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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Study Slowness - B690919 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Медлительность в Обучении - Б690919 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 690919 - HCO Bulletin - Study Slowness [B009-155]
- 690919 - HCO Bulletin - Study Slowness [B042-140]
- 690919 - HCO Bulletin - Study Slowness [B075-081]
- 690919 - HCO Bulletin - Study Slowness [B159-046]
CONTENTS STUDY SLOWNESS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
HDC StudentsHDC Students
HDC ChecksheetHDC Checksheet



If your course is not progressing rapidly for the class, it is highly probable that the training rules and policies laid down in the Course Supervisor’s Course (HDG) are not being followed exactly.

If your course is not progressing rapidly for the class, it is highly probable that the training rules and policies laid down in the Course Supervisor’s Course (HDG) are not being followed exactly.

If your own progress is too slow to suit you or if even on retrain you do not feel you are making it, consult with your supervisor and specifically ask him to make sure that all his Course Supervisor data is being applied. Slowness could only happen if you are passing over words without understanding them, or if you are letting other students or people interpret data for you rather than taking exactly what it says on the bulletins. Or it may be you do not have your own materials or you need a Scientology Review and what they call a “Remedy A” or a “Remedy B” to clean up the subject of study.

If your own progress is too slow to suit you or if even on retrain you do not feel you are making it, consult with your supervisor and specifically ask him to make sure that all his Course Supervisor data is being applied. Slowness could only happen if you are passing over words without understanding them, or if you are letting other students or people interpret data for you rather than taking exactly what it says on the bulletins. Or it may be you do not have your own materials or you need a Scientology Review and what they call a “Remedy A” or a “Remedy B” to clean up the subject of study.

Dianetics and Scientology were entered into a world where the technology of study itself was poor and had to be developed in order to teach a precision subject. The study tech is vital and valid.

Dianetics and Scientology were entered into a world where the technology of study itself was poor and had to be developed in order to teach a precision subject. The study tech is vital and valid.

In one mass experiment the following, given for illustration here, occurred.

In one mass experiment the following, given for illustration here, occurred.

A class of 15 on Dianetics, taught with all Course Supervisor policy fully applied, the students not pre-selected for aptitude, 7 had attained full HDG with all auditing well dones and very well dones in just under three weeks.

A class of 15 on Dianetics, taught with all Course Supervisor policy fully applied, the students not pre-selected for aptitude, 7 had attained full HDG with all auditing well dones and very well dones in just under three weeks.

The remainder were mixed with a part-time Dianetics class (31/2 hours of study a day) of over a hundred people. In the following three months only two had graduated. Most of the remainder were only on their first time through at the end of three months.

The remainder were mixed with a part-time Dianetics class (31/2 hours of study a day) of over a hundred people. In the following three months only two had graduated. Most of the remainder were only on their first time through at the end of three months.

A vigorous survey of this class was made and it was found that all the things given as vital to be done regarding study were not being done and all the things that were not supposed to be done were being done.

A vigorous survey of this class was made and it was found that all the things given as vital to be done regarding study were not being done and all the things that were not supposed to be done were being done.

A qualified Course Supervisor and staff were placed in charge and the large course began to graduate three a day almost at once.

A qualified Course Supervisor and staff were placed in charge and the large course began to graduate three a day almost at once.

From this you can see that there is a great deal of value in the Study technology of Dianetics and Scientology.

From this you can see that there is a great deal of value in the Study technology of Dianetics and Scientology.

Do not let your class or yourself get slowed by an out-policy course.

Do not let your class or yourself get slowed by an out-policy course.

Good luck.

Good luck.
