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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Exec Esto Hatting Duties (ESTO-4) - P720310 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Обязанности Главного ЭСТО-по Ошляпливанию (ЭСТО-4) (ц) - И720310 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 720310 - HCO Policy Letter - Exec EstO Hatting Duties [PL023-073]
- 720310 - HCO Policy Letter - Exec EstO Hatting Duties [PL039-048]
- 720310 - HCO Policy Letter - Exec EstO Hatting Duties [PL044-021]
- 720310 - HCO Policy Letter - Exec EstO Hatting Duties [PL074-012]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo Establishment Officer Series 4


An Esto I/C or Exec Esto has as his primary duty the hatting and handling of ESTOs.

It will be found that an Esto tends to get pulled into operating the division when (a) he is too new at it and (b) he fails to establish.

Such hatting actions usually require a repeat checkout or harder assertion of the P/Ls relating to HCO such as “musical chairs,” “don’t unmock a working installation.” Such P/Ls cover the host of errors that HCOs and HASes have made.

Usually the Esto In-Training just doesn’t know the material or even believes it’s all “old” because it came before the Esto system. The prime cause of alter-is is just not knowing or understanding the material.

The system of (1) instruct, (2) cram, (3) retread, applies to Estos In-Training.


Like in auditing the situation may look so desperate that unusual remedies are thought to be needed.

The skill of an Esto in rapidly finding a WHY (as in investigation tech and the Data Series) and quickly handling is what makes a real Esto.

Dreaming up new solutions not in policy usually comes from not really investigating and finding a WHY.

Finding WHYs is like seeing real gold for the first time. Until a person really finds a REAL Why that promptly unravels the whole knot he is like the tourist in the gold field who can be sold any yellow glitter as being gold. But when he sees real GOLD for the first time he never after can be fooled.

Usually first WHYs an Esto I/T finds about a post or a class or a line are usually so shallow and so narrow that they are just dev-t. They would resolve nothing.

The Exec Esto will have to keep an Esto I/T at it, looking again, looking again, looking again.

An Esto I/T will first think of removals. Then he will think of doing musical chairs. Then he will think of having only the BEST people. He’s going along the old worn ruts of human prejudice and impatience. He is not really looking for a WHY there in front of him but at his or another’s dreams.

An Esto I/T usually buys whatever WHY the person on the post gives him. He mistakenly believes “but he has more experience with the scene” and “I am so green on this scene that. ...”


This comes from “the problem a pc thinks he has isn’t the problem he has. If it were it would as-is and he wouldn’t have it.”

WHYs are obtained by observing the obvious (obnosis) closely enough to find the biggest OUTPOINT that explains all the nearby outpoints (always a lack of production or low production per high man-hours).

WHYs are traced back from the PRODUCT, its absence or lack of volume or quality.

So an Esto I/T has to be sent in again and again and again until he finds THE Why. And then the post unsnarls rapidly.

Example: TR Course product horrible, slow and upsetting the inflow of new people. Esto I/T was ordered to hat the TR Supervisor. After much blowoff, apathy, TR Super in tears, the Esto I/T said HE would take over the course. Wrong answer. It couldn’t be more wrong. Esto I/T bypassed, an experienced Esto investigated students, Super and area and within about 3 hours found it. The Super was so unhatted that What Is a Course? P/L was wholly out. The TR students had no packs of their own, could not read those and weren’t being supervised either and just struggled on with the unhatted Super falsely reporting how great the students were doing (while they didn’t finish and wanted to blow).

Now what did this Esto I/T do wrong?

He didn’t work out the product: successfully completed exultant students.

He didn’t then start hatting the Super with just standard HCOBs about TRs and supervising.

He didn’t check the course as a COURSE against What Is a Course? P/L to know what was missing on it.

Had he just done his job as an Esto he would have found the WHY.

The course, of course, resolved at once and got the product.


A person training to be an Esto himself can be very guilty of dev-t to his senior Esto.

By bringing a problem to a senior without having resolved it, HE CAN GET HIS SENIOR UPSET, ALARMED, DESPERATE AND PULLED INTO THE DIVISION!

These solutions of “transfer this one or that,” “Comm Ev this one or that,” “this situation is so ghastly that” (and there follows some wild solution that sounds like “stand the pc on his head”) are simply abandonment of standard actions.

As the observation is bad, the Why is not found. Then the situation looks unusual. So unusual remedies are urged.

And a senior can be dragged right in!


Anyone handling Estos In-Training has to use the standard action of

1. Get the packs of that post! (or area or div) he’s trying to handle or proposes the unusual solution for.

2. Look over the policy materials! (May include discard of “former occupant hat

write-ups” and looking into P/L or FO or files for the real materials about it. May include Word Clearing 4 or a clay demo or a WHY as to why the Esto can’t dig them.)

