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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- PreOTs Dont CS (CSS-75, SOLO-13) - B720410 | Сравнить
- Prepchecks - B720410 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Пре-От Не КС-ят (КС-75, СОЛОКС-13) - Б720410 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 720410 - HCO Bulletin - Pre-OTs Dont CS [B012-082]
- 720410 - HCO Bulletin - Pre-OTs Dont CS [B049-018]
- 720410 - HCO Bulletin - Prepchecks [B012-081]
- 720410 - HCO Bulletin - Prepchecks [B012-096]
- 720410 - HCO Bulletin - Prepchecks [B049-032]
CONTENTS PREOTS DON’T C/S Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
(Cancels HCO B 31 July 71 Issue II
Corrected "Solo C/Sing")
A/Courses URGENT C/S Series 75
Solo C/S Series 13


HCO B 31 July 71 Issue II Corrected required PreOTs to C/S their folders for the next session.

I did not write this HCO B.

Research has proven that a Solo PreOT who is required by any C/S to write a C/S for his next session can be put into that next session action.

This C/Sing for himself his own next session violates the "continued session rule" wherein an auditor does not "finish" a session by telling the pc "the process will be continued in the next session".

This puts the pc into continued sessions and in Solo can put the PreOT from Solo auditing to self auditing. There is a vast difference between the two. Solo auditing occurs in session with a meter. Self auditing is out of session wondering and chewing on bank.

A Solo PreOT must NOT self audit.

He ends the session he has done when he ends session on his worksheet.

He then goes to Examiner and gets his exam. The Examiner sends the completed Exam form to Solo Admin who puts it in the folder.

The Solo C/S, then, from his study of the folder, does the next C/S for the PreOT in proper C/S form. This is a diagonal 2 green stripes on the left-hand corner of the sheet, the PreOT's name and date in black. The C/S itself is in black pen.

The PreOT takes this C/S and does it in his next session.

In rare instances when the PreOT is going really well, the C/S permits him to do several sessions. The C/S can tell from Exam forms that all is well. This MUST carry a notice "Come in at once to the D of P if you cease to audit or run into trouble. Do this C/S in the next several sessions. Come in for a new C/S the moment you feel this C/S is complete and are ready for a new C/S."

When no Exam forms come in the Solo D of P chases the pc up.

If a Solo Exam form is bad the Examiner must mark it "Urgent Attn Solo C/S." IN RED.

Solo Admin must alert the D of P who chases up the pc.

Tab is kept on ALL Solo pcs on lines by the D of P and if one falls off lines the fact must be visible to the Solo D of P who keeps a board on sessions with all PreOTs’ names on it!

The above is the correct C/Sing line.

The worst features of a PreOT doing his own C/Sing are

1. He is not a trained C/S.

2. Sudden ideas pop up he wants to handle instead of going on and he gets into an offline action when he should keep going.

3. A PreOT can "rabbit" (run away from the bank) by proposing a C/S that does not make him confront it.

4. And Last but far from least, a "C/S" by a PreOT is an invitation to the Solo Case Supervisor to Q and A with it. (Q and A means to just repeat whatever another says as a lazy way out.)

Pc + Auditor is greater than bank.

In Solo Auditing

C/S + PreOT is greater than bank.

PreOTs do NOT C/S their own folders!

