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8 May 19568 May 1956
From: L. Ron HubbardFrom: L. Ron Hubbard

To: “Nibs” Hubbard

To: “Nibs” Hubbard
Mary Sue HubbardMary Sue Hubbard
Ken BarrettKen Barrett
Jack ParkhouseJack Parkhouse
Dick StevesDick Steves
Washington Staff AuditorsWashington Staff Auditors
Julia LewisJulia Lewis
Don BreedingDon Breeding
John SanbornJohn Sanborn



During the past many months test results have been varying as follows: During the last few weeks I was in Washington and for the first few weeks after I had left test results remained high. They began to drop off and for about three months were quite unsatisfactory. The occasion for this was in the main a research, not an auditing, problem. When I finally isolated havingness as the principal neglected factor I began to work on rehabilitating it; test results did an immediate climb. Certain provisions were taken regarding the address of the individual auditor to the case and for a short while results were quite satisfactory. It is noteworthy, however, that, as could be expected, results followed a similar curve in London, but regained a higher level more rapidly and have retained that level since. The last batch of results received from HGC Washington indicate a new slump, but this time the slump exists not only in the HGC test results but in the Academy results. Formerly Academy results were higher than HGC results. This is not now the case.

During the past many months test results have been varying as follows: During the last few weeks I was in Washington and for the first few weeks after I had left test results remained high. They began to drop off and for about three months were quite unsatisfactory. The occasion for this was in the main a research, not an auditing, problem. When I finally isolated havingness as the principal neglected factor I began to work on rehabilitating it; test results did an immediate climb. Certain provisions were taken regarding the address of the individual auditor to the case and for a short while results were quite satisfactory. It is noteworthy, however, that, as could be expected, results followed a similar curve in London, but regained a higher level more rapidly and have retained that level since. The last batch of results received from HGC Washington indicate a new slump, but this time the slump exists not only in the HGC test results but in the Academy results. Formerly Academy results were higher than HGC results. This is not now the case.

From this we must assume that some randomity of some character has entered into processing independent of procedures. With that may I repeat the following cautions:

From this we must assume that some randomity of some character has entered into processing independent of procedures. With that may I repeat the following cautions:

  • Do not take inventories.
  • Do not take inventories.
  • Do not go into long two-way comm sessions since these two things reduce havingness markedly.
  • Do not go into long two-way comm sessions since these two things reduce havingness markedly.
  • Lay off all subjective processes unless they are straight mock-up havingness processes.
  • Lay off all subjective processes unless they are straight mock-up havingness processes.
  • Run more 8-C and “Terrible Trio” than anything else.
  • Run more 8-C and “Terrible Trio” than anything else.
  • Run also the “Can’t Have” process outlined in PAB 83.
  • Run also the “Can’t Have” process outlined in PAB 83.
  • Omit Orders and Lying Processes.
  • Omit Orders and Lying Processes.
  • In PAB 83 you will also discover BE, DO and HAVE again and the probability is havingness has to be settled, then doingness, then beingness and then exteriorization exercises.

    In PAB 83 you will also discover BE, DO and HAVE again and the probability is havingness has to be settled, then doingness, then beingness and then exteriorization exercises.

    In addition to these data on havingness and staying away from subjective processes, there is the matter of games. Winnowing actually some hundreds of possible processes with regard to games only one process has proven to be of great help. This process is run on the alternate questions system whereby Question A is asked, then Question B, then Question A, and so forth. This process is “What would you permit to overwhelm?” and B—”What would you permit to be overwhelmed?” Read that very carefully because it is not “What would you permit to overwhelm you?” or “What could you overwhelm?” It is an entirely detached type of question and it depends upon the old truth that one doesn’t have any problems of one’s own — all problems are other people’s problems. Asking Question A and then Question B back and forth with due regard to havingness brings about a considerable change in the person’s morale. I know many subjective processes that work but none which so thoroughly alter a person’s viewpoint as this “overwhelming” process. It is evidently true that no part of Games is processable and the entering into of games is not necessarily therapeutic except this idea of overwhelming things. The idea actually goes much further. People become unwilling to overwhelm to such a degree that they will let things go to pieces. This happens to nations. It happens to individuals and it can happen to auditors.

