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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Org Exec Course Introduction - P690908 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Введение Курса Руководителя Организации (КРО) - И690908 | Сравнить
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- Введение в Курс Руководителя Организации (КРО) - И690908 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 690908 - HCO Policy Letter - Org Exec Course Introduction, The [PL014-124]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo Item 1 OEC Chksht


This course contains the basic laws of organization.

Primarily intended for Scientology Organization Executives, its policy letters are slanted toward a Scientology Org (short for organization). However, it covers any organization and contains fundamentals vital to any successful or profitable activity.

This course also applies to the individual. Any individual has his 7 (or 9) Divisions and his 21 (or 27) Departments. Where one or more of these is missing in his conduct of life he will be to that degree an unsuccessful individual.

No matter how organized any company, society or political entity will be as unsuccessful as it has these functions missing.

Thus this is not just the Scientology idea of how an org should run - most of it is vital basic discovery.

Man did not really know the principles of organization any more than he knew what made his mind work before Dianetics was published.

A very small amount of the material on this course has crept into general use, just as a very few of the principles of Dianetics and Scientology are now an „Everybody knows---“. Survival is now conceded as the basic principle of existence. Universities now know Man can change IQ and Personality. As time goes on more and more of the technology „leaks“ into general knowledge. But it takes a long time for all Mankind to know a whole tech in this fashion.

To date the Scientology discoveries in organization are known to a very few. But some of the more general principles are already creeping into business practice.

Not long ago, for instance, a close friend of the president of the U.S. Was given the Policy Letter about „Don’t reward a down statistic“. A few days later the president used it in his new relief programme policy.

Of course there are hundreds of other „Pol Ltrs“ that haven’t been shown to the friend of the president. It takes years for new ideas to „leak“ into public consciousness. It took five years for the medical professors in universities to begin to teach that aberration could come from the „birth engram“. In 18 years, only a handful of medical doctors accepted that mental image pictures caused aberration. In 19 years only a few medical doctors could also audit.

Therefore, if one were fully conversant with the full subject and all its principles he would appear to be a magician, a miracle worker.

If anyone knew the Org Exec Course fully and could practise it, he could completely reverse any downtrending company or country. Indeed, here and there at this writing men have done so.

It could be argued or pleaded that this huge body of data should be made into texts capable of general application by businesses and countries. The one effort to republish these policies in other terms so badly altered the material that it became a hopeless bog even though attempted by a very successful business man. He himself was applying the originals direct to his company and it soaringly became rich. Then he decided to rewrite it all, greatly altered and edited, for his employees and his business went on a toboggan slide. His correct action would have been to send his employees to take the same course he took - this very Org Exec Course. And let them adapt what they now knew to fit their own posts and activities. Instead, he cut them off from source and what he wrote for them was only as much as he had gotten out of the course from his own viewpoint.

At least there are Scientology Orgs around which are successful living models of these policies and org form.

The only real trouble these orgs ever have is not a failure to apply policy but a failure of the whole staff to know policy.

Wherever a portion of a Scientology org is in confusion you will find that the staff members in that portion have not done the Org Exec Course. They may know a few policies. But outside that anyone can come along and say „this is the policy“ or „what you’re doing is against policy“ and being ignorant of policy they develop the idea of some vast unknown area and go downhill.

The name Org Exec Course is probably a misnomer. Certainly the executives of the org should know it well. But the staff member who doesn’t know it is at effect. If he knew his OEC data he would be able to defend himself and get his own „show on the road“ in his portion of the org.


When you know them all, not just a few, it makes a whole intelligent*intelligible picture.

It is rather exciting to be able to cut through the superstition of yesterday’s organizations and deal in basic down-to-earth fundamentals.

When you understand all the policies on this course, you will understand organization itself, no matter to what you apply it. You will also be able to recognize mis-organization when you see it.

And I assure you that in a mis-organized society the individual loses out. Even dictatorships come about only because the citizen doesn’t know basic organization. Thus authoritarian rule exists only to the degree that its subjects are ignorant of the fundamentals of organization.

Those fundamentals, even if specialized to fit a Scientology organization, exist in this, the Org Exec Course.
