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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Special Information for Franchise Holders - B590714 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 590714 - HCO Bulletin - Special Information for Franchise Holders [B023-111]
- 590714 - HCO Bulletin - Special Information for Franchise Holders [B035-076]
East Grinstead, Sussex, U.K.


It has been many a year since I sat down and banged out a stencil, but here I am doing it and Susie is waiting in the other room to run it off on a Gestetner. So if you have any trouble making it out, it was done on a German typewriter and an English mimeo machine run by a cosmopolouse and a Texan respectively.

Actually I have been trying for several weeks to convince people that a line should be gotten through to the US Franchise Holder but they didn’t believe it and so here I am doing it.

We have just moved a small staff of HCO WW down to Saint Hill and this is the place from which your bulletins will be coming and out of which we will be operating. So here and now mark down with fire or lipstick or anything that is handy all the proper addresses to which you should address all communications relating to all franchises, all payments, SOSs or anything headed “RON!”

POSTAL ADDRESS: HCO SAINT HILL, East Grinstead, Sussex, England.

Telephone, East Grinstead 4786 (but use cables, not phone)



Here is what happened some months ago: I ordered the HCO SEC US to issue INTERIM Franchises to able auditors in the US. Anyone qualifying under that heading could have an HCO Franchise. These people would get technical and organizational bulletins relating to HAS Co-audit from me and would get a 40% discount on books and help in other ways. In return these people would send me 10% of their gross income from Dianetics and Scientology every week to help pay for the administration of the line, postage, etc.

Very big things are in the wind as I told people at the Congress but I did not tell them this subtle fact: The INTERIM HCO Franchise is a testing area. Those people who get active, do a good job and remit their ten percent regularly will receive a PERMANENT HCO Franchise — and that means a great deal more than it looks on the surface.

If after a trial period which may run up to one year, the Franchise Holder makes good on all fronts, he will be given the right to train to the level of HCA (HPA in Sterling area). Training in Central Organizations is being upgraded to HCS/BScn and DScn.

There is even more to an Interim Franchise than this. HCO WW has been fortunate enough to secure the administrative services and for Interim Franchise Holders the advices of Dr. Nile Adams. He can be contacted through HCO Washington, 1812 19th St., N.W., Wash., D.C. Nile and I have worked out advertising, financing and general organization for PROJECT CLEAR U.S.

Thus an Interim HCO Franchise looks to be more than first glance indicates.

I determined — and said very loudly — in 1950 that Scientology would go as far as it worked and that I was not going to open up the ball until we had all the music written. Well, I’ve written the music. You don’t know all about that, yet, but you will.

I am very aware of the fact that this has worked, in one way, a hardship on all Dianeticists and Scientologists. But not even threats of storm, flood and bankruptcy have made me swerve from that resolution. Research came first. When research had wrapped up the human mind and dissemination I was willing to fire with all guns — but not one minute before. So I’ve up and done it and we’re getting set on the firing line.

We have many riches. We have a hard corps of trained Scientologists. We already know who our friends are. We’ve drawn the teeth of old-time psycho-therapy and we’ve lived down our sins. But more important we can and mean to clear the US.

The finance for this project has been worked out very thoroughly. The job will only cost a few hundred million and, hold your hat, you’re going to make it.

Excitement is in the wind. The future is no calm vista. And we are right now taking this vital forward step. My first action is to clear all comm lines and ready up HCO staffs and facilities. We are putting in teletypewriters on every continent as fast as we can get them installed and we have other comm circuits planned. We are, in short, getting ready for traffic. These first stages on which we are now engaged are full of tests and reaches which are being hardened, as they prove successful, into a true pattern of advance. About the only real sorting out is the personnel. Central org staffs right now are running on each other about as rough a process as you could want, Process S2. It’s named after an English brand weed-killer.

What you want to know is, exactly what do you do now? The answer is you carry on and build about as big an HAS Coaudit as you can and do individual auditing and coaching. You receive from here a lot of data you need and you remit directly to here 10% of your gross income made from Dianetics and Scientology every week. You send this to HCO Ts Hill by postal order, your own check or any handy means. You will receive info from US HCO offices eventually when I am sure all lines are in place. Your local area HCO office will be put back on the lines shortly. But you continue to remit to Saint Hill until we have a clear picture of both your credit responsibility and your activity. Very soon, we’ll send people in to help you set yourself up on a proper financial level with proper quarters. Meanwhile, pitch like mad. Communicate to the public. Every bit of promotion counts.

Meanwhile, don’t shame-blame-regret and lose motion. I earned a lot watching this first struggle and enturbulence and we’ll make it all pay off, every bit of it and one of these fine days we’ll have a sane world. And wouldn’t THAT be nice.

All the best, L. RON HUBBARD

PS: If you’re getting any co-auditing yourself, be sure to run flat-flat-flat, Process S2. It’s muzzled. And its command is, “From where could you communicate to a victim.” And what is flat on that?? Why, to regain the ability to communicate without reservation, of course. It’s a one shot OT. LRH

[Another issue of the same date and title made the distribution “U.S. Franchise Holders”. It also deleted the third to the last paragraph on the previous page and replaced it with, “An HCO WW Committee has just been formed which will be directly concerned with HCO WW Franchise matters, and will be acting on the instructions of HCO WW. The Committee has started with evidence of great enthusiasm and sincere desire to promote Franchise Centres throughout the States.”]