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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Orders of the Day (0.COM) - P690930 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 690930 - HCO Policy Letter - Orders of the Day [PL014-131]
CONTENTS ORDERS OF THE DAY Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


Orders of the Day are hereby established in all orgs.

The purpose of the OOD (Orders Of the Day) is to keep staff informed of Executive intention, Org expansion and progress, Org condition and Ethics.

A poorly informed staff does not work well as a group towards common targets and goals.

The form of the OODs is black on white mimeo (or type-written and displayed on staff notice board in small orgs) and has the following general layout:

1. A heading giving the date, org, org condition and other pertinent information such as number on staff etc.

2. The first item is always a short extract or quote from LRH of a general interest nature.

3. The next section is any orders, targets, or items by Execs arranged in order of Exec seniority.

4. Any ethics notices.

5. Notices, orders, items of interest, targets, target completions, general org news and wins.

6. The OOD may not be used to advertise housing, cars for sale etc.

Outside of these general lines there are no other specifications for OODs.

The LRH Comm as I/A approves all OOD items before they are published.

The intention of this Pol Ltr is to see that staff are kept well informed on the orgprogress and command intention.

The biggest error that can be made with OODs is to fail to inform and only order. OODs are not EDs and do not replace them.

Proposed by Rodger Wright - LRH Comm WW
JimKeely - QualSecWW
RosVosper - HCO Area Sec WW Ad Council WW
Anne Tampion - HCO Exec Sec WW
Allan Ferguson - Org Exec Sec WW
Tom Morgan - Public Exec Sec WW
Leif Windle - Policy Review Section WW
Jane Kember - The Guardian WW for
L. Ron Hubbard