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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- New Definition of Psychosis - B600825-2 | Сравнить
- Powerful Presession Additions - B600825 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 600825 - HCO Bulletin - Powerful Presession Additions [B024-178]
- 600825 - HCO Bulletin - Powerful Presession Additions [B036-125]
- 600825 - HCO Bulletin - Powerful Presession Additions [B140-023]
- 600825 - HCO Bulletin - Powerful Presession Additions [B141-038]
- 600825 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - New Definition of Psychosis [B024-179]
- 600825 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - New Definition of Psychosis [B027-067]
- 600825 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - New Definition of Psychosis [B036-124]
- 600825 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - New Definition of Psychosis [B141-039]
- 600825 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - New Definition of Psychosis [B141-040]
CONTENTS NEW DEFINITION OF PSYCHOSIS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II


After a careful study of cases, based on new data, I have a method of detecting and an answer to psychosis which is simple and useful.

The lower a person is on the tone scale the less they can receive and follow orders and directions.

That person who raves and screams at the very thought of receiving an order is of course completely insane.

That person who obsessively fights an organization that gives him clean instructions to help him is, of course, insane.

All persons who have been too much around a bad military or who have had military fathers are very likely to be subject to a derangement. This derangement multiplying brings an insanity. They rave and scream if even their best friends try to help them.

What is gone is the control level. Help may still be there but on obsessive cause of help only. No help may be received.

Look around you, look it over. The criminal will not receive the orders called law. The psychotic will not receive the orders that bring real help.

This gives you a real weapon.

A psychotic is that person who cannot receive orders of any kind, who sits unmoving or goes berserk at the thought of doing anything told him by another determinism.

Want to know if they’re crazy? Give them a simple order.
