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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- PR Personality Addition (canceled) (PERS-11, PR-4) - P720411 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Дополнительная Информация о Правильном Улаживании Состояния Опасности (ЭСТО-51) (ц) - И720411 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 720411 - HCO Policy Letter - PR Personality, The [PL024-016]
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PR Series 4 Addition

[Note: Some mimeo issues of this Policy Letter were issued with an error in the fourth line, which read (c) Confront Working instead of the correct (c) Working. HCO Policy Letter of 11 April 1972, Personnel Series 11 Addition, PR Series 4 Addition, ordered the replacement of any faulty copy found, either loose or bound in packs, correction of stencils with the incorrect text before any copies were run off from it, and immediate correction of any translation made from the incorrect copy. It also ordered that, where a student had used an incorrect copy in his study, a correct copy be sent to him at once, with a request by the current course’s Supervisor that he check out on it star-rated, and enclosing a copy of HCO PL 11 April 1972. The copy as it appears above is correct.]

[Note: HCO PL 11 Apr. 1972, Personnel Series 11 Addition, PR Series 4 Addition, THE PR PERSONALITY has been canceled. This issue, not written by L. Ron Hubbard, corrected a typographical error in HCO PL 9 Oct. 1970, Personnel Series 11, PR Series 4, THE PR PERSONALITY. Since this correction has now been made, this additional issue is no longer necessary and has been canceled by Scientology Policy Directive 8, CANCELLATION OF PERSONNEL SERIES 11 ADDITION, PR SERIES 4 ADDITION — THE PR PERSONALITY, dated 27 Apr. 1982.]