    In addition to these data on havingness and staying away from subjective processes, there is the matter of games. Winnowing actually some hundreds of possible processes with regard to games only one process has proven to be of great help. This process is run on the alternate questions system whereby Question A is asked, then Question B, then Question A, and so forth. This process is “What would you permit to overwhelm?” and B—”What would you permit to be overwhelmed?” Read that very carefully because it is not “What would you permit to overwhelm you?” or “What could you overwhelm?” It is an entirely detached type of question and it depends upon the old truth that one doesn’t have any problems of one’s own — all problems are other people’s problems. Asking Question A and then Question B back and forth with due regard to havingness brings about a considerable change in the person’s morale. I know many subjective processes that work but none which so thoroughly alter a person’s viewpoint as this “overwhelming” process. It is evidently true that no part of Games is processable and the entering into of games is not necessarily therapeutic except this idea of overwhelming things. The idea actually goes much further. People become unwilling to overwhelm to such a degree that they will let things go to pieces. This happens to nations. It happens to individuals and it can happen to auditors.

    The other thing we learn out of games is that games consist of freedom, barriers and purposes. We learn further that there can be no freedom without barriers, since there is no place to be free to. Whereas generations of Man have talked freely about freedom, no one has given barriers a break.

    The other thing we learn out of games is that games consist of freedom, barriers and purposes. We learn further that there can be no freedom without barriers, since there is no place to be free to. Whereas generations of Man have talked freely about freedom, no one has given barriers a break.

    In other words, barriers are left on full automatic and only freedom is concentrated upon. In this we have the secret of why Havingness works. It is actually havingness in terms of barriers. We find people impatient of any and all restrictions, resisting anything that resists them. When we work in the direction of freedom entirely all we do is trap the person completely. However running such a process as “Invent a barrier for your body” is not particularly successful according to my inspection of it. Problems depend on their success in auditing as counter-created barriers to the preclear. He can use a very great many of them. I think that the totality of successful processing consists of rebalancing freedom, barriers, purposes.

    In other words, barriers are left on full automatic and only freedom is concentrated upon. In this we have the secret of why Havingness works. It is actually havingness in terms of barriers. We find people impatient of any and all restrictions, resisting anything that resists them. When we work in the direction of freedom entirely all we do is trap the person completely. However running such a process as “Invent a barrier for your body” is not particularly successful according to my inspection of it. Problems depend on their success in auditing as counter-created barriers to the preclear. He can use a very great many of them. I think that the totality of successful processing consists of rebalancing freedom, barriers, purposes.

    Almost all processes take the single viewpoint, that of the preclear, and thus do not improve his pan-determinism. The “overwhelming” process mentioned above does, however, take into account a pan-determined attitude toward existence. Unless this is regained a case does not progress well.

    Almost all processes take the single viewpoint, that of the preclear, and thus do not improve his pan-determinism. The “overwhelming” process mentioned above does, however, take into account a pan-determined attitude toward existence. Unless this is regained a case does not progress well.

    There is another test which you should make and which is self-explanatory. It tells us why valences switch and why one interiorizes into other people’s cases. “Look at a chair and tell it to do something.” Note that it does not do it. “Say to yourself, ‘That defeats me,’ and ‘I’ll have to do it myself. ’ “ Run this for a short time as an example. It is very destructive of havingness, but it tells one the exact mechanisms of interiorization, whether into a body, a case, or a universe.

    There is another test which you should make and which is self-explanatory. It tells us why valences switch and why one interiorizes into other people’s cases. “Look at a chair and tell it to do something.” Note that it does not do it. “Say to yourself, ‘That defeats me,’ and ‘I’ll have to do it myself. ’ “ Run this for a short time as an example. It is very destructive of havingness, but it tells one the exact mechanisms of interiorization, whether into a body, a case, or a universe.

    Now with one single exception we have all the ingredients above necessary to make ourselves a clear. This single exception is “AUDITING ATTITUDE.”

    Now with one single exception we have all the ingredients above necessary to make ourselves a clear. This single exception is “AUDITING ATTITUDE.”



    Unless one has himself an excellent grip on the exact auditing procedure demanded of an auditor addressing a preclear, he is not likely, himself, to teach it or supervise it. In view of recent correspondence and questions coming from Washington staff, it seems that there has not been a sufficient understanding of the indoctrination procedures contained in dummy auditing; therefore, I recently sent a telegram to Julia to request that staff auditors’ conferences be stopped as such for a short time and that all staff undertake an orientation in indoctrination procedures. This is not really a criticism — this is a new thing which has come to us. Checking London instructors, however, I have found that while they were willing to teach indoctrination and supervise it they themselves were fairly rickety on the subject, and the same activity will shortly be instituted in London.

