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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Model Session - B780811-2 | Сравнить
- Rudiments, Definition and Pattern - B780811-1 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Модельная Сессия - Б780811-2 | Сравнить
- Рудименты - Определения и команды (2) - Б780811-1 | Сравнить
- Рудименты - Определения и команды - Б780811-1 | Сравнить

CONTENTS MODEL SESSION 1. Setting Up for the Session 2. Start of Session 3. Rudiments 4. Major Action of the Session 5. Havingness 6. End of Session Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
(Cancels BTB 18 Nov 68R, MODEL SESSION)
Remimeo All Auditors


(Note: If a Dianetic or Level 0, I, II auditor is not trained in flying rudiments he would have to get a Level III (or above) auditor to fly the pc’s ruds before starting the major action of the session.)
1. Setting Up for the Session

Prior to the session the auditor is to make sure the room and session are set up, to ensure a smooth session with no interruptions or distractions.

Use HCOB 4 December 1977, “Checklist for Setting Up Sessions and An E-Meter,” getting in every point of the checklist.

The pc is seated in the chair furthest from the door. From the time he is asked to pick up the cans he remains on the meter until the end of the session.

When it is established there is no reason not to begin the session the auditor starts the session.

2. Start of Session

The auditor says: “This is the session.” (Tone 40.)

If the needle is floating and the pc has VGIs, the auditor goes directly into the major action of the session. If not, the auditor must fly a rud.

3. Rudiments

Rudiments are handled per HCOB 11 August 1978, Issue I, “Rudiments, Definitions and Patter.”

(If the TA is high or low at session start, or if the auditor cannot get a rud to fly, he ends off and sends the pc folder to the C/S. A Class IV auditor (or above) may do a Green Form or another type of correction list.)

When the pc has F/N, VGIs the auditor goes into the major action of the session.

4. Major Action of the Session

a) R-Factor to the pc. The auditor informs the pc what is going to be done in the session with:

“Now we are going to handle...”

b) Clearing commands. The commands of the process are cleared per HCOB 9 August 1978 Issue II, “Clearing Commands.”

c) The process. The auditor runs the process or completes the C/S instructions for the session to end phenomena.

In Dianetics, the end phenomena would be: F/N, erasure of the chain, cognition, postulate (if not voiced in the cognition) and VGIs.

In Scientology processes, the end phenomena is: F/N, cognition, VGIs. The Power Processes have their own EP.

5. Havingness

When Havingness is indicated or included in the C/S instructions, the auditor runs approximately 10 to 12 commands of the pc’s Havingness Process to where the pc is bright, F/Ning and in PT. (Note: Havingness is never run to obscure or hide the fact of failure to F/N the main process or an auditing or Confessional question.)

(Ref: HCOB 7 August 78, “Havingness, Finding & Running The Pc’s Havingness Process.“)

6. End of Session

a) When the auditor is ready to end the session he gives the R-Factor that he will be ending the session.

b) Then he asks: “Is there anything you would care to say or ask before I end this session?” Pc answers. Auditor acknowledges and notes down the answer.

c) If the pc asks a question, answer it if you can or acknowledge and say, “I will note that down for the C/S.”

d) Auditor ends the session with: “End of session.” (Tone 40.)

(Note: The phrase “That’s it” is incorrect for the purpose of ending a session and is not used. The correct phrase is “End of Session.”)


Immediately after the end of session the auditor or a Page takes the pc to the pc Examiner.
