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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Routine 3GA - Goals - Nulling by Mid Ruds - B620800 | Сравнить
- Routine 3GA - Nulling Drills for Nulling by Mid Ruds (Replaced) - B620800-2 | Сравнить

Drill on New Nulling Procedure for Routine 3GA Drill 1: Drill 2. Drill 3: Drill 4: Drill 5: Drill 6: Drill 7. Drill 8: Drill 9: Drill 10:
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
Sthil Students CenOCon


(Accompanies HCO Bulletin of 1 August AD12) (Note: In an actual session, in addition to Model Session script, only the words below are used. No additive words or departures are necessary except to clean up a constant dirty needle with session Mid Ruds if that misfortune occurs. And use session Mid Ruds only when you can’t go on otherwise.)

Drill on New Nulling Procedure for Routine 3GA

Position for this drill is the usual auditor-coach position. The coach only has the drill form and follows it exactly until the student auditor has each example down perfectly. When the student auditor and the coach have these drills down exactly, then the coach can give different reads and different goals for the student auditor to work on, the only caution being that the goals selected be those which would be most unlikely on anyone’s goals list. The goal used in this drill is: TO BE A TIGER. On the drills below “A” is for auditor, “C” is for coach. Student and coach use only the words in the drill except when student errs at which coach says, “Flunk!” and “Start”, at which student starts at the beginning.

Drill 1:

A: To be a tiger. C: Null

A: On this goal has anything been suppressed? C: Null

A: Thank you. That is out.

Drill 2.

A: To be a tiger. C: Read

A: On this goal has anything been invalidated? C: Read

A: What was it? Thank you. On this goal has anything been invalidated? C: Null

A: To be a tiger. C: Null

A: On this goal has anything been suppressed? C: Read

A: What was it? Thank you. On this goal has anything been suppressed? C: Null

A: To be a tiger. C: Null

A: Thank you. That is out.

Drill 3:

A: To be a tiger. C: Null

A: On this goal has anything been suppressed? C: Read

A: What was it? Thank you. On this goal has anything been suppressed? C: Read

A: What was it? Thank you. On this goal has anything been suppressed? C: Null

A: To be a tiger. C: Null

A: Thank you. That is out.

Drill 4:

A: To be a tiger. C: Read

A: On this goal has anything been invalidated? C: Null

A: Thank you. On this goal has anything been suggested? C: Read

A: What was it? Thank you. On this goal has anything been suggested? C: Null

A: To be a tiger. C: Null

A: On this goal has anything been suppressed? C: Null

A: Thank you. That is out.

Drill 5:

A: To be a tiger. C: Read

A: On this goal has anything been invalidated? C: Null

A: Thank you. On this goal has anything been suggested? C: Null

A: Thank you. On this goal is there anything you have failed to reveal? C: Read

A: What was it? Thank you. On this goal is there anything you have failed to reveal? C: Null

A: Thank you. To be a tiger. C: Null

A: On this goal has anything been suppressed? C: Null

A: Thank you. That is out.

Drill 6:

A: To be a tiger. C: Read

A: On this goal has anything been invalidated? C: Null

A: On this goal has anything been suggested? C: Null

A: On the goal to be a tiger is there anything you have failed to reveal? C: Null

A: On this goal has any mistake been made? C: Read

A: What was it? Thank you. On this goal has any mistake been made? C: Null

A: On this goal has anything been suppressed? C: Null

A: Thank you. That is out.

Drill 7.

A: To be a tiger. C: Null

A: On this goal has anything been suppressed? C: Read

A: What was it? Thank you. On this goal has anything been suppressed? C: Read

A: What was it? Thank you. On this goal has anything been suppressed? C: Null

A: To be a tiger. C: Read

A: On this goal has anything been invalidated? C: Read

A: What was it? Thank you. On this goal has anything been invalidated? C: Null

A: To be a tiger. C: Read

A: On this goal has anything been suggested? C: Null

A: On this goal is there anything you have failed to reveal? C: Null

A: On the goal to be a tiger has any mistake been made? C: Read

A: What was it? Thank you. On this goal has any mistake been made? C: Null

A: On this goal has anything been suppressed? C: Read

A: What was it? Thank you. On this goal has anything been suppressed? C: Null

A: To be a tiger. C: Read

A: On this goal has anything been invalidated? C: Read

A: What was it? Thank you. On this goal has anything been invalidated? C: Null

A: To be a tiger. C: Null

A: On this goal has anything been suppressed? C: Null

A: Thank you. That is out.

Drill 8:

A: To be a tiger. C: Read

A: On this goal has anything been invalidated? C: Null

A: On this goal has anything been suggested? C: Null

A: On this goal is there anything you have failed to reveal? C: Null

A: On this goal has any mistake been made? C: Null

A: On this goal has anything been suppressed? C: Null

A: To be a tiger. C: Read

A: To be a tiger. C: Read

A: To be a tiger.

C: Read (Note that this goal is now ready to be checked out.)

Drill 9:

A: To be a tiger. C: Null

A: On this goal has anything been suppressed? C: Read

A: What was it? Thank you. On this goal has anything been suppressed. C: Null

A: To be a tiger. C: Read

A: On this goal has anything been invalidated? C: Read

A: What was it? Thank you. On this goal has anything been invalidated? C: Null

A: To be a tiger. C: Read

A: On this goal has anything been suggested? C: Read

A: What was it? Thank you. On this goal has anything been suggested. C: Read

AWhat was it? Thank you. On this goal has anything been suggested? C: Null

A: To be a tiger. C: Read

AOn this goal is there anything you have failed to reveal? C: Read

AWhat was it? Thank you. On this goal is there anything you have failed to reveal? C: Null

A: To be a tiger. C: Null

A: On this goal has anything been suppressed? C: Null

A: Thank you. That is out.

Drill 10:

A: To be a tiger. C: Null

A: On this goal is there anything you have suppressed? C: Read

A: What was it? Thank you. On this goal is there anything you have suppressed? C: Null

A: To be a tiger. C: Read

A: On this goal is there anything you have invalidated? C: Null

A: On this goal is there anything you have suggested? C: Read

A: What was it? Thank you. On this goal is there anything you have suggested? C: Null

A: To be a tiger. C: Null

A: Thank you. That is out.