The following material is based on Board Directives and past policies and is a correct handling for those giving away free service.
Giving away free service deprives the org of its income and the staff of its pay and welfare.
Services can be given away in many ways.
The Director of Training and his supervisors accept students on course without seeing the invoice of proper payment and train partial paids and unpaids without even noticing – or for other reasons.
The Director of Processing and Director of Tech Services and auditors keep no track of the number of hours pcs have paid for and neglect to return the pc to the Registrar for re-sign and further payment for continuing.
No matter what the reason for these actions or inactions on a post, they deprive each and every staff member of income, pay and welfare.
Therefore, any staff member giving away free service is:
1. Covertly robbing his fellow staff members of their pay, and
2. In a condition of Treason to his org.
In addition, any staff member giving away services is liable for the amount of financial loss to the org. If found guilty of such a charge before a duly convened Committee of Evidence, the individual is to repay the org the amount lost. Any sums so recovered shall be placed in the salary sum of that org.
All staff services must also be properly invoiced.
Debit invoices for staff services should read:
This debit invoice must be accompanied by a legal promissory note signed for the full amount of the service. (See HCO PL 20 June 1972 Registrars and Notes).
Failure to have staff properly invoiced onto services can potentially incur large financial losses to the org. Any Auditor or Course Supervisor delivering a service to a staff member without having a “Staff Debit” invoice to hand and a signed promissory note is liable to receive the same condition assignment given in point 2 above.
This Policy Letter is not to be used to forbid the free training of FSMs in the org.
FSMs are by definition staff members and therefore are entitled to any hatting or training as FSMs on a no-charge invoice.
Trained FSMs only serve to increase an org’s income.
A proper invoice required before delivery of any service is your ticket to higher income and greater staff pay.
So help yourselves out by getting this in.