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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Safe Auditing Table - B611026 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 611026 - HCO Bulletin - Safe Auditing Table [B001-088]
- 611026 - HCO Bulletin - Safe Auditing Table [B037-067]
- 611026 - HCO Bulletin - Safe Auditing Table [B161-022]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex



I have just isolated the reason why a pc sometimes gets a solidifying bank on Step 6 and at other times.

I have just isolated the reason why a pc sometimes gets a solidifying bank on Step 6 and at other times.

The reason is that no terminal, except as below, may be run that is not the pc’s goal’s terminal.

The reason is that no terminal, except as below, may be run that is not the pc’s goal’s terminal.

A central valence or terminal is built in to demand total attention from the pc. When attention is given another terminal, too much, in life or auditing, the bank reacts to prevent that attention.

A central valence or terminal is built in to demand total attention from the pc. When attention is given another terminal, too much, in life or auditing, the bank reacts to prevent that attention.

This is why some pcs gain weight. A terminal not the goals terminal has been run too long or concentrated upon too hard.

This is why some pcs gain weight. A terminal not the goals terminal has been run too long or concentrated upon too hard.

Therefore I have composed a table of safe processes.

Therefore I have composed a table of safe processes.



  1. Security (Processing) Checking. As long as O/Ws (times when pc’s attention was fixed on terminals other than goals terminal) are pulled off by Meter properly per standard or composed Sec Checks. Sec Checking a single terminal is less safe than Sec Checking in general which is totally safe unless a question on which pc has withholds is left unflat.
  1. Security (Processing) Checking. As long as O/Ws (times when pc’s attention was fixed on terminals other than goals terminal) are pulled off by Meter properly per standard or composed Sec Checks. Sec Checking a single terminal is less safe than Sec Checking in general which is totally safe unless a question on which pc has withholds is left unflat.
  • The word “you” as a terminal may be run so long as it does not eventually stick any flows.
  • The word “you” as a terminal may be run so long as it does not eventually stick any flows.
  • Areas of Prior Confusion (prior to a stuck point or problem) may be run and will free the stuck point that occurs later in time. The run should be done on the Prior Confusion by Sec Checking the period earlier than the stuck point or problem. The questions are by deed rather than by terminal.
  • Areas of Prior Confusion (prior to a stuck point or problem) may be run and will free the stuck point that occurs later in time. The run should be done on the Prior Confusion by Sec Checking the period earlier than the stuck point or problem. The questions are by deed rather than by terminal.
  • Concepts including Rising Scale Processing are perfectly safe as they include no terminals.
  • Concepts including Rising Scale Processing are perfectly safe as they include no terminals.
  • ARC Straight Wire, ARC Break Straight Wire and Something you wouldn’t mind forgetting? are all completely safe as long as pc is cycled back up to present time at process period end.
  • ARC Straight Wire, ARC Break Straight Wire and Something you wouldn’t mind forgetting? are all completely safe as long as pc is cycled back up to present time at process period end.
  • CCHs.
  • CCHs.
  • Touch Assists and all Familiarization Processes.
  • Touch Assists and all Familiarization Processes.
  • Havingness and Confront Processes (The 36 Commands).
  • Havingness and Confront Processes (The 36 Commands).
  • Rudiments Processes if briefly used.
  • Rudiments Processes if briefly used.
  • Routine 3, finding pc’s goal and terminal and pre-hav runs and other processes on the goal and terminal, if found and done by an expert. Otherwise process is dangerous as incorrect goal and terminal might be used. By expert is meant a course completion with honours at Saint Hill. The wrong goal and wrong terminal run in any fashion disturbs the bank without release. (No goal or terminal found on any student before that student came to Saint Hill has so far proved correct.)
  • Routine 3, finding pc’s goal and terminal and pre-hav runs and other processes on the goal and terminal, if found and done by an expert. Otherwise process is dangerous as incorrect goal and terminal might be used. By expert is meant a course completion with honours at Saint Hill. The wrong goal and wrong terminal run in any fashion disturbs the bank without release. (No goal or terminal found on any student before that student came to Saint Hill has so far proved correct.)
  • Sec Checking a goals terminal. Running O/W or repetitive commands on a goals terminal is perfectly safe.
  • Sec Checking a goals terminal. Running O/W or repetitive commands on a goals terminal is perfectly safe.
  • Running engrams on the goals terminal chain is perfectly safe if well done.
  • Running engrams on the goals terminal chain is perfectly safe if well done.
  • Other processes may on a good percentage of pcs produce a heavy bank reaction and not discharge but only worsen the bank. The bank generally fades down in from three to ten days, and responds well thereafter to the above.

    Other processes may on a good percentage of pcs produce a heavy bank reaction and not discharge but only worsen the bank. The bank generally fades down in from three to ten days, and responds well thereafter to the above.