    Unless one has himself an excellent grip on the exact auditing procedure demanded of an auditor addressing a preclear, he is not likely, himself, to teach it or supervise it. In view of recent correspondence and questions coming from Washington staff, it seems that there has not been a sufficient understanding of the indoctrination procedures contained in dummy auditing; therefore, I recently sent a telegram to Julia to request that staff auditors’ conferences be stopped as such for a short time and that all staff undertake an orientation in indoctrination procedures. This is not really a criticism — this is a new thing which has come to us. Checking London instructors, however, I have found that while they were willing to teach indoctrination and supervise it they themselves were fairly rickety on the subject, and the same activity will shortly be instituted in London.

    It is my hope that staff in Washington by doing indoctrination dummy auditings will get a better grip on the subject, as I do not feel that it has been adequately understood in the past. Certainly nobody can be harmed by the practice and it is practice, rather than theoretical resume, we would want to conduct in these sessions.

    It is my hope that staff in Washington by doing indoctrination dummy auditings will get a better grip on the subject, as I do not feel that it has been adequately understood in the past. Certainly nobody can be harmed by the practice and it is practice, rather than theoretical resume, we would want to conduct in these sessions.

    An auditor must be drilled on acknowledgment, on putting a question, on an exact communication bridge, and on handling the preclear’s origin.

    An auditor must be drilled on acknowledgment, on putting a question, on an exact communication bridge, and on handling the preclear’s origin.

    You already have the tools and information as to how this is done but I do think we could stand some practice in doing it, and I think this to some degree will help to raise the Academy and HGC test results which I have mentioned above here from them.

    You already have the tools and information as to how this is done but I do think we could stand some practice in doing it, and I think this to some degree will help to raise the Academy and HGC test results which I have mentioned above here from them.

    I repeat that it is drill in dummy auditing we want at these 5 o’clock sessions until everybody has had at least 25 hours’ practice in dummy auditing without further significance. I believe that then can we hammer away at students and preclears with a clear conscience on having been through it ourselves.

    I repeat that it is drill in dummy auditing we want at these 5 o’clock sessions until everybody has had at least 25 hours’ practice in dummy auditing without further significance. I believe that then can we hammer away at students and preclears with a clear conscience on having been through it ourselves.



    I gave you a green light on the Washington Foundation and mimeograph on how to proceed from it, then I gave you a hold-up on it until I came home in August. The reason for this change lay in part in some communications I received from Washington asking questions concerning the school which did not show a good grasp on its purpose. But more important than this was the fact that we are at this moment putting it in London and can be expected to learn much here concerning its conduct. We must be able to start with our best foot forward in Washington as that one means so much to us. A third reason having nothing to do with Washington is that I am not yet entirely satisfied with the exact materials to be taught and will make tapes here to the London classes until we get an exactly usable set. A further hold-up is the lack of textbook. I feel that it would be almost fatal to start in without an exact textbook of materials taught to show to persons interested in a governmental way.

    I gave you a green light on the Washington Foundation and mimeograph on how to proceed from it, then I gave you a hold-up on it until I came home in August. The reason for this change lay in part in some communications I received from Washington asking questions concerning the school which did not show a good grasp on its purpose. But more important than this was the fact that we are at this moment putting it in London and can be expected to learn much here concerning its conduct. We must be able to start with our best foot forward in Washington as that one means so much to us. A third reason having nothing to do with Washington is that I am not yet entirely satisfied with the exact materials to be taught and will make tapes here to the London classes until we get an exactly usable set. A further hold-up is the lack of textbook. I feel that it would be almost fatal to start in without an exact textbook of materials taught to show to persons interested in a governmental way.

    Knowing printing schedules it would be some little time before that exact text and the text B & C will be ready in the U.S. Incidental to the last I am alarmed at the cost of Ability books for a paper-covered edition. They should not cost anything like 25 cents a piece. The same book in London costs a very small fraction of that. Thus something has gone wrong with our pricing.

    Knowing printing schedules it would be some little time before that exact text and the text B & C will be ready in the U.S. Incidental to the last I am alarmed at the cost of Ability books for a paper-covered edition. They should not cost anything like 25 cents a piece. The same book in London costs a very small fraction of that. Thus something has gone wrong with our pricing.

