HCO's first action is Communication. Everyone should know message placement.
Cables and Telex: Original is never put on comm lines. Only copies go on the comm lines.
Take the message out of the telex, date stamp each copy. Put original in Telex basket. Hand deliver at once all copies to interested parties.
Place cable or telex in the exact centre of the recipient's desk blotter. Do notplace in IN basket. Do not mix with other papers.
Recipient of a cable copy (if by telex) may destroy it or route it to other interested persons.
If there is only a cable from the company, not a telex, as it has none but original copies, it must be held and filed.
Cable answers are always delivered to Communicator by hand and have priority. They do not go on routine comm lines.
Despatches marked rush are handled by special handling. They go on centre ofdesk like cables and telexes.
Routine despatches go on comm lines.
Letters go on comm lines.