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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Communications - Registered Mail (DIV1.DEP2.MAIL-TEL, 0.COM) - P650526-2 | Сравнить
- Correction to P650526 Communications - Registered Mail (DIV1.DEP2.MAIL-TEL, 0.COM) - P650611 | Сравнить
- Courts of Ethics (DIV1.DEP3.JUST-SYS, ETHICS) - P650526 | Сравнить
- Petitions (DIV1.DEP3.ETHICS) - P650526 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Коммуникация, Заказная Корреспонденция (ц) - И650526-2 | Сравнить
- Коммуникация. Заказная Корреспонденция (КРО-1) (ц) - И650526-2 | Сравнить
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SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 650526 - HCO Policy Letter - Petitions [PL008-123]
- 650526 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Communications - Registered Mail [PL008-124]
- 650526 Issue 3 - HCO Policy Letter - Courts of Ethics [PL008-125]
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo ETHICS


(Add to HCO Pol Ltr 29 April 1965)

No person under sentence or awaiting a Committee of Evidence may validly petition the Office of LRH.

A petition may only be submitted before or after the full course of Scientology Ethics has been taken.

As all Ethics actions such as a Committee of Evidence are reviewed, in effect a line already exists due to the Ethics action and the facts will be on it.

Therefore a communication from a person under legal sentence from Ethics Officers or a person named in a Comm Ev may not petition. Ethics actions must be permitted to take their course.

A protest from Ethics actions worded as a petition routinely causes further investigation as the “petitioner” is actually only protesting Ethics actions and is handled as such.


[Note: The wording of the first sentence, fourth paragraph of the above Policy Letter, has been amended from the original mimeo issue which read: “Therefore a communication from a person under legal sentence from Ethics Officers or a person named in a Comm Ev may not petition.” ]