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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Copies of Org Board (DIV1.DEP1.ORGB) - P600517 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 600517 - Board Policy Letter - Copies of Org Board [BPL01-071]
- 600517 - HCO Policy Letter - Copies of Org Board [PL003-030]
CONTENTS COPIES OF ORG BOARD Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Assoc Secs HCO Secs


It is essential not only that the Org Board in each Organization should be kept up to date, but also that copies of the Org Board should be sent at regular intervals to HCO WW. The necessity for this became apparent recently when it was discovered that in a certain Central Org, the staff had been allowed to become top heavy in Admin, to the extent of several times the allowed proportion - instead of only two admin personnel for every technical one, there were six or seven. This was not so apparent just by looking at staff lists, but it would have been glaringly obvious if Ron had looked at the Org Board.

Making a copy of the Org Board is not a long job when done in the following manner. Take a large sheet of white or brown paper. Type the posts and names only, not the purposes or other details - type them in blocks, on thin white paper, and cut them out with scissors, a whole block at a time. Then draw the lines of the Org Board roughly on the large piece of paper, and attach the blocks of posts and names in the proper places with gum or paste. Finally, draw the lines in firmly in red and blue pencil. It need not be a "perfect" job, excruciatingly neat, so long as it is quite clear and accurate. Put the date and the name of the Org on it, and send it air mail to HCO WW.

These copies of the Org Board must be sent every three months to HCO WW, on January 1st, April 1st, July 1st and October 1st of each year. If this is done regularly, it is not necessary to keep sending in changes of posts unless there are really major changes.

It is the responsibility of the HCO Area Sec to see to it that these copies of the Org Board are made and sent in regularly, though he/she may delegate the actual work, to another HCO personnel if available (HCO Steno for example). Please co-operate in this as it is considered very important.

Note to HCO Secs: Add two more lines to your 'HCO 1' reports as follows:

P. Was a copy of the Org Board sent to HCO WW this week? …………..

Q. If not, when will the next copy of the Org Board be sent? .......…….

Send in your first Org Board copy now, as soon as possible after receipt of this Policy Letter, then the next one on October 1st, and so on (if you send one now, it need not be sent again on July 1st).

Peter Hemery
HCO Secretary WW