A recent look at dissemination revealed the following data:
Come-on is defined by Ron as follows:
“A thetan is a mystery sandwich. If we tell him there is something to know and don’t tell him what it is we will zip people into Div 6 and on into the org.” (LRH)
So in using come-on, one simply does the above. You either have or you create interest in your prospects — then you channel them along. Their own curiosity will pull them along the channel, providing you created the correct mystery in the first place.
You channel by indicating where and how to get the data — never just GIVE the data. And one can keep on doing this to a person — shuttle them along using mystery. Dept 17 services especially should be geared to this, one service ending in some mystery that only the next Div 6 (or better yet, Div 4) service will solve. One can also put this type of come-on promotion in books one sells so the person buying the book is put into mystery and doesn’t just end on a win by reading that one book alone.
Reach gets blunted or terminated once a person gets his question answered, the solution to his problem, etc. Purveying random and little pieces of tech to a prospect and the public at large does just this. This is end-off dissemination.
Thus one should gear one’s dissemination to the come-on and keep the prospect’s appetite for knowledge and mystery well stimulated and channel the person right along so that he will and does become an actual Scientologist.
In our case, the curiosity restimulated eventually will be fully answered and to the person’s complete advantage. When he is given a mere scrap of information, he has been denied the full data, gains and technology which will be his if he attains the benefits of major services.
“MYSTERY: the glue that sticks thetans to things.” (Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary).
“MYSTERY SANDWICH: 1. the principle of mystery is, of course, this: the only way anybody gets stuck to anything is by a mystery sandwich. A person cannot be connected to his body, but he can have a mystery between him and his body which will connect him. You have to understand this thing about the mystery sandwich. It’s two pieces of bread, one of which represents the body and one of which represents the thetan, and the two pieces of bread are pulled together by a mystery. They are kept together by a volition to know the mystery. (PAB 66) 2. a thetan stuck to anything is, of course, just a mystery sandwich. Thetan, mystery, object — mystery sandwich. (SH Spec 48, 6108C31)” (Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary).
COME-ON: (noun) “something offered as an inducement” (Webster's New World Dictionary), “something offered to attract or allure; enticement; inducement” (World Book Dictionary).
Imbue your prospects and the public at large with a thirst to find out. Mystery, not little scraps of data, will be found to be the biggest puller.