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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Vital Information Rundown - B741006R76 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 741006 - HCO Bulletin - Vital Information Rundown - The Technical Breakthrough of 1974, The [B052-046]
- 741006R - HCO Bulletin - Vital Information Rundown - The Technical Breakthrough of 1974, The [B098-016]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Revised 29 July 1976
To cancel restriction of this RD to Ex Dn.
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Revised 29 July 1976
To cancel restriction of this RD to Ex Dn.
Ex Dn SpecialistsEx Dn Specialists



Recent intensive investigation into blocks on tech, dissemination and communication lines uncovered an aberration which is quite widespread and especially common in society.

Recent intensive investigation into blocks on tech, dissemination and communication lines uncovered an aberration which is quite widespread and especially common in society.

Simply stated I found that where vital information was not being relayed or was hidden or falsified, the people responsible were dramatizing withholds.

Simply stated I found that where vital information was not being relayed or was hidden or falsified, the people responsible were dramatizing withholds.

You can see this in newspapers, government policies, the medical profession, psychiatry, economics and especially education.

You can see this in newspapers, government policies, the medical profession, psychiatry, economics and especially education.

I have for years tried to get to the bottom of why people will not teach people. It is the single greatest fault in existing culture in my opinion.

I have for years tried to get to the bottom of why people will not teach people. It is the single greatest fault in existing culture in my opinion.

The answer that fits all cases is a failure to relay information, brief, instruct, train or supervise stemming from a general past and current overt of withholding vital information. This gives a dramatization in daily conduct of failing to relay information, brief, instruct, train or supervise.

The answer that fits all cases is a failure to relay information, brief, instruct, train or supervise stemming from a general past and current overt of withholding vital information. This gives a dramatization in daily conduct of failing to relay information, brief, instruct, train or supervise.

And underlying that is the intentional impulse to do so overtly or covertly in a mistaken attempt to forward their own first dynamic.

And underlying that is the intentional impulse to do so overtly or covertly in a mistaken attempt to forward their own first dynamic.



The primary outpoint that led to this conclusion is the premium given to silence in philosophy and the approval accorded the silent by the population whereas such people are in fact quite deadly and useless.

The primary outpoint that led to this conclusion is the premium given to silence in philosophy and the approval accorded the silent by the population whereas such people are in fact quite deadly and useless.

It is a generalized dramatization in this society. This would be what made the society favor the “strong silent type” as a sort of ideal.

It is a generalized dramatization in this society. This would be what made the society favor the “strong silent type” as a sort of ideal.

All this in a highly technical society is hazardous. A good example is the current fuel crisis over a supposed scarcity of petroleum fuels for highly inefficient internal combustion engines while answers in the form of new fuels and engines are hidden away in vaults by the vested interests.

All this in a highly technical society is hazardous. A good example is the current fuel crisis over a supposed scarcity of petroleum fuels for highly inefficient internal combustion engines while answers in the form of new fuels and engines are hidden away in vaults by the vested interests.



In our organizations this is deadly. It blocks our tech lines in the Academy and Qual as well as the HGC. It cuts our dissem lines to public via books, promo, regging, lectures, use of C/F and Addresso and FSMs. It cuts our comm lines and denies data to higher management.

In our organizations this is deadly. It blocks our tech lines in the Academy and Qual as well as the HGC. It cuts our dissem lines to public via books, promo, regging, lectures, use of C/F and Addresso and FSMs. It cuts our comm lines and denies data to higher management.

It winds up in no application of the tech and no results for the public.

It winds up in no application of the tech and no results for the public.

That makes this rundown mandatory for top execs including Flag Reps and LRH Comms, all Tech and Qual staff and Dissem, Distrib and HCO Dept 2.

That makes this rundown mandatory for top execs including Flag Reps and LRH Comms, all Tech and Qual staff and Dissem, Distrib and HCO Dept 2.



This mechanism is a peculiar one with its own special twist.

This mechanism is a peculiar one with its own special twist.

Earlier rundowns did not hit this particular type of overt. It isn’t very visible and doesn’t occur in rundowns like L-10.

Earlier rundowns did not hit this particular type of overt. It isn’t very visible and doesn’t occur in rundowns like L-10.

It is not simple withholding information. It is (or once was) the intentional overt of withholding vital information. It would be a very long chain and would influence general conduct. A bordering chain is withholding information under torture.

It is not simple withholding information. It is (or once was) the intentional overt of withholding vital information. It would be a very long chain and would influence general conduct. A bordering chain is withholding information under torture.

Probably an A=A=A sets in which then totally prohibits some (too many) people from imparting important data, thus they can’t teach, amongst other things. It has to be fully run out, engrams and all.

Probably an A=A=A sets in which then totally prohibits some (too many) people from imparting important data, thus they can’t teach, amongst other things. It has to be fully run out, engrams and all.



Where staff are concerned, the necessity of delivering this RD reduces the prerequisites for it to the Drug RD only. It could be done if necessary where the Drug RD was not yet complete but would have to be verified after completion of the Drug RD. The prerequisite for public is Drug RD.

