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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Running CCHs - B620807 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Проведение УОО - Б620807 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 620807 - HCO Bulletin - Running CCHs [B002-052]
- 620807 - HCO Bulletin - Running CCHs [B029-028]
- 620807 - HCO Bulletin - Running CCHs [B038-048]
- 620807 - HCO Bulletin - Running CCHs [B160-022]
CONTENTS RUNNING CCHs Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Sthil Students Course Franchise


CCHs being run terribly wrong.

Correct version follows: Run a CCH only so long as it produces change in the pc’s general aspect.

If no change in aspect for three commands, with the pc actually doing the commands, go on to next CCH.

If CCH producing change do not go on but flatten that CCH.

Then when for three commands executed by the pc it produces no change go on to next CCH.

Run CCHs One Two Three Four, One Two Three Four, One etc.

Use only right hand on One.

The CCHs are run alternated with Prepchecking session by session depending upon whether or not the pc has had a win on either and whether the CCHs in the CCH Session were not left with the pc stuck in one CCH which was producing terrific change and thusly very unflat as a process.

CCHs are not run in Model Session, nor run on the E-Meter, nor are goals set. The reality factor is established before the first command is given.

It is code break clause thirteen to run a CCH that is producing no change or to not flatten in same or subsequent session a CCH that is producing change.

Some pcs get no reaction at first on any CCH; therefore run each one as above, CCH One Two Three Four, One etc, and with Prepchecking being given in alternate sessions, or as stated above in case one of the CCHs has to be flattened off in another session on the CCHs.