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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- PTS Rundown - B711209 | Сравнить
- PTS Rundown - B711209RA74 | Сравнить
- PTS Rundown, Audited - B711209RC78 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- ПИН Программа - Б711209RC78 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 711209 - HCO Bulletin - Effectiveness of Overts in Processing [B052-076]
- 711209 - HCO Bulletin - PTS Rundown [B011-256]
- 711209 - HCO Bulletin - PTS Rundown [B047-030]
- 711209R - HCO Bulletin - PTS Rundown [B052-048]
- 711209RA - HCO Bulletin - PTS Rundown [B052-051]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo Class IV Okay to Audit WC 2 *Rate Clay TRs 4000-9 4000-10



One remaining problem in cases was “PTS phenomena”.

P. T. S. means Potential Trouble Source. When someone is suppressed he becomes a Potential Trouble Source.

There are numerous HCOBs and P/Ls on this subject. All of them are true observations and predictions.

The cause of Rollercoaster is PTS. Rollercoaster means a slump after a gain. Pcs who do not hold their gains are PTS.

S and Ds (for Search and Discovery) was the earlier approach. These are still valid and “3 S&Ds” as a rundown is used in the PTS Rundown without change.

Now with the PTS Rundown, the handling of this common and all too frequent case condition can be handled.


Hopefully it can be done by Class IVs who are also HDCs, HGC Okays to Audits.

For an auditor who is not HDC Class IV Okay to Audit HGC by competent Interneship to attempt a PTS Rundown would be very risky for the pc as it needs exact listing, exact TRs, exact metering, exact Code keeping and very honest auditing and competent C/Sing.


Earlier discovery and development of the PTS theory is extensively covered.

The recent wrap-up came about through my OT research in November 1971.

The principal breakthrough was realizing one should NOT invalidate having known certain people before.

This is similar to the past life discovery in 1950. Some people thinking this was “unpopular” frowned on it. Some others were only famous characters so flagrantly that past lives were easily invalidated. But people who don’t go past track in Dianetics don’t recover. Even running them as “imaginary” as in Science of Survival advices suddenly breaks through for a stalled Dianetic Case.

In this same way with young men and girls using “I knew you when you were____” for 2D advantage tended to invalidate having known certain individuals before this life.

But now it turns out that the ONLY PTS situation that is serious and lasting and can cause a rollercoaster comes from having known the person before this life.

Possibly in the last life or earlier lives one knew persons before that life too. This however shows up in the 3 S and Ds.


There are only four points of breakdown of the PTS Rundown.

1. Improperly audited. Auditor not able to always do a correct list, TRs out, metering out, poor R3R, just plain untrained or not totally familiar with this Rundown.

2. Pc not completely set up. Like: Has TA trouble but no C/S 53 done, is a no change case but no GF 40R done, old auditing not repaired by a GF and proper programming or no C/S 54 or too tired or too ill for the R3R.

3. The Rundown not fully and completely done, but chopped or left incomplete (pc will still rollercoaster).

4. People who “can’t run engrams” – which means a druggie who hasn’t had a full Drug Rundown.

There is nothing especially tricky about the auditing of the PTS Rundown except that all auditing should be of flubless quality and when the PTS RD is flubbed by bad lists or poor R3R or out TRs or poor metering it really IS a mess. The RD is so powerful that errors in C/Sing and auditing it are especially rough.

Currently sick pcs should not be run on the PTS Rundown as a standard practice. It IS what they need BUT you can easily overwhelm a sick pc with engram running.

The time to run a PTS RD is when the pc is set up and when it is noted the pc rollercoasters, not when he collapses with a temperature.

Rollercoaster can also be caused by a bad Interiorization RD or Int repair, out lists, bypassed charge of other descriptions. These should be gotten rid of before a PTS RD is attempted.


Valence shifts occur rapidly and frequently in PTS RDs and should be noted on the Worksheet.