    Therefore I want to be able to sift out the exact materials to be taught and to get printed text A, B and C here or in the U.S. and have them available before we start up with the Washington Foundation, and in this way we will solve a great many minor difficulties which would make things confusing in Washington.

    Therefore I want to be able to sift out the exact materials to be taught and to get printed text A, B and C here or in the U.S. and have them available before we start up with the Washington Foundation, and in this way we will solve a great many minor difficulties which would make things confusing in Washington.

    Scientology at this time is in a state of flux and change. We are still trying to standardize and settle upon SLP 8 and our large public releases should depend in a large measure upon a great deal of certainty on our own parts. I am perfectly certain now from this end as to the probable eventual form of SLP 8, but to have to release it within six weeks puts a rush on the Research Department which is unthinkable.

    Scientology at this time is in a state of flux and change. We are still trying to standardize and settle upon SLP 8 and our large public releases should depend in a large measure upon a great deal of certainty on our own parts. I am perfectly certain now from this end as to the probable eventual form of SLP 8, but to have to release it within six weeks puts a rush on the Research Department which is unthinkable.



    I have in my files here evidence of having sent over orders to get air conditioning for the Academy in late February. Ken has placed with me several estimates for air conditioning and I have wired to put in air conditioning. Evidently air conditioning at the Academy will have to be installed on a room-to-room basis. Such air conditioning is alright but it is too bad that a large central unit cannot be installed. However, room-to- room basis makes for fresher air. I hope that adequate air conditioning by this time is installed. Naturally one should take the lowest estimate.

    I have in my files here evidence of having sent over orders to get air conditioning for the Academy in late February. Ken has placed with me several estimates for air conditioning and I have wired to put in air conditioning. Evidently air conditioning at the Academy will have to be installed on a room-to-room basis. Such air conditioning is alright but it is too bad that a large central unit cannot be installed. However, room-to- room basis makes for fresher air. I hope that adequate air conditioning by this time is installed. Naturally one should take the lowest estimate.

    This factor should be released at once in Ability Magazine. Air conditioning should be installed and the fact should be announced promptly, because the heat in Washington is well known and last summer’s agony was also well known. Therefore air conditioning has something to do with procurement.

    This factor should be released at once in Ability Magazine. Air conditioning should be installed and the fact should be announced promptly, because the heat in Washington is well known and last summer’s agony was also well known. Therefore air conditioning has something to do with procurement.



    The staff is to be congratulated on having again begun procurement in the student line. We have had a rather long slump, but we are out of this slump now.

    The staff is to be congratulated on having again begun procurement in the student line. We have had a rather long slump, but we are out of this slump now.

    I have to hand a student brochure which I am returning. I would use this as a temporary brochure.

    I have to hand a student brochure which I am returning. I would use this as a temporary brochure.

    We are about to install a new grade which goes along with the free business school idea. This new grade is called “Professional Scientologist” which desensitizes the idea of auditing and puts very much into fore the idea of training large groups of people to be better in business and their life and treats auditing as only one of the methods in achieving this. The brochure should reflect this and at some time in the future we will have all of the data necessary to print a brochure with this material enclosed.

    We are about to install a new grade which goes along with the free business school idea. This new grade is called “Professional Scientologist” which desensitizes the idea of auditing and puts very much into fore the idea of training large groups of people to be better in business and their life and treats auditing as only one of the methods in achieving this. The brochure should reflect this and at some time in the future we will have all of the data necessary to print a brochure with this material enclosed.



    It is up to the officers of the HASI and other corporations to make very sure that Tax Exemption Certificates are filed for with the Federal Government. Oscar Brinkman, our attorney, is taking care of this, but he may need assistance. It is certain that this picture must be straightened out and there is no reason to believe that Tax Exemption Certificates will not be issued for each and every one of these corporations from the HAS, HASI, right on through to the Founding Church. It simply requires a little address and trouble. It is up to the officers of these corporations to look into this.

    It is up to the officers of the HASI and other corporations to make very sure that Tax Exemption Certificates are filed for with the Federal Government. Oscar Brinkman, our attorney, is taking care of this, but he may need assistance. It is certain that this picture must be straightened out and there is no reason to believe that Tax Exemption Certificates will not be issued for each and every one of these corporations from the HAS, HASI, right on through to the Founding Church. It simply requires a little address and trouble. It is up to the officers of these corporations to look into this.



