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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Electropsychometric Auditing - Operators Manual - 520600 | Сравнить
- Individual Track Map - 520600 | Сравнить
- Step by Step Breakdown of 88 - 520600 | Сравнить




L. Ron HubbardL. Ron Hubbard



Symbological Processing on current life until pc is well in present time.

Symbological Processing on current life until pc is well in present time.

Return pc to incidents where the thetan can be located as outside and in good control of the body and run such incidents to orient pc.

Return pc to incidents where the thetan can be located as outside and in good control of the body and run such incidents to orient pc.

In absence of an outside thetan, audit pc through failures to control self. Use an E-Meter to locate youngest entity (newest bank in the body) and audit its effort to control body. Then audit any transfer you can find. Then audit blanketings until pc finds thetan is without a body.

In absence of an outside thetan, audit pc through failures to control self. Use an E-Meter to locate youngest entity (newest bank in the body) and audit its effort to control body. Then audit any transfer you can find. Then audit blanketings until pc finds thetan is without a body.

Where thetan is outside, where he belongs, audit pc in current life through any and all DEDs and DEDEXs and degrades.

Where thetan is outside, where he belongs, audit pc in current life through any and all DEDs and DEDEXs and degrades.

Audit all present life transfers of the thetan, all switch and control transfers that can be found.

Audit all present life transfers of the thetan, all switch and control transfers that can be found.

Run off all incidents in present life where thetan and body create boil-off. (Don’t be surprised at thetan visios. You’re auditing theta not MEST perception.) Inscan and outscan thetan through present life. This makes MEST Clear.

Run off all incidents in present life where thetan and body create boil-off. (Don’t be surprised at thetan visios. You’re auditing theta not MEST perception.) Inscan and outscan thetan through present life. This makes MEST Clear.

With E-Meter locate first implant about having facsimiles in thetan. Audit it. Locate first borrowings. Audit them.

With E-Meter locate first implant about having facsimiles in thetan. Audit it. Locate first borrowings. Audit them.

Locate first blanketings. Audit them.

Locate first blanketings. Audit them.

Locate DEDs and DEDEXs of thetan and audit them. Locate each and every transfer on track. Audit them

Locate DEDs and DEDEXs of thetan and audit them. Locate each and every transfer on track. Audit them

The thetan concentrates on the body. He is usually about arm’s length from the body, concentrating on the body. When he is not concentrating on the body there is a disturbance in the area and the thetan is being distracted to another body or object. These distractions are important to audit.

The thetan concentrates on the body. He is usually about arm’s length from the body, concentrating on the body. When he is not concentrating on the body there is a disturbance in the area and the thetan is being distracted to another body or object. These distractions are important to audit.

Don’t ask your pc to get any other visio on the scene than the visio of the body the thetan is manipulating. This is the usual thetan position and only interest.

Don’t ask your pc to get any other visio on the scene than the visio of the body the thetan is manipulating. This is the usual thetan position and only interest.

Don’t be dissuaded that the pc is not the thetan. That he thinks he is not is the aberration.

Don’t be dissuaded that the pc is not the thetan. That he thinks he is not is the aberration.

The most fixative emotions are resentment, antagonism and anger. These tend to fix the thetan on the body. They confirm a transfer as permanent.

The most fixative emotions are resentment, antagonism and anger. These tend to fix the thetan on the body. They confirm a transfer as permanent.

The thetan’s aberration toward the body is to want things to seem real to the thetan via the body. Actually the thetan should feel at least a little remote and detached as though he weren’t quite present. This detachment will increase as auditing continues to the great benefit of the intelligence and ability.

The thetan’s aberration toward the body is to want things to seem real to the thetan via the body. Actually the thetan should feel at least a little remote and detached as though he weren’t quite present. This detachment will increase as auditing continues to the great benefit of the intelligence and ability.

The pc gets better the better the thetan gets and that’s all the better the pc can get.

The pc gets better the better the thetan gets and that’s all the better the pc can get.

[The above text is taken from What to Audit. See previous page.]

[The above text is taken from What to Audit. See previous page.]