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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Clay Table Work in Training and Processing (S1-4) - B640817 | Сравнить
- Processing of End Words Only - B640817 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Работа с Пластилином при Обучении и Процессинге - Б640817 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 640817 - HCO Bulletin - Clay Table Work in Training and Processing [B004-026]
- 640817 - HCO Bulletin - Clay Table Work in Training and Processing [B040-026]
- 640817 - HCO Bulletin - Clay Table Work in Training and Processing [B081-002]
- 640817 - HCO Bulletin - Clay Table Work in Training and Processing [B147-010]
- 640817 - HCO Bulletin - R6 Co-Auditing - The Processing of End Words Only [B168-035]
CONTENTS PROCESSING OF END WORDS ONLY Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo Sthil Students R6 CO-AUDITING


End Word: The final word of a goal. It differs from root words in that these are “To ____________” such as “To Eat”. The end word always follow this, to eat “Sausages”. The complete GPM would be “To Eat Sausages”. Here sausages is the “end word”.

There are 268 root words to each end word.

There are possibly 268 end words in the Reactive mind, although 56 also reads on the meter.

The largest R6 gain early in processing is found from listing and scouting and finding end words and their locks. Locks often blow as hard as an actual end word. They are + and - so if you find one, find the other.

This finding of end words is also associated with considerable somatics if the pc is allowed to dwell on them - ie prepcheck etc. The trick is to find them and get away, not beat them to death.

Actually this is R6 used for healing at lower levels.

The aim of the process is “What end word might be behind your troubles?” The procedure is to:

  1. Find what the pc is worried about in life.
  2. Try to find an end word to account for it (usually pc says it in describing the worry, or at least says a lock).
  3. Try by very brief list to locate the actual end word. (step only used if big blowdown of tone arm did not occur on step 2)
  4. Ask for considerations about this found end word in this lifetime.
  5. Get out of there by asking pc how he or she has done and is doing in the session.

The main liability of the process consists of trying to find goals to match the end word when it is found, for it is out of sequence or far from present time and if dwealt on too long will turn on somatics.

This is stricktly a de-stimulation process and must not be carried into re-stimulation.