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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Goals Goofs - P610405 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 610405 - HCO Policy Letter - SOP Goals Goofs [B001-023]
- 610405 - HCO Policy Letter - SOP Goals Goofs [PL004-051]
CONTENTS GOALS GOOFS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
CenOCon D of P_______________ HCO Area Sec___________ Give letter to HCO Continental and send bracelet to pc.


Having examined the reports of several HGCs I must assume the following:

  1. That the many situations arising in Admin and staff in some HGCs stem directly from an unconscious avoidance of clearing or of running SOP Goals.
  2. That getting SOP Goals run properly is my one and only goal for HGCs at this time.
  3. That I have no interest in reasons why it is not being run properly.
  4. That all organization and staff problems will resolve with the attainment of successful clearing of staffs.
  5. That problems blow into view as this is being attempted and should get no more attention from me than a pc’s protests would in a session.
  6. That we can and will win out in getting SOP Goals properly applied.
  7. That sooner or later staff auditors will realize it is a simple procedure with many steps and apply it bravely.
  8. That auditors will suddenly realize it does work and clear and is to be used.
  9. That staff auditors will read and follow the bulletins and policy letters on SOP Goals.
  10. That my job is to insist that it be run, whether people on staff are trained or not trained.
  11. That all difficulty stems from lack of successful technical application and that technical, fully repaired, solves all Admin problems.
  12. That we can and will get SOP Goals in proper use, not only through existing staff but new staff as they arrive.
  13. That neither you nor I can Q and A with reasons it is not being run. I am very, very earnest about these matters.

Typical goofs: Terminal started at Pre-Hav level run for a while with good TA motion. Motion of TA vanishes (as it should). Auditor non-plussed. Promptly starts Attention process and does 20 hours of it, where he should have reassessed same terminal for new level.

Auditor finds goal dips only one division. Decides it isn’t enough (which it is), runs off and runs Change process.

D of P does assessment in 45 minutes (D of P shouldn’t, and also it takes me 2 hours for a goals assessment), gives it to auditor. Auditor runs with no Model Session or rudiments for 100 hours with pc going mad from PTPs. Never changes level. Never checks rudiments. Nobody ever re-checks for level. E-Meter ignored.

Auditor has goal, terminal, level, command, all set to roll, and D of P says, “Needle seems a little sticky, run the Attention process.” SOP Goals promptly abandoned in favour of wasting 4 days of auditing.

Goofs like this are just a dramatization of wasting auditing.

It’s in the bulletins. There’s no reason to goof. It’s just a question of doing it!

As soon as somebody, anybody on staff gets clear or near clear on SOP Goals, this situation will change. The more that get clear or near clear, the more effective the Org will be, the better SOP Goals will run.

My policy then is clearly to get SOP Goals run in every HGC on every pc, staff and outside, not waiting “until staff are trained” or “when we get a new Admin”, or “as soon as staff auditors can read an E-Meter”.

My brand-new idea on SOP Goals is “Do It”. Only familiarity will beget confidence.