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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Dianetic Registration (DIV1.PTS) - P690612 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Дианетическая Регистрация - И690612 | Сравнить
- Регистрация на Дианетические Услуги (КРО-2,4) (ц) - И690612 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 690612 - HCO Policy Letter - Dianetic Registration [PL014-090]
CONTENTS DIANETIC REGISTRATION Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


(Revises HCO Policy Letter of April 6, 1969 Issue II
Mainly in reference to Paragraphs two, seven and ten)

A sign should be prominently displayed in all orgs servicing the general public as follows:

“If you have come here to be cured of a physical illness, SEE THE REGISTRAR and so inform her so that she can arrange for a competent medical examination and treatment and for Dianetic auditing while under the care of a doctor. When you are physically well, you can begin Scientology training and processing on your road to total freedom.”

And another sign,

“This organization will not recommend or condone political mental treatment such as electric shocks or brain operations or convulsive drugs and condemns utterly this Fascist approach to ‘mental health’ by extermination of the insane. Because we will not agree to brutality and murder under the guise of mental healing or to the easy and lawless seizure of persons in the name of ‘mental health’ for political reasons, we are fought ceaselessly by those who seek domination of this country through ‘mental treatment’. You are safe so long as we live.”

The registrar is to sign the person up as he or she would any preclear.

The org must make a liaison with a medical clinic which has diagnostic equipment and obtain a flat rate charge.

Legally and ethically it is all right to send a person to a doctor for a physical examination, but it will cause an ARC break with the doctor to specify what he is to do in that examination.

It is best to say merely: “Would you please do a complete medical examination to include any acute or chronic illness and any effects from past injury or illness.”

It should be made clear to the medical doctor who pays his fee. “Your fee for this examination and for any special investigation will be paid by the bearer.”

It should end by saying, “Would you please give a note of your findings to the bearer.”

Note that it would be unethical for the medical doctor to treat any curable disease found unless the person examined specifically asked him to treat it, otherwise he would refer the person to his own doctor.

A doctor cannot be asked to supervise a person while he is having auditing because he cannot professionally be asked to join in a non-medical attempt to cure some illness, for if he did he would be subject to discipline, charged with “covering”, and if found guilty, struck off the Medical Register.

The org should make their position very clear to the clinic-that they are trying to co-operate with the medical profession and that Scientology is a religion. However, after or in the absence of medical treatment if none is needed, the persons sent will be given Dianetic auditing after such medical examination and treatment, if given, or under medical. A clean cut difference should be made between Dianetics as an assist done under a physician’s care or after his treatment and Dianetics as a religious function of pastoral counselling or Scientology as a religious practice.

If contempt or hostility is met, write a letter of complaint to the medical association and try another doctor or clinic. In such a letter of complaint make it very plain that you are not engaged in physical healing, that you have always tried to co-operate with medicine and that your only quarrel is with psychiatric casualties and their perversion of the medical profession.

If the clinic shows clear cut evidence of the need of an operation, the D of Processing should give the preclear the verdict. If the preclear will not have it, arrange a meeting between the preclear and the doctor and discuss it.

It is possible to engage in Dianetic processing even when a medical verdict is for an operation, but if the preclear will not have it, then undertake Dianetic processing only under the doctor’s care and with his consent, and insist upon the preclear being re-examined during processing.

The cost of the examination and any operation is in addition to processing fees and any such charges are paid directly to the clinic by the preclear, the org not taking responsibility for the costs of these.

After any medical treatment, the entire treatment is run as an engram or chain as the first action. Lingering symptoms are also run down to their basics as per Dianetic Auditing Assists given in the Dianetic Course.

Policy is not to engage on auditing sick pcs without medical advice or treatment as required.

Insane pcs are handled in this same fashion as they are mainly physically ill, need rest and no harassment. Insane pcs are a lot of trouble unless one has an institution to hand, but institutions cannot be trusted. Until an org has some means or connection by which the insane preclear will not be brutalized, shocked or operated on with brain “operations”, it is better to refuse them.

By insane pc is meant one who is subject to highly irrational and destructive behavior. If not, they are regarded as physically ill.

The senile and mentally retarded are also handled as per physically ill pcs as above.

Waivers in all cases are required.

A new clause, “Will not hold the organization or its principles responsible for medical costs or errors” must be included in signing persons up for Dianetics.

Complete files of all such should be kept in Division 6 to show in case of need

(a) that the org does not engage in physical healing and

(b) success stories with full records, X-rays, etc for Dianetics.

Where this policy letter is fully in force, earlier policies on healing and the insane are cancelled.

This change of policy is due to (1) our wish to cease to individuate from the other social groups of the society and (2) our refusal to leave the field of mental healing in the hands of public enemies.

This is also part of our campaign to Revitalize Western Society. “A well society is a sane society.”
