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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Spotting Spots - PAB-51-550429 | Сравнить

CONTENTS SPOTTING SPOTS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Via Hubbard Communications Office
163 Holland Park Avenue, London W. 11
29 April 1955


The essentials of this process are contained in R2—18 of Intensive Procedure as given in The Auditor’s Handbook or The Creation of Human Ability.

The goal of the process is to bring the preclear to a point where he can spot locations in space which do not have color, mass or shape, but which are simply locations, and spot that same location repeatedly without variation.

The auditor says, “Spot a spot in the space of this room.” The preclear does so. The auditor ascertains whether or not the spot has color, mass, or whether it is simply a location in space, which is what he wants. The spot should not have color or mass, it should have only location. The preclear is asked to locate several such spots in the room and is asked to walk over and put his finger on them. Spotting Spots markedly decreases havingness, so a Remedy of Havingness is necessary after a very few spots have been spotted in this fashion. The auditor will discover that if the preclear is asked to put his finger on the same spot and take his finger off and put it back on several times, that a preclear in bad condition will locate the spot in various places close to the original spot, but will not locate the original spot again. A preclear must be brought to a point where he will locate the original spot every time. Good two- way communication, as in all processes, is maintained while Spotting Spots is progressing.

When the preclear can adequately locate repeatedly and without upset spots of no mass or color in the room, he is then asked to locate them outside the room.

The ordinary phenomenon is that the preclear has various spots in this universe out of location.

A much more modern method of running Spotting Spots in Space is to locate a spot and say “hello” to it, and have it say “okay” back, and then have the spot say “hello” and have the preclear say “okay” back to it until the spot, itself, is in present time. The auditor can go into this even further, having the preclear sending showers of “hellos” and receiving back showers of “okays” from the spot, and having the spot sending showers of “hellos,” and having the preclear sending showers of “okays” back to the spot. This can be done with any spot, whether significant or not. It can be done to the place where an accident has just occurred. It can be done to the area where the delivery of birth was effected on the preclear’s body. It can be done to his school. It can be done variously and continually.

Grand Tour is the Route 1 or exteriorized version of Spotting Spots. The auditor asks the preclear to be in a spot of a certain description, such as his home town, asks him to be in the auditing room, asks him to be in his home town, asks him to be in the auditing room. This is the modern way of running Grand Tour. The modern way of running Grand Tour is when the preclear is asked to be in a spot immediately above his home town, to have the preclear send showers of “hellos” and receive showers of “okays” from the home town, and then when he is asked to be back at the auditing room, to send showers of “hellos” and “okays” at it. In other words, any position, or any motion, in the Grand Tour is accompanied by “hellos” and “okays” on a two-way basis. Naturally, once one has had showers of “hellos” sent to a spot and it has sent back showers of “okays” one must now have the spot send showers of “hellos” to the preclear and he must send showers of “okays” back at it. This will be found to remedy positional difficulties with the preclear as well as time difficulties.

The reason an engram comes into being and expresses itself on a preclear’s body is a lack of communication. The communication has become solid. It expresses itself as an engram, as a facsimile, as a lock, as a secondary. This expression comes about through absence of two-way communication. The moment that one runs two-way communication in upon the process, the spot has a tendency to go back to its original location. This is the phenomenon known as snapping or closing terminals.

It quite often occurs that when the preclear is asked to spot, let us say, London, he actually points in an entirely incorrect position and direction. London is sufficiently disoriented, as far as he is concerned, to cause him to lose it. He may have a picture of London sitting right in front of him, and yet he is being audited in South Africa. He will spot this picture as the location of London. London has snapped terminals upon him or he has snapped terminals upon London. In other words, there is no distance between the spot where he is and where London is. This means that the material on the subject of London is engramic. Lack of mass is one explanation of why the terminal snap occurs. Fear of and resistance to the spot is the actual reason why it closes terminals.

In doing the Grand Tour one will discover, if he sends the preclear between the Empire State Building in New York City and the Washington Monument [in Washington, D.C.], that a preclear who is having difficulty with havingness and locations will at first discover the Empire State Building to be some distance from the Washington Monument, and then will discover that the Empire State Building and the Washington Monument are almost exactly together, and then will discover that they have sprung apart. The auditing command producing this phenomenon is simply: “Be over the Empire State Building. Okay. Be over the Washington Monument. Okay. Be over the Empire State Building. Okay. Be over the Washington Monument. Okay.” In other words, the spots snap together. Actually, the spots themselves are not snapping together. What is snapping together is the facsimiles of the spots. As long as a location is expressing itself in terms of facsimile, one knows immediately two things: that the havingness of the area is low, and there is a lack of communication in existence about this spot. The preclear does not want to communicate about it. One remedies this in the crudest form by having “hellos” sent between himself and the spot. One, by adding the factor of communication to this, would have a process run with the following commands: “Be over the Washington Monument.” When the preclear is there: “Send a shower of ‘hellos’ at it.” “Have it send you a shower of ‘okays. ’ “ “Have it send you a shower of ‘hellos. ’ “ “Send it a shower of ‘okays. ’ “ The auditor, of course, each time the preclear performs any action in any auditing of any kind, acknowledges the fact aloud with an “all right,” or a ‘‘fine,’’ or a “good,” or an “okay,” thus adding to the amount of communication on the subject. Failure of the auditor to do this has a tendency to stick the preclear in the session.