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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Field Mailing Lists (DIV1.BASIC DIF) - P700128 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 700128 - HCO Policy Letter - Field Mailing Lists [PL015-018]
- 700128 - HCO Policy Letter - Field Mailing Lists [PL015-019]
- 700128 - HCO Policy Letter - Field Mailing Lists [PL069-008]
CONTENTS FIELD MAILING LISTS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo Public Divisions Franchise


(Cancels HCO PL 29 July 1969 Field Mailing Lists
and amends HCO PL 14 Feb 1967 Book Buyers)

HCO Policy Letter 29 July 1969 is cancelled. Though theoretically feasible it was found unworkable, for Franchises to send two duplisticker sets to the Org for the Area and Auditor Magazine each month.

Franchise Holders are required to send their nearest Org a list of names of those who have bought something from the Franchise and thereafter monthly additions and address changes. The category of this list is a "Temporary Mailing List" per HCO P/L 17 May 1969 (until it becomes a full Dn + Scn Mailing List).

The Org puts these in addresso, making up plates and keeping them separate from the rest of the addresso. The names are not included in C/F until they have bought something from the Org. To this list goes the Area and Auditor Magazine and any major public events, i.e. Congresses. No attempt may be made to steal customers away from the Franchise in promotion. Out gradient promotion must be avoided.

It is the duty of the Org's PES to turn these lists into New Names to C/F and to enforce the action.

It is a warning that ARC breaks in the past have occurred due to Orgs backlogging addresses or not having a proper tabbing system, thus out gradient and/or misrouted promotion occurs. The solution to this is keeping the names absolutely separate, insisting the Franchises send in changes and additions regularly once a month and that the lists and names concerned are properly marked for category when sent to the Org.


HCO Policy Letter 14 Feb AD17 Book Buyers is amended in that Org FSMs who have sold a book send in the Book Buyer's name and address with details to the Dir of Clearing for inclusion into C/F but the book buyer names of Franchise holders are not handled by this procedure as such are handled per the above section on Franchise lists. The book buyer names that are sent in by Org FSMs are automatically added to the Org's C/F and are counted as new names. This qualifies it as an important action for a Dir of Clearing to get in with his FSMs.

The above policy will ensure good body inflow into Orgs from Franchises in the field and preserves the book buyer names collected by the Org's FSMs. It is a new name builder and strengthens the comm lines of an Org into the field.

Lt. Cmdr. Diana Hubbard