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CONTENTS SIX BASIC PROCESSES Cохранить документ себе Скачать
P. A. B. No. 42
Via Hubbard Communications Office
163 Holland Park Avenue, London W. 11
24 December 1954


There are six basic processes today in Dianetics and Scientology. Before we consider these processes, let us first consider the essential difference between Dianetics and Scientology. What we are doing could be called, more succinctly, “an understanding of life.” Under this heading, we could call anything a science or an art and we could bring in many subdivisions.

Other subdivisions which enter into this represent the difference between a study of life in general and a study of man in particular. Scientology could be called a study of life; Dianetics could be called a study of man. The first four dynamics are devoted to Dianetics. If you read again Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, you will discover that it treats of the first four dynamics. If you examine the first shadows of what we now call Scientology, it treats all of the eight dynamics. In view of the fact that both Dianetics and Scientology operate in the field of man, it should be readily seen that the basic processes of Dianetics or Scientology as they apply to man would be the same. Just because we have used two different words is no reason man has changed. Thus we have our six basic processes and thus we discover that Dianetics and Scientology, up to the point of stable exteriorization, operate in exactly the same field with exactly the same tools. It is only after man is sufficiently exteriorized to become a spirit that we depart from the field of Dianetics; for here, considering man as a spirit, we must enter the field of religion. Thus we have our additional subdivision. Dianetics is a science which applies to man, a living organism; and Scientology is a religion.

The six basic processes are as follows:

  1. Two-way Communication
  2. Elementary Straightwire
  3. Opening Procedure of 8-C
  4. Opening Procedure by Duplication
  5. Remedying Havingness
  6. Spotting Spots in Space.

An additional breakdown of these sections demonstrates that these processes subdivide into some highly important techniques. An additional process is as follows:

  1. Two-way Communication includes communication lag, scarcity of problems, the Code of a Scientologist, the Axioms of Dianetics.
  2. Elementary Straightwire includes the Auditor’s Code, Self Analysis, Memory and Mass and their relationship, under which we get past life loss of memory and what we generally call “next-to-the-last list of Self Analysis.
  3. Opening Procedure of 8-C includes pan-determinism, orders, defenses and the theory and material pertinent to present time.
  4. Opening Procedure by Duplication includes the communication formula, general theory of ARC and “it must-mustn’t happen again.”
  5. The Remedy of Havingness includes the scale of substitutes, the hide-to- curiosity scale, Expanded Gita, mock-ups and engrams, overt acts and motivators, flows and terminals, the fact that two things can’t occupy the same space if one is to have a universe, significances and problems and, in particular, the scarcity of problems.
  6. Spotting Spots includes “space, the theory of,” disinterest, importance, as- isness and the conditions of existence and separateness.

Appended to these subjects is one of equal importance in that it is the prediction of human beings. This is included, and could be called part seven of these basics. Science of Survival, with its dissertations on the Theta-MEST theory, ARC, and the Chart of Human Evaluation, is, indeed, a study of the prediction of homo sapiens.

It has been discovered in the field of training that an auditor has to be thoroughly versed in these seven items. He must be able to be expert in processing people using the six processes, and his understanding must be increased to the seventh item as included in the book Science of Survival.

How thoroughly does one have to cover any one of these subjects in order to render an auditor conversant with it? It has been found in the Phoenix Certification Course that even auditors who have studied this material before coming to the course had to be rehearsed on it a minimum of eight times and had to be carefully supervised through each one of these at least eight times, had to audit at least ten or fifteen hours on each process under supervision, and had to have each one of these processes run on him expertly for many hours before he finally was able to practice them with such skill that he produced uniform results. This is in spite of the fact that these particular processes are simple. Indeed, they are so simple that an auditor has a tendency to look at them and use them as though they were also pliable. Their simplicity is residual in the fact that they are the exact processes necessary to produce the exact results of Dianetics and Scientology.

