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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- TRs How to Use the LRH Model Auditing Tapes - BTB730522R74 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 730522R - Board Technical Bulletin - TRs - How to Use the LRH Model Auditing Tapes [BTB04-082]
22 MAY 1973R
Revised & Reissued 16 September 1974 As BTB
Cancels HCO Bulletin OF 22 May 1973 SAME TITLE
22 MAY 1973R
Revised & Reissued 16 September 1974 As BTB
Cancels HCO Bulletin OF 22 May 1973 SAME TITLE
(Revisions in this type style)(Revisions in this type style)



„The world begins with TR-0“ is a very true statement.

„The world begins with TR-0“ is a very true statement.

Without TR-0 you can’t get in the other TRs and with­out TRs really in life will have an awful lot of inexplic­able failures.

Without TR-0 you can’t get in the other TRs and with­out TRs really in life will have an awful lot of inexplic­able failures.

Without TR-0 a person can’t hold a position and so can’t hold a post!

Without TR-0 a person can’t hold a position and so can’t hold a post!

People ARC Break in the presence of out TRs.

People ARC Break in the presence of out TRs.

On the fabulous new Hubbard Senior Course Supervisor’s Course we have learned many lessons in Supervisor’s TRs. This doesn’t mean special Supervisor drills. It means the good old TR 0-4.

On the fabulous new Hubbard Senior Course Supervisor’s Course we have learned many lessons in Supervisor’s TRs. This doesn’t mean special Supervisor drills. It means the good old TR 0-4.

EXAMPLE: Supervisor asks student for definition. Student answers. Supervisor chops with a slightly early acknowledgement. Student upset, acts stupid and can’t answer next question.

EXAMPLE: Supervisor asks student for definition. Student answers. Supervisor chops with a slightly early acknowledgement. Student upset, acts stupid and can’t answer next question.

EXAMPLE: Supervisor asks student definition. Student answers. Supervisor delays acknowledge­ment. Student then thinks answer not accepted. Tries to answer more. Stumbles. Supervisor then flunks student. Spends precious time looking for misunderstood that didn’t exist in the first place.

EXAMPLE: Supervisor asks student definition. Student answers. Supervisor delays acknowledge­ment. Student then thinks answer not accepted. Tries to answer more. Stumbles. Supervisor then flunks student. Spends precious time looking for misunderstood that didn’t exist in the first place.

EXAMPLE: Students ARC Break and can even blow in the absence of Supervisor TR‑4.

EXAMPLE: Students ARC Break and can even blow in the absence of Supervisor TR‑4.

Then came the big one. Why do some Supervisors forever bug F/Ning students with interruptions and neglect other students obviously not doing well? Out TR-0! With unflat TR-0 a Supervisor will have to do something rather than just be there even at a time when he shouldn’t do anything. He feels he has to impose himself on the action or comm cycle. And you see this also in Supervisors who ask questions just to be smart or impress.

Then came the big one. Why do some Supervisors forever bug F/Ning students with interruptions and neglect other students obviously not doing well? Out TR-0! With unflat TR-0 a Supervisor will have to do something rather than just be there even at a time when he shouldn’t do anything. He feels he has to impose himself on the action or comm cycle. And you see this also in Supervisors who ask questions just to be smart or impress.

The Supervisor who doesn’t handle at all is just so poor on confront he either doesn’t see or couldn’t bear to see.

The Supervisor who doesn’t handle at all is just so poor on confront he either doesn’t see or couldn’t bear to see.

This has become evident with Supervisors from the high precision tech of the Senior Course Supervisor’s Course recently developed on Flag. But it also applies equally to other posts.

This has become evident with Supervisors from the high precision tech of the Senior Course Supervisor’s Course recently developed on Flag. But it also applies equally to other posts.

It would apply every bit as much to a registrar. How many sales are unwittingly lost by out TRs?

It would apply every bit as much to a registrar. How many sales are unwittingly lost by out TRs?

The best way to get TRs taught is by use of the LRH Model Auditing Tapes. These provide an ideal scene against which the person can compare his own TRs.

The best way to get TRs taught is by use of the LRH Model Auditing Tapes. These provide an ideal scene against which the person can compare his own TRs.



This is especially relevant to Tech Students and Internes doing electronic attest tapes but also to Supervisors and other staff.

This is especially relevant to Tech Students and Internes doing electronic attest tapes but also to Supervisors and other staff.

1. Drill the TRs exactly as per the TRs HCOB.

1. Drill the TRs exactly as per the TRs HCOB.

2. Use Word Clearing on the TRs HCOB if any difficulty in understanding or applying.

2. Use Word Clearing on the TRs HCOB if any difficulty in understanding or applying.

3. Get TRs taped in application. (e.g. auditing session of Supervising or Reg’ing or whatever.)

3. Get TRs taped in application. (e.g. auditing session of Supervising or Reg’ing or whatever.)

4. Supervisor or Cramming Officer or whoever handling listen to tape. Indicate weak points and then have the person compare against the LRH Demo tapes on those specific points. Use BTB 20 Sept 72 TR Training Under LRH as a guide for the type of things to look for and indicate when required and how to do it.

4. Supervisor or Cramming Officer or whoever handling listen to tape. Indicate weak points and then have the person compare against the LRH Demo tapes on those specific points. Use BTB 20 Sept 72 TR Training Under LRH as a guide for the type of things to look for and indicate when required and how to do it.

5. In correcting TRs, concentrate on one TR (or weak point) at a time.

5. In correcting TRs, concentrate on one TR (or weak point) at a time.

For example: TR 2 is weak.

For example: TR 2 is weak.

a. Look for and handle any misunderstood words on the TRs HCOB or other materials already studied on TR 2.

a. Look for and handle any misunderstood words on the TRs HCOB or other materials already studied on TR 2.

b. If necessary, find additional HCOBs and use the TR Booklet from Flag to supply any missing data on TR 2.

b. If necessary, find additional HCOBs and use the TR Booklet from Flag to supply any missing data on TR 2.

c. Listen to an LRH Demo Tape concentrating on his TR 2.

c. Listen to an LRH Demo Tape concentrating on his TR 2.

d. Then drill TR 2.

d. Then drill TR 2.

Repeat a-d until you’ve got it. TRs are improved and corrected on a gradient of perfection.

Repeat a-d until you’ve got it. TRs are improved and corrected on a gradient of perfection.

6. When there are numerous outnesses in a person’s TRs you will find OT TR-0 and TR‑0 are out. It is easier to get those in and then re-tape and pick up any other points persisting than try to get them all in at once.

6. When there are numerous outnesses in a person’s TRs you will find OT TR-0 and TR‑0 are out. It is easier to get those in and then re-tape and pick up any other points persisting than try to get them all in at once.

7. Sometimes a person will not be able to hear his own TR outnesses. In such cases the Supervisor should have the person’s tape set up beside an LRH demo tape. Tell the person what point to listen for. Play a little of the LRH tape listening for that one thing. Then play a little of the person’s tape and have him listen for the same point. Do this back and forth on that one point until the person can hear it fully himself.

7. Sometimes a person will not be able to hear his own TR outnesses. In such cases the Supervisor should have the person’s tape set up beside an LRH demo tape. Tell the person what point to listen for. Play a little of the LRH tape listening for that one thing. Then play a little of the person’s tape and have him listen for the same point. Do this back and forth on that one point until the person can hear it fully himself.

8. Don’t be invalidative in any of this.

8. Don’t be invalidative in any of this.

9. When the person has compared with the LRH tape and perceived the difference for himself, then have him drill the correct TRs for the outness. Then make another tape.

9. When the person has compared with the LRH tape and perceived the difference for himself, then have him drill the correct TRs for the outness. Then make another tape.

10. Bear in mind that OT TR-0 and TR-0 are basic. Also a person trying to do TRs over a misunder­stood word in the drills will not succeed.

10. Bear in mind that OT TR-0 and TR-0 are basic. Also a person trying to do TRs over a misunder­stood word in the drills will not succeed.

11. When the person has really made it on his TRs he will have great wins, he will be able to do things he never could do before, he will be relaxed and will enjoy doing it, and furthermore, he will tell you with total confidence and not the slightest shadow of PR that his TRs are up to the standards set and compare favourably with the ideal scene given in the LRH Demo Tapes.

11. When the person has really made it on his TRs he will have great wins, he will be able to do things he never could do before, he will be relaxed and will enjoy doing it, and furthermore, he will tell you with total confidence and not the slightest shadow of PR that his TRs are up to the standards set and compare favourably with the ideal scene given in the LRH Demo Tapes.


Qual Divisions should be making very full use of the TR Booklets from Flag, the LRH Demo Tapes, the training sequence laid out in this HCOB, and should be getting rave successes.

Qual Divisions should be making very full use of the TR Booklets from Flag, the LRH Demo Tapes, the training sequence laid out in this HCOB, and should be getting rave successes.

Lt. Comdr. Brian Livingston
Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234
I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis
2nd: Molly Harlow
Lt. Comdr. Brian Livingston
Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234
I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis
2nd: Molly Harlow