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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Prior Confusion - B611102 | Сравнить
- Rudiments and Clearing - B611102 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Предществующее Замешательство - Б611102 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 611102 - HCO Bulletin - Prior Confusion, The [B001-094]
- 611102 - HCO Bulletin - Prior Confusion, The [B037-068]
- 611102 - HCO Bulletin - Prior Confusion, The [B161-023]
- 611102 - HCO Bulletin - Rudiments and Clearing [B001-092]
- 611102 - HCO Bulletin - Rudiments and Clearing [B001-093]
- 611102 - HCO Bulletin - Rudiments and Clearing [B161-025]
- 611102 - HCO Bulletin - Training CCHs [B028-048]
- 611102 - HCO Bulletin - Training CCHs [B037-069]
- 611102 - HCO Bulletin - Training CCHs [B161-026]
CONTENTS THE PRIOR CONFUSION Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


A recent discovery I have made may well do away with the need to directly run problems, particularly on people who find them hard to confront.

The mechanism is this:

All problems are preceded by a Prior Confusion.

The handling consists of locating the problem, then locating the Prior Confusion and then Sec Checking that Prior Confusion.

The preclear tends to edge forward in time to the problem continuously and to ‘bounce’ out of the Prior Confusion once located. The remedy is to locate the O/Ws in the Prior Confusion and keep the preclear out of the moment of the Problem.

All somatics, circuits, problems and difficulties including ARC breaks are all preceded by a Prior Confusion. Therefore it is possible (but not always feasible at the moment) to eradicate somatics by Sec Checking the Area of Confusion which occurred just before the pc noticed the somatic for the first time.

This is part of a Class II Auditor’s skills.

A problem could be regarded as a mechanism by which to locate hidden Areas of Confusion in a pc’s life.

All Hidden Standards are the result of a Prior Confusion.

The mechanism is extremely valuable. All rudiments could be run by finding the rudiment out, getting the difficulty expressed, locating the Prior Confusion and then finding the pc’s O/Ws in that Area of Confusion.

A Problems Intensive based on this mechanism is under design and I will release it for Class II use when I am satisfied the form is complete.