification Rundown. He had stated that he was Dianetic Clear and had earlier been given a DCSI after which he bad attested to Clear. The PC then did the SRD and successfully completed it.


    Results: A thorough FES and Folder Study revealed that there was nothing in the PC’s folders indicating that he actually was Clear and that the earlier DCSI had been done over misunderstoods. The PC didn’t understand auditing particularly well and had MUs on Scientology, the Mind, Clear and other states. During his first DCSI he stated he was natural Clear.

    The routing for a Tech Estimate is to the Registrar, to Testing, to the Tech Estimator and back to the Registrar for full sign-up. This line and all of its actions are fully covered in the following issues:

    The PC was first given a full Scientology C/S-1, which he enjoyed doing and which had his interest. This cleared up his basic MUs.

    • HCO PL 30 Nov 71 IMPORTANT BLIND REGISTRATION Corr. & Reiss. 2.12.71

    Next the PC was discovered to have out-Int so he was given the End of Endless Int Rundown. The PC said that this was an amazing action for him as he did not realize that it applied to him until a few MUs were cleared in session.

  • B.P.L. 10 Mar 78II IMPORTANT, THE TECH ESTIMATE LINE Reiss. 6.7.78
  • As a result of the End of Endless Int, his perceptics improved, his comm lag straightened out and he blew a lot of circuitry. The PC had had trouble with pictures at first, but this straightened out and he came up to being able to concentrate and hold his attention on pictures. He ran progressively better and better as a PC and had a lot of wins on the rundown. At the end he felt secure and calm in or out of the body. He was more composed and collected as an individual and felt „positively great. “

  • B.T.B. 12 Feb 78R HGC PC TECH ESTIMATION FORM Reiss. 6.7.78
  • The Special Assessments were then done and revealed that the PC had his attention on his first DCSI which had been brief and the PC hadn’t felt as good as he thought he should have at the end of it.

  • On Special Assessment A, „Former Therapy“ was reading, so this was run on recalls. A number of recalls concerning other practices and drug taking came up and the PC cognited on why he had gotten into drugs.

  • (It should be noted that the PC was obviously stuck in drug engrams as they came up repeatedly in his auditing.)

  • HCOB 15 Jan 70 II KSW Series 17; HANDLING WITH AUDITING Reiss. 30.8.80
  • On Special Assessment B, some eval, inval and verbal data on the subject of Clear came off. It turned up the fact that the PC did not feel good about his earlier DCSI. The PC had wondered how he „could have gone so far down“ in his life if he was a natural Clear. The PC felt he was Clear, not natural Clear, and stated that he felt free and unrepressed.

    Technical Estimates and Tech Estimate interviews are not charged for, but are given when the applicant has initially signed up and made a donation for serv­ice.

    The Rehab of Former Releases was done next, rebabbing many in life“ releases for the PC. PC’s comment at exams following this action: „I feel good. It feels kind of like walking on a cloud. “

    D OF P INTERVIEW: As D of P interviews are sometimes misunderstood as to their purpose and function, and sometimes mis-used (by having other actions thrown into them erroneously under the label of “D of P interview”), this issue spells out what a D of P interview is and what it is not.

    Yet, there was no evidence voiced by the PC during either of his DCSIs or contained in the PC’s folders that he was Clear. Rather, all the evidence pointed to the fact that he was not, and that he was quite stuck into pictures and had some difficulty with them.

    Briefly, a D of P interview is an interview given to a PC on auditing lines by the D of P, as ordered by the C/S:

    Therefore in his next session the PC was acknowledged for his wins on the DCSI and was informed that he hadn’t attained the State of Clear at this point and that he would be programmed so as not to be denied any of the gains on the Grade Chart.

    1. to get data for the C/S which is not otherwise available to him for C/Sing and programming the case,

    The PC knew this to be true but felt a loss of status and went into a grief charge. An L1C was gone through several times and this cleaned up the charge, with the PC feeling good about the action.


    The PC’s Success Story reads as follows: „I have just completed my DCSI. I have found out that I am not Clear so this was in some respect a loss for me as I had an earlier DCSI where I thought I was and was validated as being Clear. So this was like a negative gain. I say a gain for it opens me to getting all the gains of being Clear through receiving all the steps required and the gains attainable through auditing to Clear. My auditing was the best I’ve received and I would like to thank my auditor for using standard tech. Also my thanks to Ron for keeping the Bridge there. “

    2. to give the PC an R-factor on what is going on in order to dispel a mystery for him.

