Any department which has been warned of heavy traffic coming is to take steps to see that the department is adequately supplied with the materials necessary tohandle the coming traffic.
A covert block on the line to stop or slow down a line over which an important flow is going, is the no-supply-block. Then everyone has to stop because there are no supplies, emergencies develop trying to get new supplies in, the flow on the line jams — it is all Dev-T.
Example: Promotion Department has a big program which will involve a lot of mimeoing, and warns mimeo of coming traffic. Mimeo continues to order supplies in normal traffic quantities. The delay in delivery is greater than the supply mimeo has to hand (the heavy flow is already on the lines). Mimeo runs out of stencils. WHAM!Emergency and the flow jams. Work time is lost, and the whole program goes off its time schedule.
This same principle applies to additional personnel — i.e. warning of heavy traffic coming — additional personnel needed.
It's just a case of having a little foresight.
Lots of students or PCs coming up in a Division must also be a subject of warning.
Policy: WARN Org Sec of heavy increases or decreases in traffic volume so his division can BE READY.