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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Remedy of Havingness - the Process - PAB-50-550415 | Сравнить

Via Hubbard Communications Office
163 Holland Park Avenue, London W. 11
15 April 1955


“When in doubt, remedy havingness.”

This is a motto which can well be followed by an auditor doing any process on any preclear.

But, if there is a process which one should do with any other process, then that process should be understood thoroughly, for if done incorrectly it would be likely to produce confusion into all the other processes of Dianetics and Scientology.

Therefore, in the first place, let us examine with rigor the name of this process. It is REMEDY OF HAVINGNESS. By “remedy” one means the correction of any aberrated condition. By “havingness” one means mass or objects. The process could also be called “Remedy of Un-Havingness.” It could also be called “Remedy of Acceptingness.” It could also be called “Remedy of Rejectingness.”

To those people who are deficient in havingness, the process is liable to mean that the auditor should increase the havingness of the preclear. Such an auditor with this misunderstanding would have the preclear put up large masses and push them into his body or himself. The auditor would neglect having the preclear throw away objects and masses.

If the auditor misunderstood the process and simply assumed that it had something to do with havingness, and if his own havingness were too great, he would be likely to specialize on all preclears by having the preclear throw things away.

Actually, the auditor should have the preclear push things into himself and his body and throw things away from himself and his body until the preclear can do both with equal ease. When this has been accomplished the preclear’s havingness has been “remedied.”

What, then, does a Remedy of Havingness mean? It means the remedy of a preclear’s native ability to acquire things at will and reject them at will. Amongst the havingnesses which would require remedy would be an obsessive inflow of money, sexual objects, troubles, somatics, and difficulties in general. Whenever one of these appeared in the preclear’s environment it would have a tendency to inflow on the preclear. The reverse difficulty would be an obsessive outflow, whereby the preclear threw away or wasted anything which he had, such as money, clothes, cars, or living quarters. When the process “Remedy of Havingness” has been done thoroughly and completely, the preclear should be able to reject or accept, at his own discretion, anything in his environment as well as anything in his engram bank.

The earliest use of this process is to be found in GITA, which is to say “Give and Take Processing,” one of the early SOPs which became an SOP-8 “Expanded GITA.” In Issue 16-G of the Journal of Scientology we have a long list of key items. The preclear was asked to waste, accept, and desire these items at will. This was the Desire- Enforcement-Inhibit Scale, or the DEI Scale. This process is the immediate ancestor of the Remedy of Havingness. Indeed, one could do far worse than to take the DEI Expanded GITA list as given in Issue 16-G, and in the form of mock-ups use it as such upon the preclear, or more modernly employ it directly on the Remedy of Havingness on these objects.

If one were to employ such a list in the Remedy of Havingness, one would, of course, have to employ gradient scales. The use of the gradient scale has never been discarded, and the concept and principle of doing things by gradient scales is inherent in auditing itself, for one starts with a process which the preclear can do, and gives him some wins, and on a gradual scale gives him larger and larger wins until he is cleared. Similarly, in remedying havingness, the preclear must be started at the lowest end of the scale and advanced on up to the higher end of the scale. Quantity is one of the methods of doing this. At first one can ask a preclear to mock up one of an item and shove it into his body or throw it away, and then go, finally, when he is doing that well, to two items, three, four, five, and six, all the same, but a greater quantity of the item. An even lower gradient on this scale would be to simply get the idea that something was there, and to progress on forward with the idea into the actual mass. An expert auditor working with this from the idea on through to the object would discover that he had no preclears who could not mock up.

He would have the preclear get the idea out in front of him of a ball, and get the idea of the ball being thrown away; get the idea of a ball up in front of him and get the idea of a ball coming in; he would then, when the preclear could do this excellently well, move forward into the actual mock-up of a ball. The mock-up would get better and better as the process progressed, until at last the preclear could mock up and throw away or push into his body at will, a ball. He could see this ball, he could even feel it, and its weight.

Now you may get the idea occasionally that these PABs are mostly, at least in this series, handling old material. This is not the case. Every time one of these PABs is written I put into it everything that is known up to the date that it is written, and this PAB is no exception. And, let me tell you, this is a very lucky PAB for you because Remedy of Havingness, by a slight change I made some weeks ago, has become a key exteriorization process. So, we have Remedy of Havingness for Exteriorization as a newer process than the old Remedy of Havingness.

