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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Organization and Survival (ORG-46, EXEC-23) - P800911-2 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Орг и Выживание - И800911-2 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 800911 Issue 1 - HCO Policy Letter - Magic Formula, The [PL038-079]
- 800911 Issue 1 - HCO Policy Letter - Magic Formula, The [PL049-031]
- 800911 Issue 1 - HCO Policy Letter - Magic Formula, The [PL056-021]
- 800911 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Organization and Survival [PL038-078]
- 800911 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Organization and Survival [PL049-032]
- 800911 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Organization and Survival [PL056-022]
CONTENTS ORGANIZATION AND SURVIVAL Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
(Originally LRH OODs item of 10 Nov 1971.)
Remimeo Org Series 46
Exec Series 23


Well organized activities survive. The survival of individuals in those organizations depends on the highly organized condition of the activity.

A small group, extremely well organized, has excellent chances of survival.

Even a large group, badly organized, hasn’t a prayer.

The essence of organization is org boarding, posting with reality and, in keeping with the duties being performed, training and hatting.

To this has to be added the actual performance of the duties so that the activity is productive.

The outward signs of a badly organized group are slovenliness and fumbles.

Another ingredient that goes hand in hand with organization and survival is toughness. The ability to stand up to and confront and handle whatever comes the way of the organization depends utterly on the ability of the individuals of the organization to stand up to, confront and handle what comes the individual’s way. The composite whole of this ability makes a tough organization.

An individual who is not properly posted, isn’t performing the duties of the post, is not trained or hatted, is soft. He has no position to hold, therefore he goes down at the first fan of a feather.

Confidence in one’s teammates is another factor in organization survival. Confidence in one’s self is something that has to be earned. It is respect. This is a compound of demonstrated competence, being on post and being dependable.

After an individual has failed, confidence in him on the part of his teammates sinks. He has lost face and is not respected. This, then, shows itself up in numerous ways. It is up to that individual to earn back confidence so that his teammates will again trust him. The way to do this is to get properly org boarded, trained, hatted and to confront and handle, with competence, whatever that post is supposed to control.

The ultimate in no confidence by a group in a team member is no post at all. Reports from those who have no post or from those who are between posts stress the horrors of having no post.

Our survival depends fully on becoming entirely and completely organized. This will happen to the degree that every separate unit, department and division in an org is properly org boarded, properly performing the duties of the post, is trained and fully hatted.

Compiled and issued by Sherry Anderson Compilations Missionaire
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