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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Honest People Have Rights, Too - B600208 | Сравнить
- Reputation of Saint Hill - B600208 | Сравнить
- Security Checks - B600208 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Честные Люди Тоже Имеют Права - Б600208 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 600208 - HCO Bulletin - Honest People Have Rights, Too [B024-036]
- 600208 - HCO Bulletin - Honest People Have Rights, Too [B036-031]
- 600208 - HCO Bulletin - Honest People Have Rights, Too [B114-004]
- 600208 - HCO Bulletin - Honest People Have Rights, Too [B141-011]
- 600208 - HCO Bulletin - Honest People Have Rights, Too [B141-012]
- 600208 - HCO Bulletin - Reputation of Saint Hill, The [B024-037]
- 600208 - HCO Bulletin - Security Checks [B024-035]
CONTENTS THE REPUTATION OF SAINT HILL Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex



During the war it was often stated that “a loose lip could sink a ship”. Today this applies to Saint Hill. Irresponsible statements in East Grinstead concerning Saint Hill could injure our relations with the town.

During the war it was often stated that “a loose lip could sink a ship”. Today this applies to Saint Hill. Irresponsible statements in East Grinstead concerning Saint Hill could injure our relations with the town.

Here are some facts we would be happy to let anyone know:

Here are some facts we would be happy to let anyone know:

Saint Hill releases into East Grinstead some £2,000 every month in new money through merchants and in wages as well as other ways. All of this money comes from outside England and the economy of East Grinstead receives the full benefit of it. If the status of Saint Hill were altered this machine would be denied East Grinstead and its people.

Saint Hill releases into East Grinstead some £2,000 every month in new money through merchants and in wages as well as other ways. All of this money comes from outside England and the economy of East Grinstead receives the full benefit of it. If the status of Saint Hill were altered this machine would be denied East Grinstead and its people.

There are no unpaid bills.

There are no unpaid bills.

No person who did his job well and who caused no trouble has been dismissed at Saint Hill The staff turnover in the garden and the house has been incidental to any new establishment seeking to settle down with the best possible staff. My basic staff policy is responsible for the turnover. I will not compromise with poor work and I will not drive bad workers into working. I ease them off or they leave.

No person who did his job well and who caused no trouble has been dismissed at Saint Hill The staff turnover in the garden and the house has been incidental to any new establishment seeking to settle down with the best possible staff. My basic staff policy is responsible for the turnover. I will not compromise with poor work and I will not drive bad workers into working. I ease them off or they leave.

Some discoveries of considerable interest to horticulture have been made at Saint Hill. All this research is private and its findings are given away without charge. Several of our experiments have now been repeated and accepted by U.S. laboratories.

Some discoveries of considerable interest to horticulture have been made at Saint Hill. All this research is private and its findings are given away without charge. Several of our experiments have now been repeated and accepted by U.S. laboratories.

Several advances in the understanding of the human mind have been made at Saint Hill. Saint Hill has been on National Television several times.

Several advances in the understanding of the human mind have been made at Saint Hill. Saint Hill has been on National Television several times.

Sometime this year outside lighting of the Manor House will be installed.

Sometime this year outside lighting of the Manor House will be installed.

Saint Hill Manor is the best example of Sussex sandstone structure in existence. It was completed in 1733.

Saint Hill Manor is the best example of Sussex sandstone structure in existence. It was completed in 1733.

Saint Hill has only had a half dozen owners in all that time. It will be continued in its original status as a Manor House. Amongst the owners are:

Saint Hill has only had a half dozen owners in all that time. It will be continued in its original status as a Manor House. Amongst the owners are:

The Crawfords (the Sussex iron family who built it),

The Crawfords (the Sussex iron family who built it),

Doctor Cruikshank (who did the more recent work on the grounds and pool), Mr. Lasky (once the richest man in England),

Doctor Cruikshank (who did the more recent work on the grounds and pool), Mr. Lasky (once the richest man in England),

Mrs. Biddle, the wife of the American Ambassador (who had the monkey room done and who modernized the baths),

Mrs. Biddle, the wife of the American Ambassador (who had the monkey room done and who modernized the baths),

The Maharajah of Jaipur who bought it for his wife (whose bell call boards we have left up).

The Maharajah of Jaipur who bought it for his wife (whose bell call boards we have left up).

Saint Hill has sent several members to parliament. We are currently putting tropical controlled climates into the glass houses.

Saint Hill has sent several members to parliament. We are currently putting tropical controlled climates into the glass houses.

We will complete the swimming pool this spring.

We will complete the swimming pool this spring.