    • Number of sessions: 23

    The C/S would order a D of P interview when he needs data not contained in the usual sources (the worksheets, PC folder, FES, test scores, exam reports, ethics or medical records). To use it otherwise, to call for such an interview in lieu of folder study, for example, would be lazy C/Sing.

  • Total time - 34:29
  • But the D of P interview is used when the C/S needs data from the PC him­self, or when he suspects his C/Ses aren’t being done or that the auditor can’t audit. It is used when he has reason to believe there may be omitted or hidden matter or false reports in the worksheets, or when it appears that additives are being entered into the session. Ordinarily it is used only when the case is packed up. And pri­marily what the C/S wants to know from this is: “What did the auditor do?” The data obtained is then used, if it applies, for correction of the auditor as well as for C/Sing and programming the case. The D of P interview is also used when it is suspected that factors are being put in on the PC outside of the session.

    The PC was programmed onto his correct action and has done well since.

    Such an interview may also be ordered to find out what the PC is confused or in mystery about so that it can then be explained to him. (Note: You don’t explain tech to the PC, but if he has a confusion or a mystery you do explain to him what is going on and what is expected of him.)


    D of P interviews, then, are to get data, not to try to “audit” or try to accom­plish a result. The D of P does not audit, he does not rehab, he does not Date/Locate anything on the PC. That D of P interviews do sometimes accomplish a result is incidental, and this must not be used as a reason for the D of P to get into attempting to audit or rehab the PC. Those are actions for the auditor to do.

    Case Data: PC had been given a messed up DCSI earlier, after which she had attested to natural Clear. Had had Quad Dianetics and Triple Grades through Grade 4. PC had also done Purif and Objectives (though not the SRD). After her Clear attest, she, had voiced Q and A as to whether she was Clear (which can happen after quickie, brush-off actions).

    There will be times when the C/S wants specific, muzzled questions asked of the PC and nothing else. In such instances the D of P carries out his instructions exactly, asking only those questions he has been instructed to ask.

    Results: The PC needed no preliminary case repair so the auditor went right into the Scn C/S-1 after flying the PC’s ruds. This went well and rapidly as the PC had had a fair amount of auditing. This step did ensure that the PC did understand the terms and the auditor and C/S both knew that the rundown wouldn’t be done over misunderstoods.

    D of P interviews are always done on the meter, with all PC answers, PC in­dicators and tone level, meter reads and their size and any blowdowns marked. Thus, the D of P must have his TRs in, must have Qual Okay to operate an E-Meter and must be able to meter accurately. While the interview is not done to get case gain, the D of P would normally end the interview on an F/N and should try to do so.

    The Special Assessments disclosed charge on her first DCSI due to auditor evaluation of the PC’s case state which confused the PC later and obscured the actual point when she had gone Clear. Inval from others and self-inval were also cleaned up and after several sessions the PC originated that she had dropped a valence she had been carrying around „like a brick oven“ and that she felt more herself and more in control than she ever thought possible.

    As the D of P is the In Charge of all PCs when they are in the org, he himself may originate a D of P interview when it is warranted. For example, on observing bad indicators in a PC he could initiate an interview with the PC at once and then get the data immediately to the C/S. Or he would alert the C/S to the situation and suggest an interview be done.

    On the rehab of former releases the PC rehabbed a big release in auditing in her last life and in doing this she blew even more confusion generated by the auditor in her first DCSI (through that auditor’s eval). In the next session, more former releases were checked for but no more needed rehabbing and the PC ended with a Floating TA.

    Otherwise, the D of P interview is given per C/S order. It may not be ordered by a Registrar or other org terminal. It is only done, when needed, on PCs who have signed up, paid for and are on HGC lines for auditing. Otherwise it can easily lead into Free Service and has done so in some instances in the past, to the detri­ment of the org. Though it is done as part of the overall cycle of delivering paid auditing, the time spent in a D of P interview is not subtracted from the auditing hours the PC has paid for.

    In the next session the auditor reviewed the Date/Locate procedure with the PC to ensure there were no MUs on it. Then the point where she went Clear was successfully D/L’d.