    While an eventual situation in the Ozarks is of a necessity, this will not include the unmocking of the Washington Church. Setting up things in the Ozarks probably does not involve more than two or three of the existing Washington personnel, therefore if anybody is standing around waiting for us to move to the Ozarks as a move that will affect his own plans, relax.

    While an eventual situation in the Ozarks is of a necessity, this will not include the unmocking of the Washington Church. Setting up things in the Ozarks probably does not involve more than two or three of the existing Washington personnel, therefore if anybody is standing around waiting for us to move to the Ozarks as a move that will affect his own plans, relax.



    The Director of Training at the Academy is authorized to arrange his curricula as he sees fit in order to include data which would be necessary to the individual auditor. Amongst things which should be taught is how to lecture, how to group process, how to give an assist and the most modern processes.

    The Director of Training at the Academy is authorized to arrange his curricula as he sees fit in order to include data which would be necessary to the individual auditor. Amongst things which should be taught is how to lecture, how to group process, how to give an assist and the most modern processes.

    The Translator’s Edition of Scientology as currently appearing in the PABs should be run off on a mimeographed basis and used for a textbook by the Academy as well as the London School.

    The Translator’s Edition of Scientology as currently appearing in the PABs should be run off on a mimeographed basis and used for a textbook by the Academy as well as the London School.

    Great care should be taken that the student is able to connect the Axioms of Scientology with the processes and activities of Scientology.

    Great care should be taken that the student is able to connect the Axioms of Scientology with the processes and activities of Scientology.

    Old-time processes such as engram running, Rising Scale Processing and other things which have proven successful should also be gone into with the student. His idea of Dianetics and Scientology should, therefore, be well rounded.

    Old-time processes such as engram running, Rising Scale Processing and other things which have proven successful should also be gone into with the student. His idea of Dianetics and Scientology should, therefore, be well rounded.

    I know this places a little strain on scheduling, but it is nevertheless necessary that it be done. Undoubtedly there is some way to work out a schedule so that we get all of these things included.

    I know this places a little strain on scheduling, but it is nevertheless necessary that it be done. Undoubtedly there is some way to work out a schedule so that we get all of these things included.



    Our intentions with regard to Washington should be clearly understood. We have in the main been quite successful here in Washington and there is no reason why we can’t continue to be. Furthermore, we can point to successes already in being a civilizing influence on various governmental people. Besides ourselves there is no other such influence in the country. We should keep along with the Founding Church, exactly as it is running or a little better. We should add to this the Washington Foundation and train free classes. We should offer these free classes various leaflets, having to do with what good civilized government is, and we hope eventually to open up something like the Washington School of Government and, who knows, make it mandatory to go to that school before taking office. Nations should not have people in their midst who know nothing of government doing its governing.

    Our intentions with regard to Washington should be clearly understood. We have in the main been quite successful here in Washington and there is no reason why we can’t continue to be. Furthermore, we can point to successes already in being a civilizing influence on various governmental people. Besides ourselves there is no other such influence in the country. We should keep along with the Founding Church, exactly as it is running or a little better. We should add to this the Washington Foundation and train free classes. We should offer these free classes various leaflets, having to do with what good civilized government is, and we hope eventually to open up something like the Washington School of Government and, who knows, make it mandatory to go to that school before taking office. Nations should not have people in their midst who know nothing of government doing its governing.

    With few exceptions we are doing very well. Right now, the staff is doing a very fine job holding things together and with some caution and tighter administration, we should find ourselves graduating, before too much time goes by, into a much greater certainty.

    With few exceptions we are doing very well. Right now, the staff is doing a very fine job holding things together and with some caution and tighter administration, we should find ourselves graduating, before too much time goes by, into a much greater certainty.



    This is just about keeping pace with Washington income. The income will have to be improved before payroll is improved, otherwise the operation will become insolvent.

    This is just about keeping pace with Washington income. The income will have to be improved before payroll is improved, otherwise the operation will become insolvent.

    I wish to thank in particular Julia and Dick Steves for their activities in Washing- ton, and to express my gratitude to the others.

    I wish to thank in particular Julia and Dick Steves for their activities in Washing- ton, and to express my gratitude to the others.