Exteriorization Remedy of Havingness, or Exteriorization by Remedy of Havingness, is accomplished by having the preclear SHOVE or PUSH things into his body. One no longer has the preclear PULL things into his body. Simply by having the preclear mock up things and shove them into his body, mock up things and throw them away, mock up things and shove them into his body, mock up things and throw them away, a preclear who has already been run on the earlier steps of the six basic processes will, at this stage, exteriorize quite neatly after as little as fifteen or twenty minutes of the process. If he does not, then the earlier processes have been skimped and the preclear was really not ready for a full, forthright remedy of havingness.

Even when doing Route I, the preclear is told to push things into himself. This will rather take his flitter away for a moment, for he is there being one viewpoint, and in order to push something into himself he has to be a second viewpoint. In view of the fact that a thetan gets in trouble by being only one viewpoint, this remedies the viewpoint scarcity of the thetan, and he pushes himself up into two viewpoints with great rapidity. Thus we are doing duplication of the thetan at the same time that we are remedying havingness, so one even has the thetan shove things into himself, rather than pull things into himself.

In short, one never has anyone pull things into his body any more. One has a person push things into his body. One has him, for instance, mock up a planet, and push it into the body; mock up a planet and throw it away; mock up a planet and push it into his body; mock up a planet and throw it away; mock up a planet and push it into his body, and then one says, “Where are you pushing it in from?” The preclear says, “Out here in front of the body.” The auditor simply goes on doing the process and very shortly the preclear will, if the earlier steps have been done well, which is to say the Six Basic Processes below Remedy of Havingness, the preclear will be neatly exteriorized and will be ready for Route 1.

One would omit, in such an instance, running Spotting Spots as such, for Change of Space Processing and Communication Processing have a great deal to do with spotting spots already.

If you were to do Remedy of Havingness forthrightly and all-out, and you were to accept this as the only process we had, we would work with its cousin process, R2—63 as given in The Creation of Human Ability, “Accept-Reject.” One would ask the preclear for things he could accept, one after the other, until the communication lag was flat, and then would ask the preclear for things he could reject, one after the other, until the communication lag was flat on that. One would then move into the Expanded GITA list and would have the preclear mock up and shove into his body (if interiorized) or into himself (if exteriorized) the various items on the Expanded GITA list as given in Issue 16-G of the Journal of Scientology. This would be a long process, and not entirely successful on all counts, but would nevertheless be a very effective and efficient process from the standpoint of gains. One would certainly get the preclear over a very large number of aberrations and would do a great deal for him. However, this is not the advised way of handling this process, for the process itself is not an end-all. Aberrations can be handled much more easily by communication processing as will be given in a later PAB.

The exact use and commands of Remedy of Havingness in ordinary and routine auditing are simple and effective. One has been asking a preclear a great many questions which “as-ised” large masses of energy. One, in handling Change of Space or interiorization and exteriorization into objects while the preclear is exteriorized, has been “burning up” a great deal of energy. Any time the preclear begins to feel dopey or “boil off” he has either run too long on a flow in one direction, in which case reverse the flow, or he has simply reduced his havingness down to a point where he feels tired or sleepy. Without waiting for this manifestation to occur the good auditor simply in the course of Straight Wire or Description Processing, or many other processes, such as those contained in Route 1, remedies havingness. Having achieved something like a momentarily flat comm lag on a process, the auditor says to the preclear, “Mock up a mass out in front of you.” When the preclear has done this, the auditor says, “Shove it into your body.” When the preclear has done so, the auditor says, “Mock up another mass out in front of you.” And when the preclear has done so, the auditor says, “Throw it away.” That, as given, is for preclears who are interiorized. It is simply repeated over and over. The mass is not specified. It can be almost anything, and in fact it does not much matter what type of significance the mass has. Any mass is better than no mass, according to the thetan.

If the preclear is exteriorized, the auditor already starts him on the Remedy of Havingness in the Route I step where the preclear is asked to copy what he is looking at (R1—5). When one is doing R1—5, one must be very careful to obey the gradient scale principle behind Remedy of Havingness. He would not make the preclear make twenty copies and then push them all into himself or the body. He would make the preclear make two or three copies and push them in one at a time until the preclear could remedy his havingness with ease. The auditor would then have the preclear “Mock up a mass and shove it into yourself,” and then “Mock up a mass and throw it away,” and do this back and forth until the preclear could do this easily and well, at which time the auditor would tell the preclear, “Mock up two masses and shove them into yourself,” and then “Mock up two masses and throw them away,” until finally the auditor has the preclear mock up eight masses as though they were the corners of a cube around the preclear and “Shove them into yourself,” and then “Mock up eight masses and throw them away.”