Where staff are concerned, the necessity of delivering this RD reduces the prerequisites for it to the Drug RD only. It could be done if necessary where the Drug RD was not yet complete but would have to be verified after completion of the Drug RD. The prerequisite for public is Drug RD.



1. Clear and assess:

1. Clear and assess:

  • Vital Data
  • Vital Data
  • The Truth
  • The Truth
  • Vital Information
  • Vital Information
  • Knowledge
  • Knowledge
  • Choose the best read as the item.

    Choose the best read as the item.

    2. (a) L&N “What would happen if you communicated _______?”

    2. (a) L&N “What would happen if you communicated _______?”

    (b) R3R Quad.

    (b) R3R Quad.

    3. (a) L&N “What problem have you had with _______?”

    3. (a) L&N “What problem have you had with _______?”

    (b) R3R Quad.

    (b) R3R Quad.

    4. (a) Clear and assess:

    4. (a) Clear and assess:

    • Withholding (item) under duress.
    • Withholding (item) under duress.
  • Withholding (item) under torture.
  • Withholding (item) under torture.
  • Withholding (item) to protect someone.
  • Withholding (item) to protect someone.
  • (b) R3R Quad.

    (b) R3R Quad.

    5. (a) Clear all words plus fully clear each outpoint with examples and demos so it’s understood.

    5. (a) Clear all words plus fully clear each outpoint with examples and demos so it’s understood.

    (b) Assess:

    (b) Assess:

    • Omitted (item).
    • Omitted (item).
  • Altered the sequence of (item)
  • Altered the sequence of (item)
  • Dropped time out of (item)
  • Dropped time out of (item)
  • Added falsehoods to (item)
  • Added falsehoods to (item)
  • Altered the importance of (item)
  • Altered the importance of (item)
  • Used (item) to wrong tgt.
  • Used (item) to wrong tgt.
  • Assigned the wrong source for (item)
  • Assigned the wrong source for (item)
  • Made (item) a contrary fact.
  • Made (item) a contrary fact.
  • Added time to the relay of (item)
  • Added time to the relay of (item)
  • Added inapplicable data to (item)
  • Added inapplicable data to (item)
  • Incorrectly included other data with (item)
  • Incorrectly included other data with (item)
  • Complicated (item).
  • Complicated (item).
  • Suppressed (item).
  • Suppressed (item).
  • In order of reads:

    In order of reads:

    (c) R3R Quad

    (c) R3R Quad

    • Locate a time when another______ to/for/from (pick which) you.
    • Locate a time when another______ to/for/from (pick which) you.
  • Locate a time when you _____ to/for/from another.
  • Locate a time when you _____ to/for/from another.
  • Locate a time when another _____ to/for/from another.
  • Locate a time when another _____ to/for/from another.
  • (d) L&N “What would be the intention of someone who _____?”

    (d) L&N “What would be the intention of someone who _____?”

    (e) R3R Quad the intention.

    (e) R3R Quad the intention.

    6. (a) Assess:

    6. (a) Assess:

    Concerning (item) has there been a break in

    Concerning (item) has there been a break in

    • Affinity
    • Affinity
  • Reality
  • Reality
  • Communication
  • Communication
  • Understanding
  • Understanding
  • (b) R3R Quad the largest read.

    (b) R3R Quad the largest read.

    (c) Reassess ARCU and handle to F/Ning assessment.

    (c) Reassess ARCU and handle to F/Ning assessment.

    7. (a) Clear all words, especially assumption and justify and withholding (in the broad sense).

    7. (a) Clear all words, especially assumption and justify and withholding (in the broad sense).

    (b) L&N “What assumption would justify withholding (item)?”

    (b) L&N “What assumption would justify withholding (item)?”

    (c) R3R Quad the computation.

    (c) R3R Quad the computation.

    8. R3R Quad all E. Purps that came up during the RD.

    8. R3R Quad all E. Purps that came up during the RD.

    9. R3R Quad all computations that came up during the RD.

    9. R3R Quad all computations that came up during the RD.



    The importance of this RD for Tech and Qual staff and sensitive posts cannot be over-emphasized.

    The importance of this RD for Tech and Qual staff and sensitive posts cannot be over-emphasized.

    Although it will be quite popular with the public it is basically designed for staff on these lines.

    Although it will be quite popular with the public it is basically designed for staff on these lines.

    The auditors delivering it should themselves have had it. They must have flawless TRs, be able to make a meter read and must drill the RD in Qual before attempting to deliver it.

    The auditors delivering it should themselves have had it. They must have flawless TRs, be able to make a meter read and must drill the RD in Qual before attempting to deliver it.

    This RD is very powerful. Don’t miss on it with careless delivery. Get it done flawlessly as directed and you will have a resurge on delivery and dissemination lines and open the door to a golden era of auditing quality and results for public and staff.

    This RD is very powerful. Don’t miss on it with careless delivery. Get it done flawlessly as directed and you will have a resurge on delivery and dissemination lines and open the door to a golden era of auditing quality and results for public and staff.

    Assisted by CS-4Assisted by CS-4
    LRH:RS:nt LRH:RS:nt