Before any person may give another a starrate checkout on a policy, bulletin or tape or any materials, he must himself have studied the material. This will make it possible to consult the understanding and ability to apply the material of the person being checked out.
It is optimum if the person giving the checkout has been starrated on the materials.
This in no way alters High Crime policy, OK to Audit Chits, OK to Supervise Chits, or any rules of study or training. Supervisors and Auditors still get checked out in Qual. In this case for instance, it would be usual for the Qual Sec to start the chain off by reading the material of the new policy or HCOB and starrating the Cramming Officer and Auditors. Hatting Officers and Staff Training Officers are expected to have studied the material before they can starrate others.
The unvarying rule is: The minimum requirement for giving a starrate checkout is having studied the material on which one is checking out another.
This policy should make checkouts faster and more effective.