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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Course Supervisors - P720307-2 | Сравнить
- Establishment Officer (ESTO-1R) - P720307 (2) | Сравнить
- Establishment Officer (ESTO-1R) - P720307 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Администратор по Построению (ЭСТО-1) (ц) - И720307-1R72 | Сравнить
- Супервайзеры Курсов (КРО-4) (ц) - И720307-2 | Сравнить
- Супервайзеры Курсов (ц) - И720307-2 | Сравнить
- Супервайзеры Курсов - И720307-2 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 720307 - HCO Policy Letter - Establishment Officer, The [PL023-066]
- 720307 - HCO Policy Letter - Establishment Officer, The [PL024-018]
- 720307 - HCO Policy Letter - Establishment Officer, The [PL039-053]
- 720307 - HCO Policy Letter - Establishment Officer, The [PL044-016]
- 720307 - HCO Policy Letter - Establishment Officer, The [PL074-009]
- 720307 - HCO Policy Letter - Establishment Officer, The [PL074-010]
- 720307 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Course Supervisors [PL023-067]
- 720307 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Course Supervisors [PL039-052]
- 720307 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Course Supervisors [PL044-017]
CONTENTS COURSE SUPERVISORS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
Remimeo Tech Secs TEOs Ds of T Supervisors Students Franchise


It has come to attention that not all supervisors in course work directly with their students.

In a very poor org a super is not in the course room at all. Sometimes one just „looks in“ occasionally. Sometimes one is there but doing admin or reading but not working with the stu­dents.

A course supervisor is properly IN the classroom, working WITH the students.

To give you an idea of his absolute minimum duties.

He musters his students and gets them started usually by quota of points for the period.

He then works with his students alert for any wandering attention. He gets method 3 done on any not F/Ning while studying. He does method 4 with a meter on any real grogginess.

He works with the students personally throughout the period.

He does not give them data. He refers them to bulletins or P/Ls.

He does NOT specialize in just one student hour after hour and forget the rest. He handles them all one at a time.

He doesn’t bother an F/Ning speeding student.

He never gabs idly. He is all business. He is getting DATA relayed so it is understood and will be used.

He knows his word clearing tech and study tapes COLD.

He knows What is a Course P/L and has it IN.

He makes sure clay demos are big, that demo kits are in full correct use.


The attitude of a good supervisor is STRONG INTEREST in STUDENT PROGRESS.

He is INTERESTED in how his students are doing. He is INTERESTED IN THEM IN­DIVIDUALLY, AS STUDENTS.

When they finish will they look back on their course and say „Bless that supervisor“!


If a student does not complete or if he is an overt product, it is the super we look at.

If a student is completed swiftly and is a fine product who knows and can apply his data, it is the supervisor we are proud of.

Students who aren’t making quota or whose stats are down are looked into by the supervi­sor. A real WHY for that student is found and corrected (usually misunderstood words).

A good super does not offload his course onto ethics or cramming and leave it offloaded and the student lost somewhere in the org. He may send to ethics or cramming but any instant that student is not actually being handled by the E/O or cramming officer, the SUPER MAKES SURE HE IS RIGHT THERE ON THAT COURSE STUDYING.

He detects coming blows and handles fast (usually a misunderstood word).

Course super is a WORKING POST.

Course super is a PRODUCTION POST.

Student admin handles admin.

A course super who reads on post has gone into a student valence and is no longer a super.

In universities and other „schools“ teachers more or less leave students in a self-study state. Students in such places are not TAUGHT.

Well, let’s not be back in the 19th Century. Our tech is 21st Century. And it includes teaching via HCOBs, Policy Letters and tapes. And I mean TEACHING.

If the students are getting it so they can use it, that’s the super’s work.

He gets students COMPLETED and when completed THEY CAN DO THE JOB THEY TRAINED FOR.

Good supervisors are really jewels.

TECH Estos, please take note.