One must remember that in spite of the fact that he cannot duplicate mass actually as himself, having no space or mass, natively, the motto of the thetan is “anything is better than nothing.” When you tear up a lot of facsimiles for a thetan and throw them away, he becomes very unhappy unless you have him reconstruct those facsimiles or remedy the mass he has lost accordingly. When you are having a thetan go into and out of MEST universe masses, a certain amount of energy is burned up, and after the thetan has been run for a short time on this step (R1—9 in The Creation of Human Ability), you must be particularly careful to remedy his havingness with eight masses shoved into himself and eight masses thrown away several times. A thetan who has been run a great deal without Remedy of Havingness comes to what is to him a horrible thought: “I am just a concept,” and will sag in tone. He does not come to this state as long as havingness is consistently remedied.

It may be, as you look at Scientology, that you’ve come to the opinion, watching Remedy of Havingness work, that all there is to anything is the Remedy of Havingness, that it is all based on the Remedy of Havingness. If you have a preclear shove enough havingness into his body he will exteriorize in most cases. If you remedy enough havingness while he is chasing around the universe, as in the Grand Tour, he will discover and as-is a great many communication lines which otherwise might be very detrimental. However, it is not true that havingness is the entire key to the human mind. Havingness is the “gimmick” or “weenie” for which the game is played, and having something is very like winning. However, above havingness there is doingness, and above doingness there is beingness, and above beingness there is communicatingness, and above communicatingness there is knowingness, and above knowingness there is postulatingness, and so we see we have a long way to go above havingness in order to get to the top activity of a thetan, which is making postulates, or unmaking them. You could, of course, rationalize each and every action of the thetan with regard to havingness. You could even extend havingness to space, although it normally refers to objects. You could do all manner of interesting things with havingness. You could get as specific and as significant as you like, or as un- significant as you like, and still find Remedy of Havingness working, but we do not have here in Remedy of Havingness the total clue, the total key. But we do have a process and an item which must not be overlooked in auditing.

In the Six Basic Processes the Remedy of Havingness comes after the Opening Procedure by Duplication as a process, itself, but remember that Remedy of Havingness is done and can be done at any time during any of the processes as long as the preclear is even vaguely in communication with the auditor. It does not matter how vague the mass is that the preclear is using to remedy his havingness. Here is a place where certainty is not necessary. An unreal, vague, or flimsy mass, if this is all the preclear can get, will still remedy his havingness. A case comes to mind out of the Advanced Clinical Course where a student was unwilling, after his second day, to continue his studies. He did not believe that he could stand the “hammer and pound,” as he put it, of the terrifically intense schedule. I took him into my office, asked him what he was doing in life, and he replied to me that he was a machinist. Also, it seemed to turn out that he had had something to do with a ship which had sunk under him, although his recollection of this was very unclear. I asked him what kind of a machine he had customarily run, and he told me. Then I had him mock up this machine, and remedy his havingness with it. Then I had him mock up the ship and remedy his havingness with that, just as given above. I did this for about fifteen minutes, and enough change occurred in his case to entirely return his confidence in his ability to stand up to the course and to audit. Yet the mock-ups he was getting were so thin that he could barely vaguely discern them at all.

Mock-ups get unreal because the thetan is not-ising existence. He is trying to destroy masses by saying that they do not exist, that they are not real. He is so bent upon this system of destruction that he is making everything unreal or black. One of the cures for this is End of Cycle Processing run in the following fashion: One has the preclear mock himself up dead (no matter how unreal this mock-up is), then have the mock-up waste away to bone, and have the bones waste away to dust, and then have the preclear shove the dust into himself or, alternately, throw it away. One once more has the preclear mock himself up dead, have the mock-up waste away to bone, have the bones waste away to dust, and then have the preclear remedy his havingness with the dust. One continues this for two or three hours with the preclear if one really wishes the case to make a change.

