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CONTENTS PLAYING THE GAME Cохранить документ себе Скачать
The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology
Via Hubbard Communications Office
163 Holland Park Avenue, London W. 11
14 October 1955


The highest activity is playing a game. When one is high toned, he knows that it is a game. As he falls away down the tone scale, he becomes less and less aware of the game, and thereby less and less.

The greatest ability of thought is DIFFERENTIATION. So long as one can differentiate, one is sane. Its opposite is IDENTIFICATION. When one begins to identify, one has “closed terminals” too closely, and believes one terminal is another terminal. The failure to differentiate between two terminals, in an electric motor, would bring about no “moting.” In a pc, it brings about no power or ability to handle power.

The legal definition of sanity is “the ability to tell right from wrong,” and that is a very sooth statement.

Therefore, the highest ability in playing a game would be the ability to know the rightness and wrongness rules of that particular game. As all rightness and wrongness are considerations, and as the game itself is a consideration, the playing of the game requires a high ability to differentiate; particularly it requires an ability to know the rules and the right-rules and the wrong-rules.

When an individual is prone to identify, he is no longer able to differentiate the right-rules and the wrong-rules, and the right-rules become wrong and the wrong-rules become right, and we have a criminal.

A criminal cannot play the game of society. He plays, then, the “game” called “cops and robbers.”

A person who strongly identifies is not necessarily a criminal, but he certainly is having trouble playing the game of society. Instead of playing that game, he “gets tired,” “gets sick.” He has these things happen because he doesn’t want to play the social game. He has a “game” of sorts in “hypochondria.”

Now, if you had a culture which was running a no-game game for anybody, a culture which itself had no game for everybody to play, a culture which had in its government a fixation on keeping anyone from playing the game THEY wanted to play, we would have as its manifestation all manner of curious ills such as those described in various ideologies like Capitalism or Communism. The entire government game would be “Stop playing YOUR game.” The degree of sanity in government would be the degree it permitted strong and active participation in the game of government, in the game of playing your game.

But if people who can’t play the game can’t differentiate, similarly a sane person could find himself very confused to be part of a game which wasn’t differentiating and where the rightness and wrongness rules were unclearly defined. Thus, a government without exact and accurate codes and jurisprudence would discover in its citizens an inability to play the game no matter how sane they were.

Thus, the game can be crazy and its players sane, or the players can be crazy and the game sane. Either condition would affect the other. When we get crazy players and a crazy game, the end product of either of the two imbalances above, we would get anything except a game. We would get chaos. Into this chaos, then, could be injected a new game, and on this alignment we would be able to have people who could play a game playing a game that could be played.

As a useful example of this, let us take people who cannot see anything wrong with slanderous materials on the subject of Scientology. These people, perhaps, also see nothing wrong with Scientology. They read The Aberree or the Daily Worker with equal facility with Ability and see no difference. We have here people who see no difference. They don’t differentiate. They don’t differentiate because they see no game. They see no game because they can’t play a game. Or, habituated to a social structure which had no rules or rightness or wrongness, they have lost, like so many students of various universities, their criteria.


A basic rule is that to as-is a second postulate, it is necessary to as-is only the first postulate preceding it, for upon that one depends the strength of the second.

To run out all games one would only have to find where there are no old games, spotting these one after the other. He would then hit the various cognitions that a game was in progress, for the game was always preceded by no game and all games are tailored by considerations.

Various effects from games are to become “the only one” on games, to become all apathetic about games, to have the rules of the games in reverse so as to counter games.

The remedy of having no game, or not knowing a game is in progress, would be to as-is the first condition and the current condition by simply spotting here and there absences of games. Then make one.