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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Student Practice Check - B611012 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 611012 - HCO Bulletin - Student Practice Check [B001-083]
- 611012 - HCO Bulletin - Student Practice Check [B037-063]
CONTENTS STUDENT PRACTICE CHECK Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, SussexSaint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex



The following practice Security Check may be used by Academy Students learning E-Meter use. It was developed by Dir PE Durban hopefully for use on Co- Audit. But it is doubtful if Co-Audit would win with such. A general repetitive process would be better. I have changed it to an Academy Practice Check.

The following practice Security Check may be used by Academy Students learning E-Meter use. It was developed by Dir PE Durban hopefully for use on Co- Audit. But it is doubtful if Co-Audit would win with such. A general repetitive process would be better. I have changed it to an Academy Practice Check.

  • “Do you feel you are making a fool of yourself by being at the Academy?”
  • “Do you feel you are making a fool of yourself by being at the Academy?”
  • “Is someone watching how you get on to ‘judge’ Scientology?”
  • “Is someone watching how you get on to ‘judge’ Scientology?”
  • “Have you made any derogatory remarks concerning Scientology?”
  • “Have you made any derogatory remarks concerning Scientology?”
  • “Do you think Scientology might be a racket?”
  • “Do you think Scientology might be a racket?”
  • “Is there something you’re afraid you might have to face if you continue training?”
  • “Is there something you’re afraid you might have to face if you continue training?”
  • “Are you here for another purpose than you say?”
  • “Are you here for another purpose than you say?”
  • “Have your friends advised you against taking a course?”
  • “Have your friends advised you against taking a course?”
  • “Have you had any criticisms of the Course Instructor?”
  • “Have you had any criticisms of the Course Instructor?”
  • “Have you had any criticisms of the Director of Training?”
  • “Have you had any criticisms of the Director of Training?”
  • “Have you made any criticisms of the way the organization is run?”
  • “Have you made any criticisms of the way the organization is run?”
  • “Have you any criticisms of the way the course is run?”
  • “Have you any criticisms of the way the course is run?”
  • “Have you seen any Scientology staff members who you’d hate to be like?”
  • “Have you seen any Scientology staff members who you’d hate to be like?”
  • “Do you know of anyone who seems to have got worse since they took up Scientology?”
  • “Do you know of anyone who seems to have got worse since they took up Scientology?”
  • “Have you got worse since you discovered something about yourself?”
  • “Have you got worse since you discovered something about yourself?”
  • “Do you think your Tests were wrongly evaluated?”
  • “Do you think your Tests were wrongly evaluated?”
  • “Do you think Scientology is a violation of your religion?”
  • “Do you think Scientology is a violation of your religion?”
  • “Do you think there is something wrong with making people more able?”
  • “Do you think there is something wrong with making people more able?”
  • “Is there something you wouldn’t dare mention here?”
  • “Is there something you wouldn’t dare mention here?”
  • “Is there something you’re afraid you won’t do properly?”
  • “Is there something you’re afraid you won’t do properly?”
  • “Are you afraid of dealing with the mind?”
  • “Are you afraid of dealing with the mind?”
  • “Have you ever been to a psychiatrist/faith healer/numerologist?”
  • “Have you ever been to a psychiatrist/faith healer/numerologist?”
  • “Are you planning to tell people that Scientology is no good?”
  • “Are you planning to tell people that Scientology is no good?”
  • “Do you dislike anybody on the course?”
  • “Do you dislike anybody on the course?”
  • “Are you shocked by anything that has happened since coming to the Academy?”
  • “Are you shocked by anything that has happened since coming to the Academy?”
  • “Did you find it difficult to pay for the course?”
  • “Did you find it difficult to pay for the course?”
  • “Do you intend to pay for the course in full?”
  • “Do you intend to pay for the course in full?”
  • “Are you waiting for Scientology to do something for you?”
  • “Are you waiting for Scientology to do something for you?”
  • “Are you looking for an excuse to say Scientology doesn’t work?”
  • “Are you looking for an excuse to say Scientology doesn’t work?”
  • “Are you missing or neglecting doing something by coming on to the course?”
  • “Are you missing or neglecting doing something by coming on to the course?”
  • “Is there something you should be handling that you are expecting the course to help you to do?”
  • “Is there something you should be handling that you are expecting the course to help you to do?”
  • “Are you beyond help?”
  • “Are you beyond help?”
  • “Do you deserve to be helped?”
  • “Do you deserve to be helped?”
  • “Do you think that the state of Clear is fictitious?”
  • “Do you think that the state of Clear is fictitious?”
  • “Have you ever been late for class?”
  • “Have you ever been late for class?”
  • “Have you ever made an excuse to miss a class?”
  • “Have you ever made an excuse to miss a class?”
  • “Have you ever suspected a Scientologist of anything?”
  • “Have you ever suspected a Scientologist of anything?”
  • “Have you ever advised anyone against Scientology?”
  • “Have you ever advised anyone against Scientology?”
  • “Does the idea of being more responsible frighten you?”
  • “Does the idea of being more responsible frighten you?”