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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- R3R-R3N-R3T Cautionary HCOB - B630729-2 | Сравнить
- Scientology Review - B630729 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 630729 - HCO Bulletin - Saint Hill Special Briefing Course - Training Drills [B039-038]
- 630729 - HCO Bulletin - Saint Hill Special Briefing Course - Training Drills [B153-036]
- 630729 - HCO Bulletin - Scientology Review [B003-050]
- 630729 - HCO Bulletin - Scientology Review [B039-037]
- 630729 - HCO Bulletin - Scientology Review [B153-037]
- 630729 - HCO Bulletin - Scientology Review [B153-038]
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II


I have been working hard to clarify time track, work which was more or less left off in 1952.

With the discovery of the relationship of time and the tone arm, I immediately went to work to see if any eager loops had used time confusion in order to immobilize and incapacitate a thetan.

I found almost at once that false timing of incidents was not only used but very nearly specialized in. The exact character of the between-lives implants only then came to view and could be mapped, and other implants of earlier times were disclosed.

Entire false pasts and futures have been installed and even actual dates and incidents have been grouped.

This is good news rather than bad news for it gives one a measure of the effort necessary to keep a thetan aberrated and gives us the reason some persons won't RR or get TA motion who otherwise might, for all GPMs may be falsely dated and if correctly dated might run.

This does not mean that R3N or R3R are in any way changed or that one does not run GPMs.

It does mean that a slight variation in R3R is needed when false track is found in order to make the dating easier on it. This will be called R3T. It consists of R3R plus clever methods of dating that get past implanted dates.

Meanwhile, be very careful in dating. No dates released on anything may be accurate including the Helatrobus Implants. I'm sorry if this held anybody back. But as usual you know as soon as I know.

So carry on. Get TA action on your pc. But be very cautious about accepting dates without checking "Is this incident and date in a false past? Is this incident and date in a false future?"

The best trick is to find if "Right now" or, as in the between-lives implants, "The year zero" exists in the false track and date it. "Was the year zero hundreds of years ago, thousand…, etc. " Clever, eh?

Some of you have been groaning about these skillions of trillions of years. They're usually found early on in auditing only on false track.

Good hunting.
