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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Admin Technology - The Comm Member System (DIV1.DEP2.COM-SYS) - P650313 | Сравнить
- Comm Member System - Routing Policies Section (DIV1.DEP2.COM-SYS) - P650313-2 | Сравнить
- Comm-Member System - P650313 | Сравнить
- Comm-Member System - Routing Policies Section - P650313-2 | Сравнить
- Structure of Organization - What Is Policy (DIV1.DEP2.HCOB-PL-ED) - P650313 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Структура Организации Что Такое Интрукция (ОА) - И650313-3 | Сравнить
- Структура Организации Что Такое Оргполитика (ОА) (ц) - И650313-3 | Сравнить
- Структура Организации Что Такое Политика (ОА) - И650313-3 | Сравнить
- Успешные Действия Регистратора (КРО-2) (ц) - ДИД650313-2 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 650313 - HCO Policy Letter - Comm Member System, The [PL008-032]
- 650313 - HCO Policy Letter - Structure of Organization - What Is Policy, The [PL008-034]
- 650313 - HCO Policy Letter - Structure of Organization - What Is Policy, The [PL093-039]
- 650313 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Comm-Member System - Routing Policies Section, The [PL008-033]
CONTENTS THE COMM-MEMBER SYSTEM Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


In the eleven major zonal Scientology organizations of the world, a new Communications and contact system is authorized as per this Policy Letter.

The staff members of these eleven major organizations may now communicate directly with the same post as their own at Saint Hill for information, guidance and orders. The holder of the same post in another org is a Comm Member.

The Saint Hill organization chart is exactly the same as the organization chart in every one of the major organizations. The difference is only the numbers on staff. As founder I am the head of each of these organizations. Below the organizations are also exactly alike with similar or the same titles. Continental Directors and Secretaries are also preserved as titles.

At Saint Hill there is the International Council and each major org has its Executive Council. At Saint Hill there is an HCO Secretary, an Organization Secretary and a Finance Secretary and in each org there are the same level of officers.

At Saint Hill there are six departments, the Promotion Department and the Publications Department both under the HCO Division (1); the Department of Training and the Department of Processing, both under the Technical Division (2), and the Accts Department and Material Department both under the Finance Division (3).

All posts and functions come under the three divisions and six departments.

HCO (Division 1) promotes and registers; Technical (Division 2) applies all training and processing for the Org and public; Finance (Division 3) takes care of all money and property.

In eleven orgs any staff member or executive may find his senior comm-member on the Saint Hill staff and communicate directly for aid, guidance, co-ordination, clarification of policy and orders. In cases where the matter can't be handled at lower echelon at Saint Hill it is referred through channels at Saint Hill directly to executives here or myself. In the eleven major orgs, executives may go direct only to their own senior comm-member at Saint Hill. Reversely Saint Hill Executives may go only to their junior comm-member in the org.

The lines are thus open at parallel to Saint Hill, but go up or down only through channels inside the orgs.

This system once existed from London but dropped out. It was very successful marking our time of greatest expansion. It is for the first time authorized and made official.

Now any case audited or person trained, as well as other matters, can become the subject of direct rapid communication on our enormous telex network or by air or surface mail. The slows caused by overwork at executive level are unblocked. Saint Hill can now advise quickly on any difficulties or new materials or policy.

We are standardizing all policy and issuing standard department "hats" based on fifteen years of org experience now being correlated.

Saint Hill is a working organization from top to bottom, having now the same functions and activities as every other 1st echelon organization in the world. There are no posts at Saint Hill which are not facing and handling the same problems here as in any other org anywhere. So advice and data are real and the exact problems are known and understood.

The new org pattern applies easily to orgs very large or very small without change. It adapts easily to the small city office or an org with a thousand staff members.

Copies of org boards will be freely circulated by a new system of large photographic duplication now being installed at Saint Hill.

The Comm-Member System is the result of experience already tested. It is also taken from natural laws I have discovered at Level VII and which are being applied directly to Scientology organizations over the world to bring about rapid expansion. This expansion is being designed to take place at a faster doubling rate than before.

The organizations of Scientology now considered first echelon orgs (lust below Saint Hill) are London, Washington, Los Angeles, New York, Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, New Zealand, Johannesburg, Durban and Capetown. All other orgs should attach themselves to their Continental org and employ the Comm-Member System with its staff as senior comm-members to it as it is to Saint Hill.

Continental lines, org seniorities and other lines are preserved. A first echelon org need not forward through its Continental Org unless required to do so on application by Continental Orgs to Saint Hill on specific orgs or departments for temporary periods.

Purely Pioneer areas now being handled by Saint Hill such as the Pacific North-west, Canada, Japan, Russia and Asia remain under Saint Hill control and where embryonic-Pioneer orgs exist may use the Comm-Member System with Saint Hill as it may apply to their staffs or committees.

Franchise holders are not affected and continue as usual direct to the Saint Hill Franchise Secretary and may not use the Comm-Member System which is reserved exclusively to orgs or city offices.

All existing lines inside orgs or existing org seniorities in the first echelon continue and must not be severed or dropped because of the new arrangement. It will be found all lines now in still work exactly as before and the Comm-Member System merely opens new channels in addition to existing seniorities and lines and the new pattern only makes orderly and complete an org pattern which came almost fully into existence last summer. Hold existing lines in when they have worked for you. You will find they still answer up even under the new pattern.

The specific benefit to the public of the Comm-Member System is the improved service ability of their local orgs which can now obtain fast case advices or get training queries answered from Saint Hill experts in very little time and who in their turn can place any difficult problem before me in a matter of minutes.