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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Change in Report Line (DIV1.DEP3.OIC) - P621211 | Сравнить
- OIC Reports to HCO WW (DIV1.DEP3.OIC) - P621211 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 621211 - HCO Policy Letter - Change in Report Line [PL005-136]
- 621211 - HCO Policy Letter - OIC Reports to HCO WW [PL005-135]
CONTENTS OIC REPORTS TO HCO WW Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


As of now, on receipt of this policy letter, I want the following procedure instituted as a regular procedure from every Org throughout the world in which there is an established HCO.

The despatch of these reports to me henceforth comes under the hat of the HCO Secretary in charge of each HCO.

These reports are to be sent to me direct from each HCO. They do not get routed via HCO Continental. The latter may require similar information but the reports I require must be sent direct to me.

There is no change in the present system of OIC graphs and reports as outlined originally in HCO Policy Letter of August 11, 1960, and the OIC Board should be maintained as usual in each Org.

The establishment of the below-mentioned reports line now permits, however, the cancellation of a number of other reports, details of which will be given in a separate policy letter.

There will be two sets of OIC Reports required now, namely:

1. Brief OIC data (the details of which are given below) are to be sent by LT cable (distant Orgs) or by Telex (London and Orgs near Saint Hill) to reach me by Tuesday morning for the immediate previous week's operations.

2. The usual complete OIC Reports, including the Tuesday afternoon Adcomm Report, are to be neatly packed in an envelope marked "OIC Reports referring to Adcomm Meeting of ........ (date of Adcomm Meeting) at ........ (HASI)." This envelope is to be addressed to me, and despatched by Airmail not later than Thursday of each week.

The HASI week operates from Thursday 2.00 p.m. to the next Thursday 2.00 p.m. This is mandatory for all Orgs without exception, from here on.

The brief OIC data required to be cabled will be:

(a) P.E. average attendance for the week.

(b) Co-audit average attendance for the week.

(c) Academy

(d) HGC total number of Public pcs.

(e) Corrected Gross Income to the nearest dollar, pound or rend, etc. Provisional Gross Income figures not required. This will mean that the old policy of closing all the books each week at 2.00 p.m. each Thursday must now be properly adhered to. The Corrected Gross Income figure cabled in this report is to be the same figure as that in the AC 1, line J.

(f) Letters Out. Total number of personal signed letters despatched. This number is not to include mailing pieces, leaflets, nor circulars.

(g) Registrar Interviews. Total number of personal interviews by Immediate Registrar.

(h) Sign-ups. Total number of people signed up as a result of Registrar Interviews.

In despatching the OIC data by LT cable or telex, this is the form it should take, and in this order:


(The figures 40/175/5/80/8/40/2542/2149/52/20 are sent all in one block or group.)

Always put EASTGRINSTEAD as one word joined together. This counts for one word, but when separate thus: EAST GRINSTEAD costs 2 words.

45CT is the Org prefix and serial number of message.

RON means the cable is to come to me.

OIC DATA W/E ........ AS FOLLOWS, always use this wording. This indicates to the cable authorities that we are not using a code. If they think we are using a code, the cable gets charged at full rate and not LT.

40/175/5/80/8/40/2542/2149/52/20 means PE was 40, Co-audit 175, Academy new students 5, Academy total number of students attending this week 80, Academy students graduated this week 8, HGC public pcs 40, Corrected Gross Income was 2542, Letters Out 2149, Registrar Interviews 52, Sign-ups 20.

The minimum number of words for an LT cable is 22 words. The number of words chargeable in the above cable is 20. This works this way:

LT = SIENTOLOGY EASTGRINSTEAD = counts for 3 words.

45CT RON OIC DATA W/E 6TH AS FOLLOWS ........ BEST = BILL counts for 10 words.

40/175/5/80/8/40/2542/2149/52/20 counts for five characters per word and this would be charged as 7 words.

As you can see, it is essential to maintain the order in which the figures are given above. Always maintain the full series unless permission is given by me for certain categories to be omitted. However, nothing is gained by omitting any category as the minimum cable charge for any number of words up to 22 for LT is the same.

Use a hyphen or 0 to indicate zero, thus-/175/-/80 ........

The information on the best possible cable layout, as above, has been submitted to us by the Cable and Wireless Company, London.

With this cable data, I will be able to follow very much more closely your progress.

Also, for some time now, I have been wanting an efficient flash system at HCO WW which would give an advance alert of any emergency that may arise.

This system will help me to catch any ball long before it is dropped. Had we had the above procedure, for instance, operating before, the Joburg debacle would have been nipped in the bud long before it came anywhere near to being an emergency. As it is, Joburg has recently cost us well over £20,000 loss which can now be obviated at a cost of about £1 a week in cable costs. So, please institute this procedure straight away.

L. RON HUBBARD Prepared by Peter Hemery
and Robin Hancocks