3. Work out the product of that post! (or course or section or dept or div or even the org). (May require getting the word PRODUCT understood or Wd Clearing Method 4 on the Esto I/T, or even the “Management Power Rundown” or cram on products or any other standard action such as even finding WHY he can’t dig products.) (And it may require “detective” work on the materials of the post to find out what is continually talked ABOUT so one can figure out from that what the product would have to be.)

4. Be sure it is the major EXCHANGE product of that post! (or dept or div or area). (May require reviewing the Esto I/T on EXCHANGE, its P/Ls and the Esto tapes.)

5. Check it with the Product Officer! (the head of the dept or div or org). (And don’t be startled if he has a cognition on it or if he violently disagrees with it while having his own product wildly nonexchangeable! which opens up a whole new situation! Or he may simply suggest a revision of the wording. BUT THIS POINT HAS TO BE CLEARED or the Estos will find themselves going east while the Product Officers go west!)

6. Go to your area! (This may include making the Esto I/T do TR 0 on the area or running him on bodily reaching and withdrawing from it and other drills or even a 3rd party investigation.)

7. Observe the scene! (which may mean having to wait until it has traffic or action in progress). (It may mean a microphone plant as on an auditor or a tape of an interview with a voice start-stop operated recorder to catch the traffic, but it generally means just looking and comparing what one sees to the key P/L about it or an ideal scene as would have to be in order for a product to occur in it.)

8. Find the WHY! (And that means investigation tech and the Data Series. It can be formally written up or just there it is!)

9. Get it accepted! (which can mean argument or H, E and R or violence or blows off post if it isn’t the right WHY or the person is just plain SP). (The right Why brings in GIs almost always. It’s usually as obvious as a bass drum in the middle of the floor once seen.)

10. Have (him, her or them) GET IT IN! (which can mean a project written per Data Series 23 & 24 or it can be just “do it”).

11. Straighten up the (spaces, lines, materiel, personnel) indicated by the WHY.

12. Hat the person (personnel) to get production! (Could mean begin to hat, wholly hat, could mean train further, could mean find the WHY that stops him or them from being hatted, but it means get better hatting DONE.)

13. Review to find if production increased! (Means look it over again to be sure it was the right Why found as a Why must lead to a nearer approach to ideal scene. Usually means INCREASED STATS for the area.)

14. Train the Esto I/T better.


The protection of an Esto I/C or Exec Esto is his own insistence along the lines of the above.

The moment he comes off of holding this line of hatting his Estos and keeping them at it, the less successful he will be.

If he doesn’t do this, the next thing he knows he will be in total exasperation with the org and will be pulled right into it himself.


We’ve been through all this before training auditors in ’55 — ’58 — Ds of P and I.

They often had unusual solutions. They also would say they had “already done that” so we had a trick — “ What did you do?” And we’d hear some other thing than what was ordered.

We know all about that.

And today when we apprentice them in orgs, boy they really come out as real auditors!

So we know all about getting standard actions really done.

And there IS a thing called standard tech.

And there is a thing called STANDARD ADMIN.

Above is the 1 to 14 of making a real Esto and thereby a real org. This is really 3rd dynamic auditing for production.


The EXEC ESTO or his deputy must okay every major action any Esto means to take to be sure it is ON-POLICY, ON-LINES.


The one thing an Esto I/C or Exec Esto ALWAYS DOES is hold the form and lines of the org.


An Esto I/C or Exec Esto should have a 1-14 checklist with a blank at the top for the Esto’s name and date and time.

When a solution is brought in he enters the Esto’s name and date and a note of it.

Then he or his deputy keeps tabs on it by checking off the dones.

Such an action as 1-14 takes little time, actually. Twenty-four hours is an AGE.

He will find that some of his Esto I/Ts can’t complete them rapidly, a rare one can’t complete at all. This needs a Why itself. And maybe a retread or, that failing, a replacement.

A policy and HCOB library like the Qual library is a necessity. You can’t hold the form of an org with no record of the form.


Faith in the system comes first, then faith in the Esto I/Ts and then faith in the org will prevent a lot of shooting.

But a few right WHYs then show that it usually isn’t evil. It’s just outpoints. AND THAT THESE CAN BE HANDLED. The real gold of REAL WHYS.

This restores one’s faith. Rapidly.


And on his desk, facing outward, the Exec Esto should have a sign:



An Esto is busy hatting staff, handling lines. He is being hit with weird solutions. Product Officers talk to them about how it should really be established (while not themselves producing or getting anything produced).

Someone has to hold the Esto stable as an Esto.

That’s the senior Esto of the org.

He hats Estos while they establish. He demands establishment.

And he gets it if he hats, hats, hats Estos and keeps them establishing. He IS the real holder and expander of the form of the org. Via his Estos.
