Every once in a while a C/S finds himself in the position where he's had an auditor of questionable reputation on his lines, and he is now faced with the task of cleaning up pcs audited by that auditor and ensuring there are no hidden errors on pcs he has audited. HCOB 11 July 82 I, Questionable Auditing Repair List, was written for this purpose, but there is an additional handling that should be done as well.
The handling is as follows:
A. Explain the Auditor's Code (R-factor).
B. Ask the pc if any of the following were violated in any way by the auditor (or any auditor).
C. Read to the pc (on a meter) the Auditor's Code line by line. Clear up all reads.
This will, of course, detect and clear up code breaks on pcs and get them back in the correct frame of mind about being audited.
Very few auditors, of course, get into the situation described above. And of this we can all be proud. But for those who have strayed we have these tools to remedy the matter.
I hope they are of some help to you.