    There are many other functions the D of P carries out as a part of his hat. But this clarifies what we term a D of P interview. It is its own action and must not be confused with a Reg interview, a Technical Estimate, a Consultant type of action or a 2-way comm action C/Sed for and carried out by an auditor in an actual ses­sion or anything else other than what it is. Properly used, it is of great assistance to the C/S for data he needs which is otherwise unavailable.

    The earlier eval from her first DCSI had been removed so the PC could now actually spot the exact time when she had gone Clear (in last life auditing). The previous auditor’s evaluation that the PC was a „natural Clear“ had obscured the actual point when the PC achieved Clear in her last life. Needless to say, the PC was very pleased with the results of this DCSI. Her Success Story reads: „This auditing was absolutely superlative. I am free and feel fantastic!!! Thank you, C/S, auditor and most of all LRH for giving me back what I once had. “

    QUAL CONSULTANT INTERVIEW: This is a case-cracking type of inter­view, done by the posted Qual Consultant. (Optimumly, any org would have this post filled by a single-hatted terminal, in its Qual Division.)

    Number of Sessions: 8 Total Time - 3:13

    Here you have a technical person using a metered interview to unravel a case that’s in trouble or in bad condition and being mysterious. He uses the interview to get the data needed to resolve it.


    The consultant interview is not a Tech C/S-ordered action. It’s done when there’s a hidden factor in the case and you haven’t got all the data. The hidden factor may be in the auditing or C/Sing that has been done; therefore it is not a Tech C/S-ordered action. A D of P interview in such an instance could cloud the issue. It calls for a Qual Consultant action because it’s something the C/S and auditor should have seen but they didn’t see. So it is a matter of what didn’t they see or what did they do or not do?

    Case Data: Had attested Dianetic Clear previously though had not had a DCSI. Had a lot of self-inval on it afterwards. No Grades, but had done Purif and SRD and had had a PTS Rundown to good result.

    It can be ordered by the Senior C/S in Qual when something has gone very wrong with a case, or it can be originated by the Qual Consultant himself where he has spotted bad indicators or been alerted to a poor success story or something similar.

    Results: PC had just recently completed a review and repair of her past auditing so no preliminary case repair was needed.

    This type of interview is done on a person who is not really on auditing lines. He’s been pulled off auditing lines, possibly for the above reasons, or he’s some­where around auditing lines and you see he is fouled up, or he has come on Qual lines because he is fouled up. It’s not limited to PCs but would be done on very slow or dropped out students as well.

    On the Scn C/S-1 the PC cleaned up very basic MUs on such terms as „Clear,“ „picture“ and „erasure. “ Cleaning these up resulted in excellent wins for the PC and she now understood trouble she had had earlier as a PC. The biggest areas of charge handled on the Special Assessments were her earlier Dianetic auditing and self-inval about her Clear state. After this was handled the PC was now able to spot that she had had a hidden standard on what Clear is and she saw how this was causing trouble for her.

    The consultant interview is always metered, is always begun with “I’m not auditing you,” and is quite a different action than auditing. One might call it a re­view session of sorts with the difference here being that the consultant does what he needs to do to get the data that can then be used to resolve the case in a session. He guides the interview as he needs to, deftly getting the PC off “grandmother” who doesn’t read or marital problems that start the TA up, and steers it skillfully to what the trouble really is.

    The next day the PC told the auditor about a cognition she had had after the previous session, to the effect that she had seen that she had False Data and a hidden standard on Clear and she had spotted where her self-inval had come from and it blew. The PC was exterior with a dial wide F/N and VVGIs so the auditor ended off. This was obviously the resurgence being sought and signaled the EP of the DCSI. The PC was sent to declare the completion of her DCSI.

    When I’m doing one of these things I don’t just find out what is wrong and in­dicate the BPC, I push it through until I know what is wrong and in addition I fin­ish the person up with an F/N. I take it to a resolution of his immediate problem and I indicate the bypassed charge. Then it’s a matter of writing up the interview and getting it into the folder.

    In her Success Story the PC wrote: „This has been a very needed and wonderfully stabilizing action for me. “ Some weeks later she originated a report stating how her life had changed from the DCSI and how she had never been so stable before. In this report she wrote:

    The person will probably require further auditing on it, but now at least the case has been cracked a bit and it’s known what it’s going to take to unravel the rest of it.

