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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- LX Lists - B690802 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- LX Списки - Б690802 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 690802 - HCO Bulletin - LX Lists [B009-140]
- 690802 - HCO Bulletin - LX Lists [B042-127]
CONTENTS "LX" LISTS END PHENOMENA USE OF LISTS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Class VIII


There are now three "LX" Lists:

Originally they were called "X" because they were Experimental.

They still are to some extent so the X is retained.

These serve to isolate REASONS A BEING IS CHARGED UP TO SUCH an extent that he is OUT OF VALENCE.

When a person is out of valence he does not easily as-is his bank.

These lists are assessed down to one item.

The item is then run by


We now have a new discovery. I have found that a person who is out of valence experiences, when run on LX1 lists (and now the others above, LX2 and LX3) and 220H, a remarkable valence shift if he is run on enough items.

In one fashion or another he comments on this in session.

This is the End Phenomena of Out of Valence processes (the LX items and 220H).

It is always attained if enough items are run.

Quite ordinary cases are out of valence. If their folder gets too fat you can assume they are out of valence.

Perverts, suppressives and critical, snide, ruthless, arrogant or contemptuous personalities are always out of valence.

A person who is in treason on the 1st dynamic is always out of valence.

So whether GF No. 40 (h) OUT OF VALENCE reads or not, if the folder is fat, you play safe and assess and run LX items until the person has the Valence Cognition.

Without being coached, a person who is out of valence always has the cognition if he is run on enough items and 220H.


Today we run everything that reads with 2 or more strikes on an LX List.

Just as ANY read on GF No. 40 is handled, so ANY double strike is handled on an LX List.

One does not reassess. One takes the item that stayed in, then the items that read next best and so on down to all those that stayed in twice before they went out.

Today you can assume safely that anyone out of valence can be put in valence quietly and efficiently with LX items and 220H if he is audited and if the auditing is standard.

This is quite a worthwhile development as it resolves the heavily overcharged case. A symptom of a heavily charged case is F/Ning too quickly to be processed well.

Using these lists on a pc is not a critical action. Even (and especially) children are too overcharged to be easily audited.
