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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Good Indicators at Lower Levels - P640729 | Сравнить

CONTENTS GOOD INDICATORS AT LOWER LEVELS Lower Level Good Indicators. Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo Franchise Sthil SCIENTOLOGY I to IV


The following list of good indicators was compiled from my lecture tapes by John Galusha. An additional three are added at the end.

Lower Level Good Indicators.

1. Pc cheerful or getting more cheerful.

2. Pc cogniting.

3. Fundamental rightnesses of pcs asserting themselves.

4. Pc giving things to auditor briefly and accurately.

5. Pc finding things rapidly.

6. Meter reading properly.

7. What’s being done giving proper meter response.

8. What’s being found giving proper meter response.

9. Pc running rapidly and flattening by TA or cognitions.

10. Pc giving auditor information easily.

11. Needle cleanly swinging about.

12. Pc running easily and if pc encounters somatics they are discharging.

13. Tone Arm goes down when pc hits a cognition.

14. Further TA blowdown as pc continues to talk about something.

15. Expected meter behaviour and nothing unexpected in meter behaviour.

16. Pc gets warm and stays warm in auditing or gets hot and unheats while in auditing.

17. Pc has occasional somatics of brief duration.

18. Tone Arm operating in the range 2.25 to 3.5.

19. Good TA action on spotting things.

20. Meter reading well on what pc and auditor think is wrong.

21. Pc not much troubled with PTPs and they are easily handled when they occur.

22. Pc stays certain of the auditing solution.

23. Pc happy and satisfied with auditor regardless of what auditor is doing.

24. Pc not protesting auditor’s actions.

25. Pc looking better by reason of auditing.

26. Pc feeling more energetic.

27. Pc without pains, aches or illnesses developing during auditing. Does not mean pc shouldn’t have somatics. Means pc shouldn’t get sick.

28. Pc wanting more auditing.

29. Pc confident and getting more confident.

30. Pc’s Itsa free but only covers subject.

31. Auditor easily seeing how it was or is on pc’s case by reason of pc’s explanations.

32. Pc’s ability to Itsa and confront improving.

33. Pc’s bank getting straightened out.

34. Pc comfortable in the auditing environment.

35. Pc appearing for auditing on his own volition.

36. Pc on time for session and willing and ready to be audited but without anxiety about it.

37. Pc’s trouble in life progressively lessening.

38. Pc’s attention becoming freer and more under pc’s control.

39. Pc getting more interested in data and technology of Scientology.

40. Pc’s havingness in life and livingness improving.

41. Pc’s environment becoming more easily handled.