    „Quite simply I feel more stable and safe and at peace with myself than I’ve ever felt in this life and probably many prior to this.

    What is described here is a consultant interview, which is its own type of ac­tion and which may sometimes reveal the need for a Review session.

    „That is it in plain English. Don’t underestimate that as it is no small thing. It is a very very MAJOR STABLE WIN. And for that I am infinitely thankful, as I needed it.

    The interview is not charged for. However, if it becomes necessary to take the person into session to handle, it is then invoiced on standard Qual lines.

    „This has given me more power to hold my position in space and keep my own integrity in and my willingness to see what is to be seen is much more effortless than ever before. On all my dynamics this action has proven to strengthen my rightness as a being and that has strengthened me.

    SOLO CONSULTANT INTERVIEW AT AN AO: At an Advanced Org, the C/S, lacking data on what has gone wrong with a messed up case, or solo session, sends the solo auditor who is on auditing lines to the Solo Consultant for a metered interview.

    „Thank you all who played a part … for my rightness and my strength. I feel this is a basic which has been missing for a very long time and has also been needed badly for a very long time. “

    This terminal must be a skilled technician and be very, very familiar with the Advance Course materials, as the solo auditor: (a) very often doesn’t present a complete enough picture of what happened in the session, and/or (b) could have MUs on the material and not be running it stan­dardly. In this case a correction list would not necessarily pick it up because the solo auditor doesn’t know that he doesn’t know. He doesn’t realize what he’s doing wrong.

    Number of Sessions:9 Total Time - 7:13

    The Solo Consultant using the meter and his knowledge of the materials, can find out. In his interview he does a swift debug action, going A to B to get what’s hanging the case up. He handles what can be handled on the spot, indicating im­mediate bypassed charge that comes up, for example. He notes the full data for the C/S so that a full Review cycle can be C/Sed for, if needed, or cramming or retread ordered, if that is required.

    This case is illustrative of the value of a well done C/S-1 and cleaning up all the inval of the state of Clear. With these handled this case experienced a full resurgence of her Clear state and has been doing extremely well on post and in life since.

    The Solo Consultant interview is not charged for, as the PC is already on org lines on a signed up and paid for solo auditing action.


    ETHICS OFFICER/MAA INTERVIEWS: The Ethics Officer or the MAA in a Sea Org Org conducts ethics interviews as an HCO function, gets PTS (Potential Trouble Source) A to J checks done and sometimes does full PTS interviews.

    Case Data: This PC was OT IIIX and had done the Clearing Course. He was also a Class V auditor. He had a lot of attention on when he actually went Clear and wanted this sorted out.

    Students or PCs, where out-ethics is obvious or suspected, are interviewed to determine the extent and nature of the out-ness so the correct ethics gradient can be applied. The interview should include bringing the person to an understanding of ethics and the conditions and guiding him through any needed ethics handling cy­cles or correct application of the conditions.

    Results: This PC had just finished a review and was doing well in life. The DCSI steps were done which went well but not much turned up until Special Assessment B. On this assessment some invalidation of Clear was cleaned up and the PC spotted exactly when it was that he had gone Clear (it was on his Expanded Dianetics). This was accompanied by many cognitions about his case and why he’d had headaches and a tremendous resurgence of his Clear state. He said he felt „life was coming back to his body. “ His perception improved and upon originating this he had a Floating TA. He cogged he could feel his body now and realized that it had been numb. The auditor ended with the PC VVGIs and a Floating TA.

    Whether or not the interview is done metered depends on what type of ethics action the Ethics Officer is doing. For example, if he were trying to find out who stole something, he had better do this on a meter to ensure that he gets the data and does not miss withholds or clean cleans. Any Ethics Officer must be meter trained and be able to do a correctly metered ethics interview when it is called for. Ideally he should be able to do HCO Confessionals too. An Ethics Officer must ensure that ethics is gotten in to the degree that tech can then go in.

    Correctly, the PC was then sent to declare the completion of his DCSI.

    The PTS interview is given to determine whether or not the person is PTS and if so, the type of PTSness which is in need of handling. It is done on a meter with all reads marked, on a PC or student who is manifesting symptoms of PTSness, such as becoming sick, losing gains or roller-coastering. The interview may be given in HCO or by a classed auditor, but in any case it must always be done by a person who knows his PTS tech well, who has good TRs and knows 2-way comm and who has been trained to operate a meter properly.

    • Number of Sessions: 3

    The PC or student will often require more handling of the PTS condition after the interview, but it is through the interview that it is determined what type of PTSness (if any) is involved to be handled.

  • Total Time - 2:56
  • If a PC is mid-auditing, the MAA or Ethics Officer should always check with the PC’s C/S before doing a PTS interview or any metered ethics action. (Ref. HCOB 8 March 71R, C/S Series 29R, CASE ACTIONS, OFF LINE)

    This result is quite spectacular actually and gives one an idea of the power of auditing standardly done.

    Full worksheets are always kept for any PTS interview and are sent to the person’s PC folder. The worksheets of an ethics interview are filed in the person’s ethics file and a copy of these, or a report on the interview, is sent to the person’s PC or student folder.


    Ethics and PTS interviews when given to PCs and students who are on lines on signed up and paid for services are not charged for.

    All these cases ended up winning. Standard Tech carried the day in every case. The results on these are very good and it is my hope that you achieve similar results and wins on your own PCs who need Dianetic Clear Special Intensives.

    CHAPLAIN INTERVIEW: A Chaplain’s interview is for people who feel wronged, people who have fallen off the Bridge or are about to, people whose bur­dens appear to be too great and who need a terminal and some communication to help them sort it all out.


    The whole purpose of the Chaplain interview is first to provide a terminal for a person who simply needs to be heard and understood. From there it’s a matter of channeling the person into something he can do about it on the correct gradient. Such a person may actually be on org lines but having difficulty on the lines or he may have fallen off the lines altogether.

    (Case Histories compiled by Research and Technical Compilations Unit)

    The interview gets the person into communication in order to obtain the data necessary to channel and direct him to the specific area where the situation can be addressed and handled.


    The Chaplain’s interview itself is not charged for. Some of the services avail­able in the Chaplain’s Department such as Marriage Counseling, Chaplain’s Courts, etc. are charged for at very nominal fees.

    EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR/COMMANDING OFFICER INTERVIEW: When a person has completed his services, he is interviewed by the CO or ED before he routes out of the org.

    This provides the CO or ED with the opportunity to do a direct check on the products his org is producing. If he doesn’t see a shiny product, if the person isn’t 100% satisfied with the service he’s received, it tells a CO or ED there’s out tech in his org, as the person has already gone through Qual and Success lines. He acts at once to get a fast review done to handle any bypassed charge and/or repair needed, at no charge to the person. Should the person then validly need more hours to fully complete the service, he is signed up for them standardly.

    This type of interview is covered quite fully in HCO PL 21 September 80 MONITORING TECH QUALITY IN ORGS. It is a useful tool for the CO or ED, not only for promoting goodwill and good PR but for ensuring no overt product gets out of his org and that the org is delivering standard tech with good wins for those it services.

    The interview may be given to a person who is not yet complete on his serv­ices, should the CO or ED notice that he has bad indicators. Ordinarily, however, it is given to students and PCs who have completed their signed up and paid for services. This interview is never charged for.

    HOST INTERVIEW: On Flag there is an LRH Host whose duty it is to see to the well-being and good servicing of Flag public.

    The purpose of the initial Host interview is to welcome the person arriving for services, brief him and orient him to the scene and provide him at once with a sta­ble terminal who is interested in his welfare and will be a terminal for him throughout his stay.

    Thereafter the Host interviews Flag PCs and students as needful to ensure they are being serviced and to ensure any service outness is handled by the proper terminals.

    Returning persons are similarly welcomed, re-briefed and brought up to date on any changes in services or new facilities.

    There is no charge for any Host interview, as this is included as a part of signed up and paid for Flag services.

    While these are by no means all the types of interview an org uses, they are the more major interviews given on an org’s service lines.

    Interviews – correctness of – can make or break an org’s lines and an org’s vi­ability.

    With the necessary distinctions made between them and with interview hats separated out and worn effectively, particles can flow easily on the lines. The re­sult will be an increase in quantity and quality of the valuable final products of the org.

    Assisted by Research and Technical Compilations Unit