The R3R can sometimes be a bit of a long haul on a basic incident. Be sure with an L3B. But get an erasure of basic no matter how hard you have to work at it. In the PTS RD incidents can “develop”. Missing pieces can appear. A whole new slant can occur on the subject when one goes to F2 after finishing F1.

Chronic somatics are likely to appear and be handled on this Rundown. And case conditions not previously remedied by other means can be remedied by this Rundown.


There is a point where the pc is absolutely sure he knew the person before this life. This is NOT the EP.

A pc can exteriorize on this RD. That is not the EP (but requires an Int RD if none has been done before going on).

The EP is a pc who is getting and keeping case gains and never again rollercoasters.


There are four parts to the RD.

(a) Present and past S&Ds. Collect them up, handle each valid item with R3R Triple, ARC Brk, PTP, w/h and overts each triple. If no S&Ds exist do “3 S&Ds” and R3R and Ruds as above. If no folder, get the pc to tell you any past S&D items.

(b) 2WC who the pc has known this lifetime who has troubled or worried him. Include father, mother, wife or wives (husband), brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, grandparents, lovers. Treat any that read as likely. Ask if the pc has known person before this life. If read, R3R Triple, Ruds & Overts Triple.

(c) 2WC Ask the pc who he has been after this life. Get various names. Ask if known before. Any that so read, R3R Triple, Ruds & Overts Triple.

(d) 2WC Ask pc places and planets known before this lifetime. Get some. R3R Triple, Ruds & Overts Triple.

That is the extent of the Rundown.


You cannot use Flow 1 as any old direction to or from pc. To do this fouls it up. Flow 1 is to the pc.

Flow 2 is pc to the person (or place).

Flow 3 is the person (or place) to others.

If you did F1 R3R as “Locate a time you knew____” you might get to the pc, pc to the person or the person to others. You would not get a clean motivator F1. This would leave the PTS chain partially run.

This is also true of the ruds.


If the pc does not recover, then reasons for failure 1 to 4 above should be checked into.

Then the lists and R3R should be handled with L4B and L3B.

Then an overlooked item or person or place should be scouted for and handled. There is no question of the validity of the Rundown. It might have missed. “True love” might have been passed over as unlikely but such obsessive attraction is always based on having known (and probably done in) the other person.

Then the true EP will be attained where it only appeared to be before.


See 3 S&Ds HCO Bs 13 January 1968, “S&Ds”, 19 Jan 68,16 Aug 69, 14 Jan 68, 28 Nov 67, 10 Nov 67, 9 Nov 67.

The commands and actions of doing 3 S&Ds are DRILL TR 4000-9 & TR 4000-10 3 S&Ds. HCO B 9 Oct 71, Issue VI.

The following R3R commands are used in every case. Put the person or place in the blank:

F1. Locate a time when _____did something to you. R3R.

F2. Locate a time when you did something to _____. R3R.

F3. Locate a time when _____did something to others. R3R.


1. Did _____ ARC Brk you? ARCU CDEINR. E/S to F/N.

2. Did you ARC Brk _____? ARCU CDEINR. E/S to F/N.

3. Did _____ ARC Brk others? ARCU CDEINR. E/S to F/N.

Always do a fresh ARCU CDEINR on each E/S.

4. Did _____ give you a problem? E/S to F/N.

5. Did you give ______a problem? E/S to F/N.

6. Did _____ give others problems? E/S to F/N.

7. Did you withhold anything from______? E/S to F/N.

8. Did ______ withhold anything from you? E/S to F/N.

9. Did ______ withhold anything from others? E/S to F/N.

10. Did _____ commit an overt (harmful act) on you? E/S to F/N.

11. Did you commit an overt (harmful act) on _____? E/S to F/N.

12. Did _____ commit an overt on others? E/S to F/N.


(a) Old S&Ds:

New S&Ds:

(b) 2WC reading items:

(c) 2WC after these items:

(d) Places and Planets:

Added Items for PTS Redo:
