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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Auditing Reports - P651119 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Отчеты об Одитинге (КРО-4) (ц) - И651119 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 651119 - HCO Policy Letter - Auditing Reports [B122-002]
- 651119 - HCO Policy Letter - Auditing Reports [B158-004]
- 651119 - HCO Policy Letter - Auditing Reports [PL009-141]
CONTENTS AUDITING REPORTS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo Students SH & Academies All Auditors


An auditing report is the report of a session given, written during the session, on the session.

It is not a copy of the report of a session given. Or a report drawn from notes taken on a session given.

Auditing reports and worksheets should be neat as possible under the circumstances of a session.

They must contain pertinent data of the session given, i.e. BDs noted, TA and time notations, etc. These should be entered on the worksheet at the time they occur.

Later entries done to clarify bad writing where one was rushed or where a shorthand was done that is not clear to the D of P or Examiner, should be indicated as a later entry by using a different colored pen, etc.

A made-up report, or one done later to obtain neatness or completeness by an auditor who failed to keep a good session report at the time of the session, will be disqualified as evidence of auditor ability when presented to the Examiner and chitted by the D of P when turned in by an HGC auditor.

The whole idea of requiring an auditor report of a session is to have a record of the session for the D of P or Examiner, upon which to adjudicate what is going on with a PC. And a report done later is NOT a report of the session given.

The Summary Report, done after the session, should be a 15-minute or so summary and should be done immediately after the session, not a day later, and should be done as per policy on Summary Reports. A Summary cannot be substituted for the actual auditing report.