Expanded Grades are attested to by the pc declaring the full statement of the ability gained for all four flows.
The chart given below lists the ability gained for each of the Lower Levels plus the four flows of the Expanded Grades.
It is used by the Examiner when a pc is sent to „Declare?“. The Examiner has the pc read the entire statement for the ability gained for that Grade (including all four flows) or Level and must accept only the pc declaring the full statement for the ability gained.
Declare procedure is done exactly as stated in HCOB 11 November 1973 Preclear Declare? Procedure.
Group Processing Completion (Not a mandatory level) | Awareness that change is available. |
Division 6 Co-Audit Processes (Not a mandatory level) | Personal case improvement in oneself and the ability to help others with co-auditing. |
Repair Of One’s Life (Not a mandatory level) | Awareness of truth and the way to personal integrity. |
Note: At C/S discretion, where a pc needs Two Way Comm or rudiments or other repair put in on his life and livingness previous to his doing a major beginning action such as the Purification Rundown, such repair can be done initially. This is not a mandatory action and would only be done as directed by the C/S.) | |
Purification Rundown | Freedom from the restimulative effects of drug residuals and other toxins. |
Survival Rundown | Feeling in present time and able to control and put order into the environment. Greatly increased survival potential. |
NED Drug Rundown | Freedom from harmful effects of drugs, alcohol and medicine and free from the need to take them. |
Dianetics Case Completion | A well and happy pc. |
Scientology Drug Rundown | Freedom from harmful effects of drugs, medicine or alcohol and free from the need to take them. |
Expanded ARC Straightwire | Knows he/she won’t get any worse. |
Expanded Grade 0 Communication Release, Flow 1 | Willing for others to communicate to him on any subject; no longer resisting communication from others on unpleasant or unwanted subjects. |
Expanded Grade 0 Communication Release, Flow 2 | Ability to communicate freely with anyone on any subject; free from, or no longer bothered by, communication difficulties; no longer withdrawn or reticent; likes to outflow. |
Expanded Grade 0 Communication Release, Flow 3 | Willing for others to communicate freely to others about anything. |
Expanded Grade 0 Communication Release, Flow 0 | Willingness to permit one’s self to communicate freely about anything. |
Expanded Grade 1 Problem Release, Flow 1 | Ability to recognize the source of problems and make them vanish; has no problems. |
Expanded Grade 1 Problem Release, Flow 2 | No longer worried about problems he has been to others; feels free about any problems others may have with him and can recognize source of them. |
Expanded Grade 1 Problem Release, Flow 3 | Free from worry about others’ problems with or about others, and can recognize source of them. |
Expanded Grade 1 Problem Release, Flow 0 | Free from worry about problems with self and can recognize the source of them. |
Expanded Grade 2 Relief Release, Flow 1 | Freedom from things others have done to one in the past. Willing for others to be cause over him. |
Expanded Grade 2 Relief Release, Flow 2 | Relief from the hostilities and sufferings of life; ability to be at cause without fear of hurting others. |
Expanded Grade 2 Relief Release, Flow 3 | Willing to have others be cause over others without feeling the need to intervene for fears of their doing harm. |
Expanded Grade 2 Relief Release, Flow 0 | Relief from hostilities and suffering imposed by self upon self. |
Expanded Grade 3 Freedom Release, Flow 1 | Freedom from upsets of the past; ability to face future; ability to experience sudden change without becoming upset. |
Expanded Grade 3 Freedom Release, Flow 2 | Can grant others the beingness to be the way they are and choose their own reality; no longer feels need to change people to make them more acceptable to self; able to cause changes in another’s life without ill effects. |
Expanded Grade 3 Freedom Release, Flow 3 | Freedom from need to prevent or become involved in the change and interchange occurring amongst others. |
Expanded Grade 3 Freedom Release, Flow 0 | Freedom from upsets of the past one has imposed upon oneself and ability to cause changes in one’s own life without ill effects. |
Expanded Grade 4 Ability Release, Flow 1 | Ability to tolerate, and freedom from others’ fixed ideas, justifications and make-guilty of self; free of need to respond in like kind. |
Expanded Grade 4 Ability Release, Flow 2 | Moving out of fixed conditions into ability to do new things; ability to face life without need to justify own actions or defend self from others; loss of make-guilty mechanisms and demand for sympathy; can be right or wrong. |
Expanded Grade 4 Ability Release, Flow 3 | Can tolerate fixed conditions of others in regard to others; freedom from involvement in others’ effort to justify, make guilty, dominate, or be defensive about their actions against others. |
Expanded Grade 4 Ability Release, Flow 0 | Ability to face life without need to make self wrong; loss of make-self-guilty mechanisms, and self-invalidation. |