Where a preclear is getting no reality on mock-ups or blackness, he is most commonly stuck in that Para-Scientological thing, that thing horribly abhorred by psychologists who have become Dianeticists, or by people who are just plain scared: a past death. If you wanted to convince somebody that past deaths exist, you would run End of Cycle Processing on them. This is a cousin process to the Remedy of Havingness. One could go a very long distance with this process and have the preclear mock up his mother dead, have her waste away to bones, and remedy havingness with the dust, or do this with the dust, or do this with the father or brothers, or grandparents, with a considerable change in the case.

This End of Cycle Processing, by the way, is a very fine process. It has been with us about a year and it has been successful whenever used. It has a tendency to fall into disuse because it has not until now had an exact place on the Six Basic Processes. But End of Cycle is actually an additional process to the Remedy of Havingness and is an effective way of remedying havingness. Do you remember in the old days the Dianetics “corpse case” who would lie upon the couch with his arms crossed neatly, all ready for a lily, and would always audit in this fashion? The solution to this corpse case is End of Cycle Processing, as given here. The preclear is so fixed in a death that he is trying to make everything unreal, and the only real thing, to him, would be the unreality of death.

In these PABs I have been trying to give you the basic auditing as it is done today in Hubbard Professional College in Phoenix, and in London. It is intensely effective auditing. A recent survey of the staff-audited preclears over a period of two months demonstrated by the most arduous and recognized testing that we had been jumping the IQ of preclears an average of ten points apiece for every twenty-five hours of auditing. Many of them went much higher than this. I, myself, in five hours of auditing, was getting this same result which was being obtained by a staff twenty-five hour intensive. But all that I was using, actually, were the Six Basic Processes. All that staff auditors were using were the Six Basic Processes. Of course, our having the know-how of using Remedy of Havingness and Communication Processing in the midst of these Six Basic Processes, these gains were not necessarily the gains being obtained across the broad field of Scientology. There is actually no substitute for good, thorough, professional training. A professionally trained auditor shows up like a lamp in a lighthouse on a dark night, if only by reason of inspecting his results.

You will find the background of this material contained in Dianetics, 1955! and in the recent hardcover edition of Intensive Procedure which, including now 75

separate processes, is called The Creation of Human Ability. This book is obtained from London directly, or from the HASI in Phoenix. Only the British edition is ready, but we have plenty of these, and if you ordered the book from Phoenix it was filed with a London edition. If you want to write for a London edition you will find that the cost is $5.90, and it will be airmailed to you.

We are discovering that it takes about eight weeks of very intensive training in order to indoctrinate an auditor into an adequate use of these Six Basic Processes. This is done in the HCA, or in London HPA, Course. The course has the additional bonus of getting these processes run on the auditor until he is in pretty good condition, if not cleared. In the upper echelon Phoenix course, which is to say the Graduate Course, all of the various “angles” and alternate uses are taken up. If you are using Scientology or modem Dianetics without professional training you would do very well to have somebody study these processes with you, as given in these recent PABs, and run them on you, just as given, in order for some subjective information concerning them.

Now, another footnote in this PAB. Some last-minute news on these Six Basic Processes is a change from the material given in the PAB on Elementary Straight Wire, and the PAB just before that on Two-Way Communication. In the next PABs [Numbers 57, 58 and 59 written by Jack Parkhouse] we will take up these highly advanced alterations, for the mission of these PABs is to keep you up to date as far as possible.

By the way, I heard from an old HDA recently, via a member of the staff to whom he wrote, and this old HDA complained, “Hubbard does not put out anywhere near enough material to keep us up to date.” A search through the PAB files disclosed that this HDA was not on the PAB mailing list. If an individual is not on the PAB mailing list it is certain he will be convinced that Hubbard isn’t putting out any material. The data which you should have in your kit to know Scientology and auditing and be up to date as of now are: The Creation of Human Ability from London, Dianetics, 1955! from Phoenix, and at least the last ten PABs. With the material which is immediately forthcoming you will be up to date, indeed, if not well into the future, as far as the rest of the human race is concerned.

And by the way, I wish you would write and tell me how you are getting along with these PABs, and how you are getting along with the auditing in general. It just might be that I’d like to know.


[The above PAB was reissued as HCO B 6 May 1972, Remedy of Havingness-The Process, making minor revisions and deleting the fourth paragraph on page 181, the last two paragraphs on page 184, and the text on this page.]