It has been found that the simplicity of these processes was the stumbling block in their use. One instance in one HCA unit: a class went through for five weeks without entirely grasping the theory and practice of communication lag. Amongst this class was an auditor-student who was so expert at giving indirect, yet seemingly direct, answers that he had actually evaded the understanding of his fellow students. This person had yet to give a precisely direct reply to a question asked him. An instructor sat down with this student and for forty-five minutes asked him the same simple question. At the end of that time the student gave at last a direct reply, and this reply was the first time in the course when he had answered a question straight. A precision definition of communication lag is “the length of time, whether verbal or silent, intervening between the auditor’s asking of a specific question and the specific and precise answer of that question by the preclear.” It would not matter then whether the preclear continued to talk about something else than the question, or simply remained silent, this would still be communication lag. The class had not entirely grasped this fact in that they assumed that an indirect or an almost answer was sufficient. Rapidly in the next two auditing periods the case of the student broke, simply because his auditor now understood exactly what this person was doing with auditing questions and now demanded precise answers to questions, at the same time retaining ARC with his preclear.

The processes of Dianetics, as one can see, stress bringing a preclear into present time. In the old days we did this by running engrams, running locks and unsticking the preclear in general from various incidents in the past. Now we approach the problem far more directly. The Opening Procedure of 8-C is putting the preclear into contact with what is present time. The Remedy of Havingness will actually give the preclear enough energy masses to permit his starved condition to let go of the energy masses he is holding to him. The energy masses he is holding to him are commonly engrams with significance and content which make him very unhappy, but not as unhappy as he thinks he would be if he no longer had this energy. The motto of an individual seems to be “Any energy, even with content as vicious as an engram, is better than little or no energy.”

Here, with this list of processes, we have before us the basic training for the Dianeticist and Scientologist. These processes have now remained stable for some eight months. In spite of all the attention and tests they have received, little or no improvement has occurred in the actual form of the processes, and the processes and the commands have remained steady and stable.

In view of the fact that the thetan exterior is described fully in the second chapter of Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, and in view of the fact that we have now with the command “Be three feet back of your head” the “one-shot clear,” and in view of the fact that the instructor in London with his Advanced Clinical Course [1st London ACC] only three weeks deep had exteriorized successfully all of his students, we see we do not have any real problems in terms of processing or processes today. We can do it. An auditor who is well trained can achieve results with these basic processes which in any other age would be called miracles.

There are people around who desperately need it as a process who believe and who would have you believe that the Opening Procedure by Duplication techniques are the most vicious things ever invented. Compare this with the fact that these people also feel bounden to go out and crusade amongst their fellow men to teach them how bad Dianetics and Scientology are. These two facts combined should tell you something concerning duplication. The very thought of duplication is so hideous to some people that they are utterly unwilling to face the slightest chance that they might be brought in to a willingness to duplicate. These people have had things happen to them which are bad enough to make these people postulate that certain things mustn’t happen again. Duplication means that things must happen again and the process of duplication itself balances out and makes a person easy about his past.

In the process of running Opening Procedure by Duplication hypnotism very often comes off of the bank. Here we have an example of unhypnotizing. The process of hypnotism is a monotony and a central fixation on some one object. Opening Procedure by Duplication, using two objects and using an alert and aware procedure, contacting and examining these two objects alternately, tends to unfix a person from points in the past. Naturally, this begins to run out hypnotism. A person run for only 15 or 20 minutes on Opening Procedure by Duplication might very well feel himself getting more and more hypnotized; by the time he has been run 45 minutes or an hour, this sensation has worn away and the person is far more alert than he was at the beginning of the session. It is quite common to run Opening Procedure by Duplication for several hours, and Intensive Procedure as given at headquarters of the HASI is run precisely as given and taught upon preclears for a minimum of five hours before the HASI is content to release a preclear as in good condition. If the preclear cannot duplicate, his arrival at a state of good condition will simply be a signal for him to have a “no duplicate” fixation on feeling good. Thus the auditor would have brought him up to a level of feeling well and immediately afterwards the individual, being able to have things happen only once, would then have to feel bad. Here again is the problem of exteriorization which results soon afterwards in re-interiorization: the person has exteriorized, he has the fixation that something must happen only once, and thus he will go back into the body and will not come out again. This is all under the heading of duplication. Opening Procedure by Duplication wakes up the preclear, puts his body back into balance and gives him a brighter outlook in general and makes him fear the past much less than before it has been run on him. He is far better able to control his body and his environment than previously and remarks that incidents have far less effect upon him than before. This does not look very much like hypnotism, now, does it?

