Use two objects — a book and a bottle.
Have the pc look them over and handle them to his satisfaction. Then have him place them at some walking distance apart in the room, on a couple of tables or similar locations.
The commands:
Repeat with the bottle.
Do not vary the commands in any way. Use Tone 40. “Thank you” acknowledgment. The basic commands should never be departed from, and never, never trick the preclear by using the book again when you knew he was just about to start toward the bottle. The purpose of the process is duplication. Good control should be used.
Accept the pc’s answers whether they are logical, silly, imaginative, dull or unlawful. In starting the process you can discuss with him what you are about to do and make sure you have got the rudiments established. Run the process until the comm lags are flat.
This process is an HPA/HCA requisite.