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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Attacks on Scientology - P660225 | Сравнить
- Communications Functions (DIV1.DEP2.COM) - P660225 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Функции Отдела Коммуникации (КРО-1) (ц) - И660225-1 | Сравнить
- Функции Связи (ц) - И660225-1 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 660225 - HCO Policy Letter - Attacks on Scientology [PL010-069]
- 660225 - HCO Policy Letter - Attacks on Scientology [PL010-070]
- 660225 - HCO Policy Letter - Communications Functions [PL010-068]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo Exec Sec Hats HCO Sec Hat Dir Comm Hat Comm Dept Hats HCO Div 1 Dept 2
Dept of Comm


(Reorganizes this Department)

The purpose of the Director of Communications is:


From this purpose it will be seen at once that the order of importance of communication flows is:

1. From the public to the org. This is done by making it as easy as possible for a member of the public to comm to the org and the right terminal in an org. The chart published in the Auditor is a direct and correct effort to do this. Return addresses, getting our address known, all is part of the Dir Comm's responsibility. Self addressed cards – any system to make it easy and fast for the public to Comm to the org is the direct and first responsibility of the Dept of Comm and there is a Section for it. Don't expect the public just to somehow Comm to the org. Make it so easy that they will. Even to dreaming up what they should write in about if Dissem Div won't function despite nagging. Although this seems to duplicate the Dissem Div it doesn't as its purpose is to make it easy for the public to Comm and get our address known. It includes all mail receipt and logging functions before it hands mail over to Sec 4. It includes methods of receipt of those comms. This is a section. Public Origination Section.

2. From the org to the public. Dir Comm must see to it that letters and mail pieces flow outward from the org by seeing to it first that the mail gets signed and sent quickly, that magazines are prepared for with addressed envelopes, that address plates exist for every member of the public in comm with us, that any type of person or geographical section can be run off BANG by address and seeing to it that letters don't pile up unanswered but forcing them to be answered quickly. This is a Section in the Dept of Comm, the Outflow Comm Section.

3. The establishment of Internal org communication systems includes our Comm Centres, our Comm stations. Dir Comm sees that every staff member has a basket in a Comm Centre and a personal Comm station near his area of work no matter who the staff member is – that includes the janitor! This is a Section in the Dept of Comm, the Comm System Establishments Section. It works out the system, puts up the baskets, establishes other needful systems.

4. The Supervision of Internal Comm consists of distributing mail and despatches, picking up mail and despatches and speeding mail and despatches throughout the org. This may look like a clerical function and in a large part it is. But it is more important than that. I can foretell every slumped part of the org just by watching their in-baskets and pending baskets. The velocity of flow of mail and despatches inside an org establishes the state of statistics. Where Comm is slow, statistics will be down. Where it is fast it will be up. Where it doesn't move at all, a danger condition will result. This section does not have the rank to order comm to be moved but it sure has the power of report and where Comm doesn't move, this section had better start yelling to high brass. Even a small terrier barking long enough will get attention. It may be rough attention but remember that an LRH Communicator is called a Communicator and where despatches and mail don't move, and people in authority won't act even when told and told, an LRH Communicator will be very interested and must despatch WW. The wealth and value of the org to Mankind depends on SPEED of flow of its despatch particles. Where they hang up you either have an overworked personnel or a non-working personnel. The overworked one can be told by a daily full out-basket. The lazy one can be told by an empty out-basket or one that has only Dev-T in it. The name of this section is the Internal Comm Flow Section.

5. The handling of despatches between orgs is the Intra Org Comm Section. This has the Telex, the packets of preaddressed envelopes to other orgs, etc.

The most important section is of course the first one. This has Mail Receipt and logging, is tied up with Invoice and has the problem of getting the mail into the org fast with no loss of money on the lines and no loss of mail into the org. The two rough problems are those – how to safeguard incoming money and get it invoiced accurately and how to make sure the mail received gets into the org to the places it belongs.

The second section is a big one, containing address and all its equipment and the HCO outgoing mail unit and all the magazine mailing, the Franking machine, outgoing log, etc. Its big problem is GETTING THE MAIL ANSWERED THROUGHOUT THE ORG! This means it has to keep close liaison with all letter answering posts, Dir Pers and Dept 2 Sec 4.

The third section is a small one and often gets overlooked. It sets up Comm Centres and stations and labels baskets and fixes it so there is a basket in a Comm Centre and a Comm station 3 basket stack for every staff member. Its main problem is that caused by changing personnel and posts. It solves this by making its system parallel the Org Board, changing as the Org Board changes (and hounding Dept 1 when the Org Board gets behind). The third section also handles phones, intercomms, setting up Telexes, electronic aids, Public Address systems and even the HGC's auditor-supervisor listening devices. Any electronic aid comes under this for setting up and maintaining.

The fourth and fifth sections are well described as above.

At first glance the whole gross divisional statistic for HCO rests on Dept 2. But this is not entirely true. It takes personnel and routing and it takes Ethics to back all this up. And it takes an HCO Area Sec to pound home the simple truth that if we Comm we live and if we don't we perish.

HCO you see, is the management division of orgs really. Exec Secretaries have the overall control and the brass. But it's HCO that kicks orgs along and always has. And the mainspring of it all is the Dept of Comm of HCO.

I could run a whole org into affluence just by holding one hat – Dir Comm. Sometimes I wonder if that isn't the main hat I wear. So I need help on it. Lots of it. Give me a hand with it.