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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Teaching of the 18th ACC - B570608 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 570608 - HCO Bulletin - Teaching of the 18th ACC, The [B021-028]
- 570608 - HCO Bulletin - Teaching of the 18th ACC, The [B033-044]
CONTENTS THE TEACHING OF THE 18TH ACC Cохранить документ себе Скачать


The 18th ACC in Washington, July 8 to August 16, will be taught in three units using five instructors.

Immediately upon registration the students will be tested on Tone 40 on an Object for placements in one of the three units. All instructors will be used for this testing. A Check Sheet divided into three sections to match the courses with the title of each process shall be drawn up and mimeographed by LRH, Jr. (list of processes taken from the Student Manual). This sheet shall carry a section for this testing and placement where the instructor can write simply the unit number plus or minus into which the student should be placed. When the testing is concluded the sheets will be assembled and the class will be divided into three sections as evenly distributed as possible. Those who are best will go into section 3, next best will go into section 2, and the worst will go into section 1. By using plus or minus unit, some accuracy can be obtained. The judgment of the instructor on the student in general while doing Tone 40 on all Object as 3 short test shall also be used in determining the unit. Difficulties in adjustment will be smoothed out by the use of plus or minus signs after the unit number.

The three units of the course shall be composed as follows:

The curriculum of each shall be basically one week in length. In the six weeks, each student regardless of skill will be expected to go through each of these units twice, but not consecutively, i.e. he will go into the next unit at the end of each week regardless of his ability.

The Communication Course shall embrace Training 0 to Training 5 inclusive. It shall begin with a half-hour description at 9:00 a.m. by the instructor and shall thereafter be broken down into two long auditing periods. At 4:30 p.m. a group auditing session will take place, conducted by the instructor, one hour in length, the processes of which shall be those which direct attention and assign intentions to the walls and objects of the room. This Course shall be conducted by Mary Sue Hubbard.

The Upper Indoctrination Course shall consist of one week and shall embrace training processes 6 to 9 inclusive with Training 8 (Tone 40 on an Object) repeated Wednesday and Thursday — that is teaching 4 drills in 5 days. The Course Day shall begin with a one-hour lecture on the Rudiments by LRH, Jr., and the remainder of the day until 4:30 p.m. is broken down into two long auditing periods. The day will end with one hour’s agreement on definitions, beginning at 4:30 and ending at 5:30 p.m. The Course instructor for this unit may come on duty at 10:15 a.m., after the 15-minute break following the morning lecture by LRH, Jr. The Upper Indoctrination Course shall be conducted by Dr. Kenneth Barrett, in addition to his PE Course activities for the PE Foundation. (Note in all courses, only one process should be taught per day.)

The CCH Course shall be taught in the same room for both of its sections but shall have two sections. The CCH processes shall be divided in half and one instructor shall teach the lower half to half the class and the other instructor shall teach the upper half to half the class. These shall be called “CCH A” and “CCH B”. Half of the unit in any week will be started in the “A” group and half will be started in the “B” group in any given week, and on the repeat week the student will be reversed in groups in the CCH Course. The CCH Course Day shall begin each day with an hour’s instruction on the Rudiments, which hour’s lecture shall be alternated between the two instructors. This hour’s lecture shall have the characteristic of questions and answers. The remainder of the day shall be divided into four auditing periods until 4:30 p.m., and shall conclude with an hour’s group processing by the instructors, using the HCO Bulletin on group processing. The Course shall be conducted by Dr. George Richard Halpern and assisted by Dr. Jan Halpern.

The Comm Course shall hereafter be referred to as Course 1, the Upper Indoctrination Course shall be referred to as Course 2, the CCH Course shall be referred to as Course 3, of which there are two parts, 3-A and 3-B.

At least 3 large rooms must be procured especially for this 18th ACC Course. They will be in use only during these six weeks. That room where noise will be the least disturbing will be used as the Upper Indoc Room. If 4 rooms are secured, then the CCH Course shall be broken down into its sections with Dr. Jan Halpern in charge of the “B” section.

The general plan of the course is that the students who are already rather good shall be started highest, those who are mediumly good started in the mid course, and those who are poorest started in the first course. The students will simply rotate through these courses during their six weeks. Thus, each will have done the Comm Course twice, the Upper Indoc twice, and each part of the CCH Course once.

The goal of the course shall be to make the most successful graduates capable of coaching toward validation field auditor certificates. Thus these people have to be exceptionally good on the Comm Course, Upper Indoc and CCH, both in the interests of their future instruction and in the interests of their auditing ability. The course is arranged in this fashion as outlined here because I know of no more efficient way to give the information.

I will lecture evenings to the whole class, beginning at 7:30 p.m. In these lectures I will cover the entirety of Scientology with stress on the theory and practice of CCH. Given a large enough room to hold the class, FC Staff will be welcomed to these lectures.

General supervision of the course shall be done by L. Ron Hubbard, Jr. Course administration shall be done by Jan Halpern. Course examination shall be done by L. Ron Hubbard, Jr. Final assignment of teams, changes and transfers of students and grievances shall be handled by Dr. Dick Halpern.

L. Ron Hubbard, Jr. is responsible for arranging and mimeographing the proper administration sheets and sending to Dick and Jan pertinent information.

All instructors are requested to go over thoroughly the various steps of the training drills and CCH processes and standardize all methods of doing them as given in the text to be furnished and to meet together during the course to iron out any references of consulting, instructing and coaching so as to be sure to have a solid agreement on even the smallest points to be taught. The exact methods of doing and coaching the training drills and CCH processes will be furnished all instructors and their attention and practice on these is solicited so as to iron out any misunderstandings before the course begins. These methodologies are now intensely standardized. No randomity between one unit and another should develop during the course.

The Organization Secretary is responsible for the procurement of and readying of suitable quarters for the teaching of the 18th ACC and arranging to have at least one of the rooms large enough to hold the entire class.

Schedules should be made up and posted early and this course should be ready to be tested selected into units by noon of 8 July.