With these processes a trained auditor — and we emphasize trained — is able to get the results which are called for and described in all the earlier books on Dianetics and Scientology. The reason one did not see these results more often was that the auditor himself could not duplicate the auditing commands, and thus anything and everything was being run but a minimum of result was taking place. I was running one preclear one day who was a very old-timer and who had been run many, many hours on the techniques contained in Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. I was running him on processes which ran out all of his earlier auditing. He broke down under this processing and began to curse, saying, “If only once — if only just once — I had been permitted to run a second time through an engram by my auditor; if only just once I had been able to run the secondary once more! But no! I was never given the chance to go through the engram a second time.” Now those of you who know the techniques of Book One know definitely they call for a continuous running through, over and over, of the same incident so as to de-intensify it. This is the sort of complicated duplication which the preclear was asked to do which resolved at once his ability to duplicate and the fact that it mustn’t happen again. Thus when auditors failed to return people through engrams and secondaries, for a second, fourth, fifth, or even tenth time if necessary, it then became impossible for these early techniques to work.

In training it is very difficult to relay the theory and processes to people who are not very alert and who cannot duplicate. One can say straight to a class that such-and-so is observably true, and the class will immediately agree that something is observably true, but immediately after leaving the classroom, will believe in themselves that an entirely different statement had been made than the one they agreed with. They will then agree with this different statement and all sorts of oddities in the form of theory and techniques become circulated.

In the next Professional Auditor’s Bulletin I am going to give you a rather thorough rundown on two-way communication and on the bulletins subsequent to that I am going to give you, for the first time, in written form, a considerable dissertation on these processes and the exact auditing commands and the results to be looked for.

But there is one thing I am probably not going to cover again, and this is an odd fact which has shown up in our training experience here and in my handling of a great many auditors. This has to do with the case of the auditor in particular. I could write an entire series of PABs on this subject, but I am sure this statement will be enough. The case of an auditor, one who is skilled in the processes of Dianetics and Scientology, and the case of a preclear, one who has just walked in off the street without further knowledge, are entirely different cases, as both Dianeticists and Scientologists know. At one time the cases of Scientologists and Dianeticists were considered so much with horror on the part of other Scientologists and Dianeticists that one audited a fellow practitioner with considerable reluctance. Dianeticists and Scientologists were renowned to be tough cases.

I have found now what made them tough cases. The preclear has an entirely different goal from the auditor. The preclear is there to get well: the auditor is there to make the preclear well.

When we consider this further, we see that the ability of the auditor to control minds and mental reactions is dependent upon his getting results in preclears. The preclear’s results simply stem from the preclear’s gained ability to control his own mind and its reactions. Thus, of course, we have entirely different values.

An auditor who does not consistently get good results is going to have his own case cave in on him. The only way an auditor can keep his case up is to get continuous and predictably excellent results upon preclears. Thus an auditor, to have his case in good order, would have to be in good order as an auditor; he would have to be able to get results upon those he processed. In view of the fact that he could get results upon other human beings, he could then, of course, know continuously that he could control human reactions and mental reactions; and so, with this confidence and this control, be completely unworried about his own case and be able to do actually anything he wished with his own mental machinery.

The case of the auditor actually depends upon his successes in auditing. Thus in the Certification Course in Phoenix we stress today only the skill of an individual to audit, and we discover consequently that, as the auditor gets results upon his fellow student and as he gets results on outside preclears, his own belief in his ability to handle the human mind soars to such an extent that as a case he ceases to be in the concern category. He of course is audited and without being audited he would not know the results which would happen in a preclear, but his actual case gains depend on his gains on preclears.

Now with today’s techniques we can guarantee those results on preclears. We can demonstrate to any auditor that he can make anybody well, if the person is even vaguely breathing, simply by using with skill and understanding, as trained, the above six processes and the seventh, which is actually an understanding. Here is the problem of the auditor’s case resolved. The way to have one’s case in excellent condition is to have continuing confidence in one’s ability to get results on preclears. In the Certification Courses in Phoenix and London we work solely in the direction of giving an auditor confidence in his ability to handle the aberrations of others and we discover that with this gained confidence the fear of his own behavior vanishes; and thus an auditor becomes a very, very capable clear.


[The above PAB is reissued as HCO B 4 May 1972, Six Basic Processes. ]