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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- SLP 8 - B561130 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 561130 - HCO Training Bulletin - SLP 8 [B020-031]
- 561130 - HCO Training Bulletin - SLP 8 [B033-027]
CONTENTS SLP 8 Cохранить документ себе Скачать
30 November 1956


1. Getting into communication with your preclear.

A. Mimicry (psycho rushes around in the middle of the room and jumps up and screams; and you rush around in the middle of the room and jump up and scream).

B. Touching the preclear (on locational or any other process where you walk the preclear around, you are in communication with him to the degree that you touch him). Gradient scale, touching him on the elbow, taking hold of his elbow and eventually making his body turn this way and that.

Commands: "Look at me. Who am I?" "Who does this hand belong to?" (Auditor indicating own hand or various parts of his body, being sure to maintain some physical contact with preclears below 2.0 on Tone Scale, where communication is solid.)

2. Havingness, subjective. (This is just a patch-up of havingness so that if the preclear caves in you have something to fish him out with which he has been conditioned to.) "Mock up a ______." "Push it into the body."

3. Part A of 8-C. "Do you see that ______?" (auditor indicates wall or object), "Walk over to it." "Touch it." "Let go of it."

4. Control Process, tactile 8-Cb. "Look around the room and find something you wouldn't mind having," or "______ could have." "Walk over to it and feel it."

5. Start-C-S. (Don't run any part of it very long.) "When I say start, you start the body," or " _______ the (object)." "Start." "When I say change, you change the (body or object) from ______ to ______" (locations designated by auditor). "Change." "When I say stop, you stop the (body or object)." "Stop."

6. Keep it from Going Away. "Find some objects in the room you don't dislike." (Have him spot quite a few, maybe 20. You select out of these three you are sure are nonsignificant to this preclear. Have him go and get them and place them some distance apart — at least three feet between object 1 and object 3 — and not directly in front of him; two objects on one side, one way off side, the other slightly off side, and one way off the other side.)

A. "Look at ______" (auditor mentions object 1).

B. "Look at ______(object 1)."

Part A is run several times before running part B.

7. Keep it from going away on the body. (Everything you run on the right foot you run on the left foot, everything you run on the right ear you run on the left ear, everything you run on the head you run on the feet, etc.)

8. Keep it from going away by sight.

9. Connectedness.

10. Handling of confusion. "Make the wall say to (preclear, his body, part of his body, etc.), 'This means go to ______,'" (Preclear furnishes the name, a different name each time, for each of the six sides of the room.) Then, "Make the wall say to (as above), 'This means don't go to ______.'" (As above.) Alternate, once around the six sides of the room on "This means go to ______," then on "______ don't go to ______" until fairly flat.

Then, "This means stay in ______," "This means don't stay in _____." (run as above).

11. "Confuse that wall."

12. Causing confusions.

13. Stop-C-S.

A. "Now, I'm going to give you a little process — a little drill that we have here in Scientology. First, I want you to get your body moving toward that wall over there, and somewhere along the line, I'll say 'stop,' and I want YOU to stop your body. Got that? All right." "Now get it moving." "Stop." "That's fine."

"All right, now turn around here" (taking him by the elbow). "Now, we're going to run a little process. I'm going to ask you to get your body moving toward that wall, and somewhere along the line, I'm going to say 'stop,' and when I say stop, I want YOU to stop your body."

Repeat above commands.

B. "When I ask you to change your body, I want you to change the body's position from a to b." (Locations designated by auditor.) "Let's see how rapidly you can change the body's position."

C. "When I say 'start', I want you to start the body moving." "Start."

14. Tolerance of motion and stillness. Preclear sitting at a window or ambulatory. "Look at the street." "Now find something still." "Now find something in motion." "Find something still." "Find something in motion."

15. "With what could you ally your control," or "Invent a way to control people," or "Look around and find something that would assist you in controlling people."

16. Over and Under solids. Have him pick the center of his life, an engram in the middle of his life; the commands are before and after this point.

17. Time Process. Select command wording to communicate to the preclear. "Invent a way to (best, overcome, overwhelm, beat, whip, make subservient, put in the background, make know it's been licked) time."

18. Valences.

19. "Invent an individuality to cope with it," alternate with "Invent a worse situation."

20. "Invent an enemy."

21. Keep it from going away on the body.

22. Mock-up Start-C-S. Start-C-S on mocked up body.

23. Mock-up Stop-C-S. Stop-C-S on mocked up body. Change run as, "Mock up the body." "Make it flip-flop."

24. Rehabilitation of abilities. For any ability the preclear always wanted to have and couldn't do. For example, for speaking Arabic:

"Mock up ______" (Arabic objects), "Keep it from going away," then "Mock up (Arab men, women and children)," "Keep (him, her) from going away," then "Mock up (Arab men, women, children)," "Stop (him, her) from talking," "Start (him, her) talking."